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■TOOTAL, Broadhurst, Lee, & Co., manufacturers
(Manchester), 73 Miller street.
TOPPING, John H., chaplain, Royal Infirmary ;
house, 107 Parson street.
Topping. Wm., spirit dealer, 256 Parliamentary rd.;
house, 167 Dobbie's loan.
Topping, Mrs. David, 111 Paisley road.
TORBET, James, broker, 5 Piccadilly street.
Torbet, James, jun., broker, 41 Stobcross street.
Torbet, John, portioner, 58 Cumberland street.
TORRANCE, David, Williamfield cot., Garngadhill.
Torrance, David W. (of G. & D. Torrance), house,
54 St. Vincent crescent.
Torrance, George (of G. & D. Torrance), house, 58
Rosebank terrace.
Torrance, G. & D., manufacturers; 86 Queen st.
Torrens & Husband, painters and decorators, 100
West George street.
Torrens, James (of Torrens & Husband), house, 135
Renfrew street.
Torrance, James, tea merchant and general grocer,
197 Castle street, 145 Garngad road, and 139
Springburn road; residence, Williamfield cottage,
Torrance, Rev. John, minister of Grant Street Re-
formed Presbyterian Church ; ho. 28 Arlington st.
Torrance, John, flesher, 669 Gallowgate.
Torrance, Robert, grocer, 135^ New vennel.
Torrance, W. B., commission agent, 85 Queen st. ;
house, 150 Buccleuch street.
TORRIE, Alexander (of the Post Oflice), house, 6
Stanley place, off Eglinton street.
Torrie, Roderick (of the Post Office).
Torry, James, commercial traveller, 15 Waterport
buildings, Great Clyde street.
TOSH, Henry (of Chalmers & Tosh), house, 91
North Hanover street.
TOUCH, A. M. (cf Guild & Touch's), bouse, 8 Nel-
son terrace, Hillhead.
TOWARD, Walter, boot and shoe manufacturer, 99
Crown street ; house, 125 Hospital street.
TOWART, John, grocer and provision merchant,
150 Great Hamilton st. ; house, 119 Gra3me st.
TOWER & Arrol, merchants and commission agents,
16 Dixon street.
Towers, Robert, 18 Woodside place.
Towers-Clark, Roberton, & Ross, writers, 176 St.
Vincent street.
Towers-Clark, William (of Towers-Clark, Eoherton,
& Ross), house, 27 Blythswood square, and Wester
Moffat, near Airdrie.
Town's Hospital, 324 Parliamentary road.
TOWNSEND, Joseph, manufacturing chemist, 13
Crawford St., Port-Dundas ; ho. 24 Burnbank ter.
Townsend, Robert, 5 Hill street, Garnethill.
TOY, Patrick, cooper, 43 Anderston street.
TRACY, Henrj', bookseller, picture-frame and look-
ing-glass maker, 343 High street.
Tracy, Henr}', jun., furniture polish manufacturer,
45 Duke street ; house, 343 High street.
Tracey, Peter, Victoria Turkish Baths, 106 West
Nile street; house, 16 Killermont street.
Trades' Hall, 85 Glassford street ; Donald M'Cal-
lum, officer.
Tkadeston Registry Office ; Nicol M'Dougal, regis-
trar, Jas. Tait, assistant do. ; 94 So. Portland st.
TRAILL, Rev. William, M.A., of Free Kelviuside
Church ; house, 5 Kew terrace.
■ TRAIN, James, 546 Gallowgate,
Train, James, flesher, 321 Sauchichall street; ho.
206 North street.
Train, M. & J., fieshers, 548 Gallowgate.
Traill, Thos , commission merchant, 3 Madeira court,
257 Argyle street; ho. 27 St. Vincent crescent.
Train, Thos., flesher, 141 Elderslie St. ; ho. 143 do.
Train, Thos., jun., flesher, 48 Stevenson st., Calton.
TRAINER, Patrick (at J. D. Dougall's), house, 422
Parliamentary road.
Training Academy, 48 St. George's road.
Transatlantic Steam-Packet Office ; Handyside&
Henderson, agents, 45, 61 Union street.
TREANORE, John, rope, rag) and metal merchant,
47 M'Alpine street.
TRENCH, Thomas, joiner and blockmaker. General
Terminus Railwaj' ; house, 4 Rutland place.
TREVOR, Frederick Wm., collector of H.M. Cus-
toms ; residence, Dowanhill house, Partick.
TREW, Jas., hosier, 31 Trong. ; ho. 122 Hospital St.
TEIBOT, A., Fils, & Co., brandy shippers. Cognac;
James Neill, agent, 36 Renfield street.
Trieste Steam- Packet Office; G. & J. Burns, 9
Buchanan street.
Tron Church (Established), 67 Trongate ; Rev. Dr,
Bo3-d and Rev. James M'Gregor, ministers.
Tron Pariah and Bell School, 71 Prince's street.
Trong.^te Hall, 68 Trongate ; A. Bell, keeper.
TROTTER, George T., wine merchant and grocer,
338 Hamilton pi. ; ho. 1 Jordanhill st., Partick.
Trotter, Robert (of Lawrence, Pullar, & Co.), house,
1 Middleton terrace. Paisley road.
TROUGHT, Stephen E., portrait and landscape
painter, 4 Terrace street.
TROUP, Charles, teacher. North Prison ; ho. New-
stead place, Govan road.
TROY, Francis, oilcloth, tarpaulin, and waggon-
cover manufacturer, 21 Duncan street, Calton, oflf
Canning street; house, 80 Canning street.
TRUEMAN, Hanbury, Buxton, & Co., porter
brewers, London ; David Stocks & Co., agents, 4
Bernard street, Leith. — See Adver. in Appendix.
Trustees of the Clyde Navigation ; chambers, 16
Robertson street.
TUDHOPE, Robert G. (of Campbell & Tndhope),
house, 91 PoUok street.
TULLIS, John, & Son, curriers, leather merchants,
machinery belt, fire hose, and thong makers, 16
Cumberland street, Calton ; house, 2 North Cum-
berland street, do.
Tullis, John (of John Tullis & Son), house, 3 Craig-
nestock place.
TULLOCH, Alex., tailor and clothier, 257 Sauchie-
hall street; house, 4 West Prince's street.
Tulloch, J., prov. mer., 279 Arjiyle st. ; ho. 278 do.
Tulloch, John, wine and spirit merchant, 75 Max-
well street; house, 63 West B'-thwell street.
Tulloch, Thomas, bootmaker, 92 Cumberland St. ;
house, 77 do.
TUNNEY, Patrick, butter and egg merchant, 50
Bell street.
TURBYNE, J. & T., grocers, 67 Finnieston st,; ho.
1 Kent street, Finnieston.
TURNBULL, Andrew, agent, 12 S. St Mungo St.
Turnbull, Andrew, cabinetmaker and upholsterer,
194 New City road; house, 11 Myrtle street.
Turnbull & Co., manufacturing chemists, 276 George
street ; works, Camlachie.
Turnbull, Charles, photographic artist, 75 Jamaica St.
Turnbull, Edward, shipmaster, 31 Paterson street.

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