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Police Tkeasdeer's Office, 70 Bell Street. —
David Cioll, Treasurer.
, Post-Office, George Square. — Postmaster, Ed-
ward D. James, Esq. (For names of Clerks and Sort-
ers, see page 1 of Appendix ; and for Letter Carriers,
see Trades' Director)'.) Stampers — ^Dun. Cameron,
Duncan Benson, John Ballentine, Wm. Benson, E.
Falconer, Duncan M'Farlane, James Quacy, and
George Richmond. Town Bags — James Craig,
James Tait, John Leitch, Charles Stewart, D. Kilgour,
Kobert Munn. Country Messengers — Alexander
Primrose, "William Murray, J. JI'Nab, Robert
M'Lachlan, Alex. Robertson. Railway and Coach
Messengers — Robt. Blair, .James MofFat, F. Graham.
Porters — James Trumple, John BI'Laren, Duncan
Procurator-Fiscal's Office for the Buhgii,
Police Chambers. John Lang, P.F.
Procdrator-Fiscai.s for the Co., Sheriffs,
Commissary, and Admiralty, County Buildings,
"Wilson street. "William Hart and John Gemmel.
Procurator-Fiscal for the Justices of the
Peacic. — Robt. Duncan Douglas, County Buildings,
111 Brunswick street.
Property and Income Tax for City of
Glasgow. — John Ferguson, Clerk ; Robt. Walker,
Surveyor; Robert Donald and R. M. Murray, Asses-
sors ; Office, 52 "Virginia street.
Property AND Income Tax for Lower "V\''ard
OF Lanarkshire. — John Earston, Clerk ; C. H.
Murray, Inspector; John H. Banks, Wm. Munro,
John Holm, Surveyors, 52 Virginia Street; James
Mitchell, Wm. Anderson, Alex. Kay, Assessors, 21
Cochran street.
Quartpjrmaster's Office, 48 Brougham Place,
Renfrew Street. — D. M'Alpine, Quartermaster. At-
tendance from 1 1 till 2 o'clock.
Recruiting District Offices, corner of Main's
Street and Sauchiehall street.
Religious Institution Rooms, 75 St. George's
Royal Engineers' Office, 3 "Wellington Place,
Sauchiehall street.
Stamp Officii, entrance by 78 Queen street and
81 Miller street. Open from 10 till 4 o'clock, and
shuts on Saturdays at 12. James Sinclair Lockhart,
Sasine Office for the Burgh of Glasgow.
— Andrew Cunningham, Registrar, City Chambers.
Sasine Office, 25 Bath Street. Thos. Grahame,
W.S., and Thomas Hill, keepers of the Particular
Register of Sasines, &c., for Renfrewshire and Re-
galities of Glasgow and Paisley.
Sheriff's Chambers, County Buildings, Wilson
Street. — Sir Archd. Alison, Bart., Sheriff; Henry
Glassford Bell, Archd, Smith, and "Wm. Steele, Sub-
stitutes; John Drysdale, Clerk; James Gibbons,
John Sim, and Alexander Pearson, Deputies ; "Wm.
Hart and John Gemmel, Joint Procurators Fiscal ;
P. T. Young, Auditor of Accounts. — Courts for
ordinary business on Tuesday, "Wednesdaj', and
Friday, and for Small Debts on Monday and
Thursday weekl}'. Appeal Courts, Mondays and
Thursdays for City Cases, "Wednesdays for District
Session Clerk's Office for the City, 57 St.
George's place. — Robert Strang, Clerk; John Gal-
loway, Deputy Clerk.
Session Clerk's Office for the Barony
Parish, 52 West Nile Street. — Open every day
from 10 to 3 o'clock. — David M'Brayne, Clerk.
Session Clerk's Office for Hutchesontown,
GoRBALS Proper, Laurieston, Tradeston, and
Kingston, 7 South Portland Street. — "Wm. Spiers,
Session Clerk's Office for Govan Parish,
Govan School House. — "William Fulton, A.M., Clerk.
Shipping Office, Sailors' Home, James Watt
Street. — Robert Crawford, Shipping Master.
Statute Labour Conversion Office. — By
virtue of a late Act of Parliament, the Management
of the Statute Labour Conversion for the repair and
maintenance of the Streets and Roads within the
Parliamentary Boundary, is vested in the Municipal
Police and Statute Labour Committee ; and altera-
tions have been made by that Act in the Rates of
Statute Labour Mone}-, &c., &c. I'articular infor-
mation as to which may be had on application to
John Lang, Clerk, Police Buildings.
Tonnage Office, 14 Robertson Street. — James
Martin, Tonnage Master; J. Alexander, Collector.
Town Clerks' Chambers, County Buildings,
Wilson Street. — Angus Turner and Alex. Muuro,
Town Clerks.
Office, 118 Union Street.
Neil M'Neil, Picsident; William Melvin, Vice-
President; John iMann, Treasurer; James Lawson,
Secretary; James Airlie, Collector.
Bank of Scotlan ■>, GG Ingram Street. Andrew
Nielsou, Manager. George W. Hill, Sub-Manager.
Draw on Coutts and Co., and Smith, Pa3ne & Co.,
London ; on the Bank of England and branches ; on
the Manchester and Liverpool District Bank and
branches; Carlisle City and District Bank ; Provin-
cial Bank of [Ireland and branches ; Bank of Ireland
and branches ; Samuel Smith and Co., Nottingham ;
Harris & Co., Bradford; Preston Banking Company,
Preston and Lancaster ; and Huddersfleld Banking
Company, Huddersfleld. Bills negociated on all
towns in Great Britain and Ireland where there is
the branch of a bank.
Bank of Scotland, Laurieston. Jas. Gourlay,
Agent ; James Sj^nie, Sub-Agent. Draw and ue
gociate as above.
British Linen Company Bank, Queen Street.
Agent, Patrick Brodie. First Accountant, Andrew
L. Fowler. Second Accountant, John Gunn. ^Tellers,
George Hunter, David C. Nicol, and John Banner-
man. Draw and issue letters of credit on Smith,
Payne, and Smiths, London ; Bank of England and
branches ; S. Smith & Co., Nottingham ; Carlisle
and Cumberland Bank ; Bank of Ireland ; Messrs.
James G. King's Sons, New York ; Bank of Mon-
treal and Agencies ; Bank of Upper Canada, Toronto,
and Agencies ; on the English, Scottish, and Austra-
lian Chartered Bank in Australia. Bills negociated

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