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14 Etrathern, Alex., sheriff-sub.
15 Martini, Henry, merchant
16 Cuthbertson, Mrs. Allen
17 Russl'U, William
18 Law, George
19 Young, George, writer
20 Blackie, J.(ofBlackie&Son)
1 M'Murrich, John
Kilpatrick, Sam , spirit men
M'Coull, Thomas
Binnie, \Vm.
Reid, John
7 Wayman, Wm , upholsterer
Barr, James
Perguson, John
Murray, Mrs. James
M'Farlane, John
Balden, Robert
Cunninghame, Andrew
Strathearn, Mr.
9 Galloway, John, wright
11 MQuarrie & Smellie, plaster.
25 Reid, John
Wyiin, James "Wm.
Wright, Peter
Hutton, Robt., warehousem.
29 Pennycook, Charles
M'Arihur, William
Mitchell, Robert A., writer
Henrj', William
Mitchell, W. C.
33 M'Kissock, Mrs.
Kirkwood, John, clerk
Loudon, John
37 Philp, George, stair railer
Chadwick, M. James
18 M' Donald, James, sp. dealer
16 Copland, Moses, messenger
Hope, James, com. traveller
M'Donald, James
Tracy, Peter
Brown, Thomas
Smith, Peter, foreman joiner
Archibald, William, clerk
10 More, Colin, spirit merchant
Poole, Mrs.
Pollock, Alexander
Hyslop, James
8 Baillie, D.
C Brown, Miss, dressmaker
Smith, William
4; Inglis, James, writer
M'Laren, Mrs.
Blair, Mrs.
Dunn, Mrs.
M'Lean, Mrs.
Knox, James"'
Henderson, Robert, fruiterer
:35 Mitchell, Thomas, merchatit
83 M'Lean, William, accountant
18 Barclay, Thomas, designer
16 Reid, John, wine merchant
10 Bremner, Rev. R.
4 Gordon, Thomas
KING STREET, Off Trongate.
3 Leggate, John, prov. dealer
5 Riddell, W., & Co.,wire works
9 Knight, Mrs.
11 Lindsay, James, stationer
13 Kerr, "Wm., spirit merchant
17 Murray, W., yictualler
21 Raap, A., pork merchant
23 Rattray, Charles, toy mercht.
25 Morton, P., spirit merchant
27 M'Gill, John, boot manufac.
Hatters' House of Call
Sewell, Mrs.
Mitchell, James, painter
31 Hutton, William, grocer
33 Whytock, James
35 Morrison, R., spirit merchant
37 Johnston, John, victualler
39 Orr, J., spirit merchant
45 Young, R. D., grocer
Hume, M. C, & Son, provi-
sion merchants
Miller, James, & Co.
Donnelly, Mrs., lodgings
Sbaw, William, cooper
M'Kinlaj', William, smith
Houston, James, hatter
51 Campbell, Mrs. J., spir. mer.
55 Gascoyne, John, spirit mer.
59 Wilson, John, salt merchant
73 AiTios, W., flesher
75 Dickson, William
79 Warnock, John
81 Smith, John, spirit merchant
83 Mann, James, china mercht.
85 Carr, James, china merchant
89 Wotherspoon, John, fish mer.
93 Craig, J., china merchant
105 Counellj', Francis
111 Lemon, Robert, grocer
113 Jajiieson's Court
Scanlan, James, pawnbroker
King Street Pawn Office
O'Donnell, D., manager
115 Picken, Andrew
136 Somerville, J., grocer
134 Aitken, Jn., spirit merchant
128 Bryson, John, victualler
126 Conaghan, J., flesher
124 M'Dermott, P., flesher
120 Downie, Donald
118 Galbraith, Robert, tinsmith
114 Robb, Alexander, spirit deal.
108 White, Mrs., flesher
104 Roberts, J. B., provis. mer.
102 White, David, spirit mercht.
98 Great Western Cooking Co.
94 M'Leod, A, jun., leather mer.
88 M'Divilt, J., flesher
74 Harvey, John, spirit mercht.
72 Robertson, W., flesher
G8 Glencross, Robt., grocer
66 Thomson, A., victualler
64 West, Thomas, bootmaker
Raap, Andrew
Miller, James
Brown, James
Houston, James
62 Wilson, Alex., victualler
60 Ewing, William, baker
58 Govan, John, provision mer.
56 Johnston, John
54 Filshin, James, spirit mer.
50 Comrie, John, tea merchant
48 Dunlop, Robert
46 Ure, John, victualler
44 Mackenzie, John, grocer
40 Park, Wm., spirit merchant
36 M'Ewan, John, flesher
34 Anderson, Mrs., baker
32 Ramsaj', Mrs. "Wm., flesher
26 Malcolm, William, fishmonr.
16 Cunnion, P., flesher
12 Moffat, Mrs., provision mer.
4 Adam, R., flesher
19 Wilkie, E., victualler
21 M'Vey, John, oils & colours
33 Ferguson, Mrs. W., spir. deal.
39 Hamilton, Geo., general mer.
43 Armour, Mrs., spirit dealer
45 Doyle, James, broker
51 Gordon, Thomas, broker
67 Robertson, James, victualler
69 Hughes, Jas., spirit dealer
81 Waterston, Alex., victualler
87 Bain, Alexander, broker
89 Dalrymple, Muir, dyer
101 Earlie, Thomas
117 Robertson, Geo., spirit dealer
144 Boyle, N. & T., wood mers.
132 Thomson, John, victualler
130 Rodger, John, spirit dealer
116 Grieve, James, slater
106 Glen, Mrs. J., spirit dealer
102 Smeal, Robert, rope manufac.
92 Forbes, William, spirit dealer
88 Stevenson, W., spirit dealer
60 Shaw, Archd., spirit dealer
56 Gorman, Patrick, nailmaker
64 M'Manus, C, flesher
50 Montgomery, A., victualler
42 Scarff, John, grocer
20 Stevenson, Jas., spirit dealer
16 Hamilton, D., spirit dealer
2 M'Owat, Wm., victualler
KING STREET, Mile-end.
1 Halley, William, spirit mer.
Clark, John, jun., mills
KING STREET, Tradeston.
1 M'Neil. A. & J., dressmaker*
Sutherland, David
Meff, ]\Irs. William
3 Stockton, C, & Co., sadlers
5 Richardson, George, & Son
7 Dunn, James
25 M'Cubbin, Thomas, baker
27 Leitch, Mrs., bootmaker
29 Dreghorn, James, cooper
31 Reid, John, nail manufactr.
Pollok, J. & J., plasterers
35 M'Millan, T., smith
39 Gardner, Crawford, hairdres.
43 Kairn, A., china merchant

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