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John Stewart, dyer and cleaner ; head-office and
works, 10 Werayss place, - - - - 14
Jas. Bowman, photographer, 65 Jamaica street, 15
James Bain, advertising agent and contractor,
293 Argyle street, 16
James Becket, photographer, Queen's park, - 16
Kimball & Morton, sewing machine manufac-
turers; works, 21 Bishop street, Anderston, 16
L'Extincteur, Portable Self- Acting Fire-Engine.
James More & Co., 36 Howard street. —
Facing title page.
West of England Fire & Life Insurance Co., - 140
Lancashire Insurance Co., - - - - 141
Scottish Provident Institution, _ - - 142
United Kingdom Temperance and General Pro-
vident Institution, - - - - -143
North British and Mercantile Insurance Co., - 144
The City of Glasgow Life Assurance Co., - 145
Scottish Union Fire and Life Insurance Co., - 146
Norwich Equitable Fire Assurance Society, - 147
Provident Life Office, ----- 148
The Edinburgh Life Assurance Co., - - 149
Atlas Fire and Life Assurance Co., - - 150
The Liverpool & London & Globe Insurance Co., 151
The Standard Life Assurance Co., - - - 152
Life Association of Scotland, - - - 153
Caledonian Insurance Co., - - - - 154
Scottish Imperial Insurance Co., - - - 155
Commercial Union Assurance Co., - - 156
Insurance Company of Scotland, - - - 157
County Fire Office, - - - - - 158
The London and General Plate-Glass In-
surance Co., ------ 158
Scottish Fire Insurance Co. (Limited), - -169
English and Scottish Law Life Assurai.ce
Association, - - - - - -IGO
The Accident Insurance Co., - _ _ iqq
Reliance Mutual Life Assurance Society, - 161
Etna Insurance Co. (Limited), - - - 161
London aud Southwark Fire and Life Insurance
Corporation (Limited), - - - - 162
Provincial Insurance Co. - - - - 162
London and Lancashire Insurance Companies, - 163
The Arlizan Patent Office & Designs Registry,
W. R. M. Thomson & Co., 20 Buchanan st. 164
.7. B. Paul, draughtsman, 20 Buchanan st. - 164
Fire Engines — Shand, Mason, & Co. ; W.
Wardlaw Smith, sole agent for Scotland, 44
St. Vincent place, Glasgow, - - - 165
M. Parker & Co., merchants, commission and
insurance agents, 90 Mitchell street, - - 166
John Crura, wholesale stationer, 73 St. Vin-
cent street, - - - - - -167
John Fleming & Co., Calton Foundry, Glasgov.-, 168
C. & D. Gray, Adelphi Distillery, Glasgow —
the famed Loch Katrine Malt Whisky, - 169
Old Reminiscences of Glasgow and the West t'f
Scotland, by Peter Mackenzie ; John Tweed,
11 St. Enoch square, Glasgow, - - - 170
Glasgow and its Clubs, by John Strang, LL.D. ;
John Tweed, 11 St. Enoch square, Glasgow, 170
Scotichronicon. Monasticon for Scotland, Journal
and Appendix, by the Rev. J. F. S. Gordon,
D.D., of St, Andrews, Glasgow ; John Tweed,
11 St. Enoch square, - - - -170
The Characters of Glasgow; John Tweed, 11
St. Enoch square, - - - - - 170
Patents and Designs Office for Scotland ; J,
Henry Johnson, 166 Buchanan street,
Glasgow, - - - - - -171
Improved Hoisting Machine, Robt. Kenfiew.
88 John street, _ _ - - - 171
D. Minto, Coffee Roasting Works, M'Pherson st. 172
Daniel Wilson, slate and cement merchant, 124
Renfield street, and 101 Holm street, Glasgow,
and 8 Partick street, Greenock, - - 172
Forbes & M'Dougall, die stamp aud seal
engravers, Havelock buildings, 75 East
Howard street, ----- 173
West Calder Oil Co., 65 Great Clyde street, - 173
John Mangnall, manufacturer of spring
mattresses, ------ 174
William Bowser & Son, engineers and mill-
wrights, 487 St. Vincent street, - - 174
James Meighan, plumber and gasfitter, 9 West
Campbell street, - - - - - 174
Wm. Logan's dining and coffee rooms, 21, 23
Maxwell street, - _ - _ . 175
Reliance Letter Box, Patrick T. Hendry, 8
Dixon street, - - - ^ -175
Buchanan & Son, lapidaries, Moirison's court,
108 Argyle street, - - - - - 176
J. Schweppe & Co., aerated water, soda, (S.c,
85 Union street, - - _ - . l^g
Robert M'Donald, general wire worker, 29
Jamaica street, ----- 176
Edmund Hunt, 87 St. Vincent street ; offices for
British, Colonial, and Foreign Patents, - 177
William Ralston, Commercial road ; Sandfaulds
Engine & Machine Works, - - - 177
Hetherington & Co., file manufacturers, 12 Cal-
ton court, Bridge street, - - - - 178
City Tube Works, David Richmond, manufac-
turer, 62 and 66 Old vennel, - - - 178
Thomas Clark & Co., portmanteau & travelling-
bag manufacturers, 6 Candleriggs, - - 179
Edward Day, refiner and assayer, 375 Sum-
mer lane, Birmingham, . _ _ 179
Andrew Yuille, practical chemist, Glasgow, - 180
Adam Kirkpatrick & Co., jewel-casemakers, &c.
108 Argyle street, - - - - - 180
Richard Whytock & Co., cabinet manufacturers
to Her Majesty, 9, 11 George street, and
Rose court, Edinburgh, - - - - 181
William Hunter & Co. machinery merchants &
mill furnishers, 66 Wilson street, and 79 Gt.
Hamilton street, - - - - - 182
T. C. Barlow, firework artiste, 13 Pitt street, - 182
T. C. Barlow, firework artiste, 13 Pitt street, - 183
A. M'Corquodale, coal merchant, 42 St. Enoch
square, ------- 184
Charles Lowe, grocers' canisters, scales, and
mills, 86 Renfield street, - - - - 184
William W. Cameron, brush and basket manu-
facturer, 25 Stockwell place, - - - 185
Alexander Cousland, Glasgow Western Wire
Work, 5 Mitchell street, - - - - 1 89
Walter Newton, cabinetmaker, 76 Hospital st., 189
Robert Wooler, furniture and general commission
agent, Shettleston, - - - - - 189
D. Gerletti, firework artiste, 11 Miller street, - 189
James Calton, rocking-horse maker and wood
modeller, 16 Hospital street, - - - 189

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