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Milne, Mrs, matron, Magdalene Asylum, 1
Gorgie road
Milne, Mrs, lodgings, 2 Biiccleuch place
Milne, Elizabeth, bootmaker, 3 Glanville place
Milne, Misses, Mercbiston villa, Merchiston
Milne, Misses, private establishment for the
board and education of young ladies, 26 Pal-
merston place
Milne, ]\Iiss Annie, 10 Marchmont street
Milne, Miss C, 1 Nelson street
Milne, Miss, confectioner, 56 So. Clerk street ;
house, 54
MUne, Miss, 4 Hillside street
Milner, Elizabeth, City hotel, 14 Cockburn st.
George Watei'ston & Sons, wholesale agents,
56 Hanover street
Milroy, Alex. M., agent, B. L. Co. Bank,
Grassmarket ; house, 18 Moston terrace
Milroy, Hugh, S.S.C, Crown Office, Parliament
Milroy, John, 57 Inverleith row
Milroy, T., 5 Salisbury street
Milton, A. M'Vey (G.P.O.), 4 Clerk street
Milton Charles, saddler, 77 Rose street
Milton, William, clothier, 13 St John street
Milton, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 13 Bruntsfield place
Minato, Giacinto, restaurateur, 1 Commercial
street ; house, 19
Ministers' Daughters' College, Kilgrastoii road ;
Miss Matthew, lady principal ; Archibald
Langwill, C.A., 88 George street, treasurer
Ministers' Widows' Fund Office, 6 North St
David street ; J. T. Maclagan, collector
MINOLA, N., professor of Italian and Spanish
languages, 3 Castle ter. ^See Adv. index
Minto, James, artist's colourman and picture-
frame maker, 71 Hanover street ; house,
Swanston, Lothianburn
Minto, John, 186 Morrison street
Minto, John, steam tug owner, 32 Sandport st.
Minto, Robert, 4 M'Leod street
Minto, Thomas (G.P.O.), 5 Maxwell st. Dairy
Minto, Mrs, widows' cap maker, 37 Castle street
Minty, James, 1 Bell place
Minty, James, stationer, 2a Lauriston street
Mireylees, Edward, jewel, dressing-case, packing-
box, and picture-frame maker, 19a Hadding-
ton place
Mirk, James, spirit dealer, 56 Kirkgate ; house,
14 Henderson street
Mirylees, James S. {White, Moir, <k Co.), 37
E. Claremont street
Mirylees, W. , 5 Prospect place
Mirylees, Mrs, 70 Thirlestane road
Misa, Manuel, Xerez-de-la Frontera ;■ John Kidd
& Co., 8 Quality street, agents ; Telephone,
Missouri Land Co. of Scotland Limited, 49
Queen street ; A. J. Paterson, C.A., secy.
Missouri Land and Live Stock Coy. Limited,
16 Castle st. ; Eraser, Stodart, & Ballingall,
Mitchelhill, James, baker, 75 Clerk street
Mitchelhill, Thomas, 15 S. Clerk street
Mitchell & Baxter, W.S., 11 South Charlotte st. ;
Telegraph 'Mitchell;' Telephone, 359
Mitchell Lines Brothers Limited, The, 130
George street ; Finlay Dun, lion, manager
Mitchell & Welsh, antique furniture dealers, 6
and 8 Lady Lawson street
Mitchell, C. & William, civil engineers and
architects, 122 George street
Mitchell, E. & E., china merchants, 2 and S
Portland place
Mitchell, Harry, & Co., designers and zinco-
graphers, 88 George street ; Telephone, 345
Mitchell, John, & Co., timber merchants, saw-
ing and moulding mills, 230 Leith walk •
Telegraph, 'Mitchell;' Tele])hone, 458
Mitchell, John, & Son, builders, Heriothill
Mitchell, John, & Son, joiners, glaziers, and
undertakers, 63 Abbeyhill
Mitchell, P., & Sons, lessees of Oxwilliams Lime-
works, Dunbar ; Esperston Lime - works,
Gorebridge ; Leavenseat Lime-works, Fauld-
house ; and West Bank Brick and Tile works.
Portobello ; 34 St Andrew sc[uare
Mitchell, Sydney, & Wilson, architects, 13-
Young street
Mitchell, William, & Co., Glengyle distiileiy,
Campbelton ; agent, Archd. Macinillan, 4 W.
Nile street, Glasgow
Mitchell, William B., & Co., photographers,.
115 Rose street ; house, 9 Stafford street
Mitchell, A., umbrella maker, 39 Chambers st.
Mitchell, Adam, dairy, 23 Carnegie street
Mitchell, Alexander, boxmaker, 1 44 Leith walk -
house, 126 '
Mitchell, Alex., compositor, 14 Hillside street
Mitchell, Alex., butcher, 13 East Richmond st. ;
house, 5 Salisbury street
Mitchell, Alexander, builder, 45 Dundee terrace-
Mitchell, Alexander, 24 Duncan street
Mitchell, Alex., wine and spirit nier., 122 Hio-b
street ; house, 32 St Patrick square
Mitchell, Alex. {Covi. Bank), 14 Eildon street
Mitchell, Alexander, solicitor, 5 York place
Mitchell, Alex., baker and confectioner, 21
Montrose terrace ; house, 19
Mitchell, Alex., W.S., 14 Carlton street
Mitchell, Alexander (/. M. c£- Co.), 17 Hope-
Mitchell, Andrew, joiner, 6 Pitt street
Mitchell, Andrew, advocate, 9 Doune terrace
Mitchell, Sir Arthur, K.C.B., M.D., LL.D.^
commissioner in lunacy, 51 Queen street^
house, 34 Drummond place
Mitchell, A. M., grocer and India warehouse-
man, 4 S. Charlotte street; house, 6 E. Savile-
Mitchell, C, grocer, 36 S. Back Canongate
Mitchell, Charles, church officer, 9 Stafford
Mitchell, Clias. , painter, glazier, glass merchant,
and plate-glass insurance agency, 22 Dock
street ; house, 35 Madeira street
Mitchell, C, 40 Marchmont crescent
Mitchell, David, plumber and gasfitter, 118
Causewayside and Fountainhall road ; house,
26 Upper Gray street
Mitchell, David, valuator and estate agent, &
Comely bank
Mitchell, David, commercial traveller, 20
Dudley avenue
Mitchell, David L., 33 Montague street
Mitchell, D. B., ironmonger and cutler, 91
Dairy road

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