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Dennell, Mrs Jane, ladies' nurse, 7 Bnccleucli pi.
Denness, William, pilot, 24 Couper street
Dennis, Wm. S. , com. traveller, 40 Minto street
Dennison, Alex. , teacher, 1 Panmure place
Dennison, Thomas, 12 Balmoral place
Dennison, William, 2 Tarvit street
Denniston, A. , 6 Belgrave place
Denny, Thomas, 2 Salisbury square
Densou, Eichard (church officer, St Paul's Epis-
copal Church), 44 Heriot roAV
Denton, William {H.M. Gen. Board of Lunacy),
7 Woodburn terrace
Denton, Miss M. A., ladies' school, 23 Royal cres.
Derryman, William, 13 Caledonian crescent
Designs and Trade-Marks Registry, W. R. M.
Thomson & Co., 96 Buchanan st., Glasgow ;
represented by Rhind, lindsay, & Wallace,
W.S., 12 St Andrew square
Designs and Trade-Marks Registry Office, J. H.
Johnson, Day, & Johnson, 48 Manor place,
and 115 St Vincent street, Glasgow
Deuchar, D. , manager and actuary, Caled. Insur.
Co., 19 George st. ; ho. Harlaw, 12 Hope ter.
Deuchar, J., 13 Thornville terrace
Deuchar, Miss, 22 Morningside place
Deuchar, Miss E. R., 5 Lonsdale terrace
Deuchar, Miss, 2 Henderson row
Deu chars, Mrs, 15 Leopold place
Deverell, Henry George, M.D., 44 Carljde place,
Norton park
Deverley, Hugh, 2a Greenside place
Devine, James S., grocer and dairyman, 190
Devlin, James, grocer and wine merchant, 36
Morrison street ; house, 24 Cathcart place
Devlin, James {Butt & D.), 24 Cathcart place
Devlin, John, 2 Allan street, Leitli
Devlin, Thos., jun., fish salesman, Fishmarket ;
house, 60 Hawthorn vale
Devlin, Thomas, 149 Leith walk
Devlin, Thomas, fish salesman, 5 Anufield
Dewar, A. & A, C, architects, 34 Marchmont
Dewar & Co., wine & spirit merchants, 1 Kirkgate
Dewar, Eraser, & Co., merchants and commis-
sion agents, 18 Bernard street
Dewar, H. B. & F. J., W.S., 52A Frederick
street ; house, 37 Inverleith row
DcAvar, Misses, & Cassia, dressmakers, 63 Frede-
rick street
Dewar, Alexander, 31 W. Norton place
Dewar, Andrew, accountant, 22 St Andrew sq. ;
house, Lasswade
Dewar, David, 23 Brunton place
Dewar, Francis {Smith & D.), 25 Leamington ter.
Dewar, F. L., chemist, 39 Forrest road ; ho. 31
Dewar, Henry A. , mess, -at-arms, sheriff officer,
and house agent, 51 Hanover st. and 9 Leith
walk, Leith ; house, 14 Rosslyn crescent
Dewar, George, commercial traveller, 6 Lome st.
Dewar, Hugh, butcher, 9 West Richmond st. ;
house. Windmill house. Windmill lane
Dewar, James, 22 Queen st. ; ho. 1 Carlton st.
Dewar, James, 3 Gilmour street
DEWAR, JAMES F., naturalist, bird-stuffer,
and importer of foreign birds, 2 St Patrick
sq. ; ho. 11 Spottiswoode st. ^{iSee^cZ. index
Dewar, John, 5 Merchiston place
Dewar, John, 41 Bronghton street
Dewar, John N. , 41 Lauder road
DEWAR, JOHN F., naturalist, bird-stuffer,
and foreign bird importer, 48 Hanover street ;
pheasantry and poultry yard, Hamilton lodge,
Joppa. ijcSee Adv. index
Dewar, John, 2 Hermitage terrace
Dewar, John, 27 Brunswick street
Dewar, John, 2 Bonnington terrace
Dewar, John, 15 Woodburn terrace
Dewar, Peter, cab-hirer, Windsor street lane
Dewar, Robert, Cottage, 9a Trinity crescent
Dewar, Thomas, 10 George square
Dewar, Thomas, appraiser and house agent, 51
Hanover st. ; house, 2 Mon-ison place, Piershill
Dewar, William, die and stamj) cutter, 27 Elder
street ; house, 15 Crighton place
Dewar, William, 6 Cochrane place, Leith
Dewar, Mrs Alex., 32 Summerside street, Leith
Dewar, Mrs H., 11 Melbourne place
Dewar, Mrs R. , lodgings, 1 Marchmont road
Dewar, Mrs T., lodgings, 59 Broughton street
Dewar, Mrs, 34 Marchmont crescent
Dewar, Mrs, 10 Panmure place
Dewar, ]Mrs, 41 Lauder road
Dewar, Mrs, Warriston house, Inverleith row
Dewar, Mrs, 8 Moray street
Dewar, Mrs, 131 Warrender park road
Dewar, Mrs J., 2 Morison place, Jock's Lodge
Dewar, Miss, 44 Northumberland street
Dewar, Miss, toy and fancy warehouse, 19 South
College street
Dey, John, 8 Keir street
Diagnostic Society, University ; H. B. Con-
stable, secretary
Dialectic Society, Edinburgh University}
G. L. GuUand, secretary ; ho. 8 Leopold pi.
Diamond, J. , coal merchant and house factor,
21 Warrender park terrace
Diamond, Mrs, milliner, 65 South Clerk street
Dibdin, Mrs, teacher of singing, 6 S. Charlotte st.
Dick, A. H. & J. , furriers and skin merchants,
47 Frederick street
Dick, G. L., & Co., wholesale china and glass
merchants, 27 Montrose terrace
Dick, Alexander, baker and confectioner, 1 Cale-
donian terrace ; house, 2
Dick, Alexander, printer, 26 St James' square
Dick, Andrew, grocer and tea dealer, 7 and 7a
Cumberland street ; house, 9
Dick, A. {Redpath, Brown, <b Co. ), 3 St Peter's pi.
Dick, George, Williamfield, Newhaven road
Dick, George L., 9 lilontrose terrace
Dick, James, marine surveyor. Corn Exchange,
35 Constitution st. ; ho. 2 Bellevue terrace
Dick, J., 1 Moncreiff terrace
Dick, J. I., 21 West Maitland street
Dick, James, 35 Hope terrace
Dick, James, wholesale grocer and drysalter, 16
Laurie street ; house, 1 Gt. Wellington street
Dick, James, grocer and wine merchant, 66
Grassmarket ; house, 120 Lauriston place
Dick, James M., letter carrier, 15 St James' sq.
Dick, James, 4 Ivy terrace
Dick, James, china merchant, 9 Caledonian ter. ;
house, 8
Dick, James {G.P.O.), 14 South Elgin street
Dick, James, 8 Thistle place
Dick, James W., grocer, wine, and spirit mer-
chant, 10 Beaufort road ; ho, 4 Moncreiff ter.

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