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Philips, John, religious book and Bible deposi-
tary, 58 Kirkgate
Philips, Thomas H., church officer, 23 St Andrew
Philips, Wm. (Commercial Bank), 22Blacketpl.
Phillip, David, baker and confec, 27 Melville ter.
Phillip, William, baker, 1 Deanhaugh st. ; ho. 2
Phillips, Douglas, shoemaker, 24 Elder street
Phillips, Stephen, 18 Carlyle place
PHILLIPS, WILLIAM, house painter, 27
Frederick street ; house, 50 George street.
s£See Adv. p. 108
Phillips, Mrs, stationer, 47 Duke street, Leith
Phillips, Mrs, 3 Saunders street
Philomathic Debating Society, Edinburgh
University ; James Thomson, secretary
Philosophical Institution, 4 Queen street :
Henry Bowie, secy. ; W. Carfrae, librarian.
The newsroom open every lawful day from 8
A.M. till 10 p.m. The library open from 9.30
A.M. till 9.30 p.m.
Philp's Cockburn hotel, 1, 3, and 17 Cockbum st.
Philp, Andrew (Cockburn hotel), 1 Cockburn st. ;
house, 3 Seafield row
Philp, George, 9 Smnmerhall square
Philp, James, solicitor, 4 Bernard street ; house,
128 Ferry road
Philp, John, 346 Leith walk
Philp, John, 2 Argyle terrace
Philp, William T. , Merchiston lodge, Merchiston
Philp, Mrs, 2 Argyle place
Philp, Miss, 1 Glengyle terrace
Philpot, Jas., wine and spirit mercht., 10 Hunter
sq. and 2 Blair st. ; house, 2 Buccleuch place
Philpott, Mrs, hotel, Newhaven
Phimister, Alexander, joiner and cabinetmaker,
Gayfield. lodge, East London street
Phimister, Mrs, 1 Arniston place
Phin, C. & A., fishing-tackle manufacturers, 80b
Princes street ; house, 8 Dundas street
Phin, Rev. K. M., D.D., Convener of Home
Mission Committee (E.C.), 22 Queen street;
house, 13 Chalmers street
Phin, Miss, 2 Windsor street
Phin, Miss, 5 Dundas street
Phipps, Capt. C. E., D.A.A.G., 3 Lynedoch pi.
Phipps, T., Property and Income Tax Office, 14
Waterloo place ; house, Allerly, Russell place
Phipps, Mrs, Somerset cottage, Park road
John M'Culloch, 11 Duke street; W. S.
Muir, 3 West Newington ; Rhenius & Lawrie,
4a St Andrew square ; Alex. B. Armitage, 3 N.
St David street ; William Muir, 7 Wellington
place, Leith. ^See Adv. p. 30
Photographic, Edinburgh, Society ; E. R. Yer-
bury, 3 Hanover street, honorary secretary
Phrenological, Edinburgh, Association ; James
Gowans, secretary
Phrenological Museum, Chambers street
PICKEN, WM., watch and clock maker, 9 Mel-
bourne place ; house, 3 Spittal st. J^See Adv.
p. 125
Pike, Mrs, 23 Bread street
Pilkington & Bell, architects, 2 Hill street
Pilkington, Frederick T. , architect : chambers,
2 Hill street ; house, 17 Carlton terrace
PiLlans, H. & J., printers, 12 Thistle street;
house, 17 Seton place
Pillans, Hugh Scott (City of Glasgow Bank), 12
Dryden place
Pillans, John F., Sunnyside, Craigmillar park
Pillans, John, baker and confectioner, 67 South
Clerk street, 61 Cockburn street, and 25
Grcenside street ; house, 3 Bernard terrace
Pillans, Robert S., comedian, 6 East London st.
Pillans, Wm. R., 2 Lord Russell place
Pillans, Miss, 3 West Newington
Bernard street ; J. Clinic & Co.
Pillman, Mervyn, 3 Randolph place
Pilmor, Miss, milliner, 36 Hanover street
Pinkerton, Allan, senior, clerk of works, 21
Brougham place
Pinkerton, Thomas, 16 Yalleyfield street
Pinkerton, W. (Clark <k P.), 31 Gaylield square
Pinkerton, William, cabinetmaker, 4 Simpson's
court, Greenside ; house, 66 St Mary street
Pinkerton, Mrs, lodgings, 7 Grove street
Pinkerton, Miss, 22 Scotland street
Pinkerton, Misses, 8 Castle street
Pirie, James (Davidson, P. d: Co.), Bathfield
Pirie, James, 29 Buccleuch jdace
Pirie, Rev. John, 5 North Mansionhouse road
Pirie, Wm. A. (B. L. Co.'s Bank), IS Oxford st.
Pirret, John, grocer, 58 Clerk street ; house, 81
Pirret, Thos., agent, Victoria Assurance Society,
31 Princes street
Pirret, Thos. , stationer & newsagent ( post office),
11 Merchiston ter. ; ho. 4 Gillespie crescent
Pirrie, David, & Co., wrights and house agents,
116, 120, and 124 Duke street, Leith
Pirrie, John, spirit mer., 31 William st. ; ho. 22
Pirrie, Mrs, lodgings, 63 Frederick street
Pirrie, Mrs, 56 Great Junction street
Pitbladdo, J., clerk of works, 16 Grindlay street
Pitcairn, A. Y., W.S. (Torry & P.), 19 Forth st.
Pitcairn, W. F., 30 York place
Pitcairn, Mrs, 9 Northumberland street
Pitkeathly, Wm. , grocer & wine mer. , 8 Rose st.
Pitman, Capt. H. B. , Lufra house, Granton road
Pitman, Fred., W.S. & N.P. (J. &F. Anderson) :
chambers, 48 Castle street; house, 11 Great
Stuart street
Pitt, David, 7 Rintoul place
Pittendrich, Alex., bookbinder and stationer, 7
Milne square ; house, 6 Lewis terrace
Pittendrigh, Mrs George, 10 Duncan street
Plain, David, jun., officer, Dean Free Church,
Lynedoch cottage
Plank, Mrs John, grocer and spirit merchant, 29
Hurcles street
Hanover street ; William Edwards, agent and
accountant. ifcSee Adv. p. 38
Plate Glass National Insurance Co., 12 George iv.
Player, James B., grocer and spirit merchant, 11
Spring gardens, Abbey hill
Player, John, coach-hirer, 23 Dundas street, 2
Scotland street, and Tanfield ; ho. 39 Pitt st.
Playfair, Charles, 25 Rutland street
Playfair, J., M.B. k M.R.C.P.E., 25Rutlandst.
Playfair, Mrs G. W., 24 Lauder road
Playfair, Misses, 34 Heriot row
Plenderleith, Andrew, 37 North Junction street
Plenderleith, John, 13 Market place
Plenderleith, Mrs, 86 Gilmore place

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