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UNIVERSITY— Founded 1450.
Chancellor — James, Duke of Montrose, Elected 1837
Vice- Chancellor — Thomas Barclay, D.D., 1858
liectoi — Lord Palmerston, 1862
Dean — James Moncrieif, M.P., 1860
Principal — Thomas Barclay, D.D., 1858
Divinitv 1530 John Caird, D.D 1862
Natural Philosophy 1577 William Thomson, LL.D 1846
Moral Philosophy 1577 William Fleming, D.D 1831
Logic 1577 Robert Buchanan, M.A 1827
Greek 1581 Edmund L. Lushington, M.A 1838
Humanity 1637 William Ramsay, M.A 1831
Mathematics 1691 Hugh Blackburn, M.A 1849
Oriental Languages 1709
Civil Law 1713
Practice of Medicine 1713
Anatomy 1718
Church History 1720
Rev. Duncan H. Weir, M.A 1850
George Skene, advocate 1855
William T. Gairdner, M.D 1862
Allen Thomson, M.D 1848
Thomas Thomson Jackson, M.D 1851
Practical Astronomy 1760 Robert Grant, M.A 1859
Natural History 1807 Henry D. Rogers, LL.D 1857
Surgery 1815 Joseph Lister, M.B 1860
Midwifery 1815 John M. Pagan, M.D 1840
Chemistry 1817 Thomas Anderson, M.D 1852
Botany 1818 G. Walker Arnott, LL.D 1845
Materia. Medica 1831 J. A. Easton, M.D 1855
Institutes of Medicine 1839 Andrew Buchanan, M.D 1839
Forensic Medicine 1839 Harry Rainy, M.D 1840
Civil Engineering 1840 AY. J. Macquorn Rankine, LL.D 1855
Conveyancing 1861 Anderson Kirkwood 1862
English Language and Literature 1862 John Nichol, B.A 1862
Biblical Criticism 1862 Rev. William K. Dickson 1863
Waltonian Lecturer.
Structure, Functions, and Diseases of the Eye, William Mackenzie, M.D.
Nathaniel Jones, librarian ; Henry D. Rogers, LL.D., keeper of the Museum ; Laurence Hill, LL.B.,
factor of the College; Rev. Duncan H. Weir, clerk of the University; Lachlan M'Pherson, janitor; Alex-
ander Taylor, chamberlain.
HuNXEEiAN Museum. — Open every lawful day to visitors, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in summer, and from
12 noon till 2 p.m. in winter. Dr. Rogers, keeper; John Young, under keeper
Founded 1796.
Walter Crum, F.R.S., president ; Alexander B.
M'Gregor, honorary secretary ; William Euing, trea-
surer; William Ambrose, secretarj'; James Smith,
r.R.S., curator of museum ; James Murray, Robert
Hart, Richard S. CunlifFe, Robert Freeland, Alex.
Harvey, Dr. A, D. Anderson, managers.
Natural Philosophy, G. C. Foster, B.A.
Chemistry, Frederick Penny, Ph. D.
Anatomy, George Buchanan, M.D.
Surgery, George H. B. M'Leod, M.D.
Materia Medica, James Morton, M.D.
Institute of Medicine, Ebenezer Watson, M.D.
Practice of Medicine, Andrew Anderson, M.D.
Midwifery, James Paterson, M.D.
Medical Jurisprudence & Police, J. B. Cowan, M.D.
Botany, vacant.
Mathematics, Alexander Laing.
Law, James Galbraitb, writer.
Museum. — This extensive collection of Natural
History, Antiquities, and other curiosities, is now
open to the public every lawful daj', from 1 1 a.m.
till 3 p.m., in the University Buildings, George
Street. James Croll, janitor and keeper.
Founded in the 12th century.
Patrons, the Hon. the Lord Provost, Magistrates,
and Town Council', the Committee of Management,
the Lord Provost, the Dean of Guild, William Allan,
David Dreghorn, Bailie Govan, E. Alexander, Jan.,
William M'Lean, Robert Neill, Bailie Grant, Bailie
Arthur, Bailie Gray ; Bailie Govan, convener ; Geo.
Grant, jnn., sub-convener.
Latin, Greek, Classical Geography, History, and
Antiquities, F. R. Low, LL.D., elected 1839, and
P. M'Kinlay, LL.D., elected 1844.
French and German, Felician A. Wolski, elected
English, Grammar, Composition, Elocution, His»
torj', &c., James Bell, elected 1859.
Mathematics, Geography, Arithmetic, and Natural
Science, J. Bryce, M.A., LL.D., F.G.S., elected 1846.
Writing and Bookkeeping, Allan M'Nab, elected
Drawing and Painting, J. A. Hutcheson, elected
Janitor, John Clark, elected 1855.
The session commences on 1st October. The
vacation begins on the 1st June, and ends on the
first of August.

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