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National Bank of Scotland, Argyle street Branch, 8
Union street ; James Clark, agent.
National Bible Society of Scotland ; secretary, Wm.
J. Slowan, 60 Virginia street.
National, the, Heritable Property Association
(Limited), J. & W. Graham, C.A., managers, 71
West Nile street.
National Freehold Building Society ; Robert Black,
manager and secretary, 51 Bridge street; honse,
12 Pollok street.
National Life Assurance Society of London ; John
Gray, juu., agent, 12 St. Vincent place.
National Marine Insurance Co. (of South Australia),
Brydon & Breen, agents, B. of S. Buildings, 18
George square.
National Provincial Plate Glass Insarance Co. ;
Henry Bruce, agent, 77 Renfield street.
National Provincial Plate Glass Insurance Co., 116
St. Vincent street ; A. Carrick Robertson, agent.
National Provincial Plate Glass Insurance Co. ;
Joseph Ewing, agent, 67 Miller street; house, 21
Regent Park square.
National Security Savings Bank, 99 Glassford st. ;
Branches, 107 Canning st., Calton; 2 Dam-
barton road, Anderston; 186 Cowcaddens st. ;
and 27 Bridge st., s s. : Wm. Meikle, actuary;
honse, Dowaohill gardens.
NAYLOR, Thomas, grocer, 41 Kyle street.
Necropolis, or Cemetery, Merchants Park, near
High Church.
NEESON, Andrew, spirit merchant, 40 King street,
city; house, 143 London street.
Neeson, Mrs. James, wine and spirit merchant, 133,
135 Saltmarket; house, Avon villa, Paisley road.
NEIL, Adam, blacksmith, 18 North Portland street;
house, 262 Cumberland street, south.
Neil, Clarkson, grocer and provision merchant, 103
George street; house, 50 North Albion street.
Neill, George, jeweller, 132 Argyle street and 4 Bu-
chanan street ; house, 2 Cecil street, Paisley rd.
Neil, James, baker, 38 Eglinton street.
Neil, James, watch glass maker, 30 High street.
Neil, John (at Messrs. James Templeton & Co.'s),
house, 4 Craignestock place.
Neil, John, corn factor, 6 Hope street ; house, Lix-
mount, Edinburgh.
Neil, John, biscuit baker, 22 North Albion street ;
house, Whitehill, Dennistoun, and Loch View ho.,
Neill, John T. (of J. & R. Neill, 32 Clyde place), ho.
91 Pollok street.
Neill, J. & R., ship store merchants, 32 Clyde place.
Neil, Robert, coach builder, Burnbank Carriage Fac-
tory, Great Western road; ho. 426 St. Vincent st.
Neill, Robert, commission merchant and agent, 153
Queen street; house, 13 Annette street. Crossbill.
Neil, Robert, stationer, 97 Main street, Bridgeton ;
house, 103 Main street, do.
Neill, Robert, juu. (of J. & R. Neill, 32 Clyde pi.),
house, Dixon avenue, Crossbill.
Neil, E. & J., & Co., seed and commission mer-
chants. Vinegar hill, Camlachie.
Neill, Samuel, tobacconist, 14 Norfolk street.
Neill, Thomas, teacher, Southern Academy, Elgin
street ; residence, Bellevue house, Cathcart.
Neil, William, wholesale grocer, 9 Shuttle street.
Neil, Mrs., spirit merch., 7 Cathcait pi., Sauchie. st.
Neil, Miss Agnes, teacher of music, 114 South Port-
land street.
NEILSON, Andrew, baker, 22 Canning street; ho.
9 Craignestock place.
Neilson, Andrew, watchmaker and jeweller, 154
Main street, Anderston ; house, 18 Dover St., do.
Neilson, Archibald, physician and surgeon, 80 Great
Hamilton street; house, 10 SomerviUe place.
Neilson, A. & G., cartwrights, 1 Bartholomew street ;
house, 58 Marquis street.
Neilson Brothers, engineers and machinists, Albert
Works, Hydepark street.
Neilson & Buchanan, wine and spirit merchants, 102
and 194 Cowcaddens.
Neilson & Co., engineers, Hydepark Locomotive
Works, Springburn.
Neilson & Co., asphalte manufacturers and tar dis-
tillers, 116 and 118 Bishop street, Port-Dundas.
Neilson, Daniel, & Co., drapers, 138 Garscuberoad :
house, 13 Turner street.
Nelson, Daniel M. (at R. Laidlaw & Sons), honse,
126 Renfield street.
Nelson, Gilbert, church officer. Park Church ; honse,
150 Woodlands road.
Neilson & Howie, sewing machine manufacturers,
City Factory, 77 Maxwell street.
Neilson, Hugh (of Wilsons & Co., ironmasters, 172
West George street), residence, Ruchill house.
Neilson, James, & Son, reedmakers, 107 High John
street ; house, 7 Canning place.
Neilson, James (of the Patent Heddle Co., 107 High
John street), house, 7 Canning place.
Neilson, James (of Neilson & Co., asphalte manufac.
and tar distillers), ho. 3 Sardinia pi., Hillhead.
Neilson, James, manager at Wellpark Brewery :
residence, Wellpark house and Biggar park.
Neilson, James (of James Neilson & Sons, quarrj--
master, 69 Whitevale St.), ho. 16 Whitevale st.
Neilson, James, & Sons, quarrymasters, Nitshill
Quarry, Hurlet, and Nellfield Quarry, Braidwood :
office, 69 Whitevale street.
Neilson, James, jun. (of James Neilson & Son, boiler-
makers), house, 641 Duke street.
Neilson, James, &; Son, hoilermakers, Alma Boiler
Works, 824 Gallowgate.
Neilson, James, tobacconist, 7 Easton ter., Paisley
road ; house, 14 Portman street, do.
Neilson, James, auctioneer and valuator, 104 West
Nile street.
Neilson, James (of James Neilson & Son, boiler-
makers), house, 49 Whitevale street.
Neilson, James, iron bedstead manufacturer, 29
Jamaica street ; house, 143 Dr3'gate.
Neilson, James, wine and spirit merchant, 131 West
Nile street and 21 Adelphi street; honse, 17
Buccleuch street.
Neilson, John, ironfounder (of J. & W. Neilson), ho.
7 Cecil place. Paisley road.
Neilson, John, wine and spirit merchant, 46 Mait-
land street ; house, 12 Buccleuch street.
Neilson, John (of Wilson & Co., ironmasters, 17'_'
West George st.), residence, Castlebank, Bothwell.
Nelson, John Ewrng (of Willis, Nelson, & Co.), ho.
3 Armadale street.
Neilson, John, jun. (at D. Davis & Son's, 12 Gordon
street), house, 256 Eglinton street.
Neilson, John, wine and spirit merchant, 133 and
135 Stockwell street; house, do.
Neilson, John H., superintendent of police. Western
Police buildings, Cranston street; house, 207
Chesham place, Kent road.

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