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51 Webster, Robert, merchant.
Gardiner, Miss, milliuer.
Brockie, Misses, milliners.
53 Harthill, William, galyauist.
Gl Morton, James, surgeon.
G5 M'Lerie, George.
Wilson, Miss, dressmaker.
67 Sturrock, James.
75 Bryce, M., cabinetmaker.
79 Steven, James, writer.
Michael, Andrew, agent.
Irvine, H. B., merchant.
83 Pagan, Dr., prof, of Midwif.
85 Buchanan, Miss.
91 M'Leod, Miss.
93 Easton, J. A., M.D.
97 Whyte, Robert.
103 Glover, E., Theatre-Rojal.
107 Gairns, Miss.
113 Burnet, John, architect.
117 Watson, Thomas.
Watson, Thomas, jun.
121 Fleming, Miss.
131 Dick, Alex., of Lumloch.
133 Donald, Thomas.
137 M'Kenzie, Mrs.
143 Murray, Misses, dressmakers.
147 Alexander, Henry.
M'Ewing, Mrs.
Wilkie, H., baker.
149 Hubbard, Richard, poulterer.
161 St. George's Free Church.
167 Anderson, John.
Allan, Alexander.
171 Fraser, Dr. James.
177 Scheviz, Mrs.
Watson, Rev. Archibald.
'206 Bonar, Mrs.
204 Paterson, J. H.
M'Aslan, Miss.
196 Blown, Colin.
Wylde, Thomas, manufact.
194 Maxwell, Henry.
190 Woolheim, L.
Caldcrwood, Rev. Henry.
188 M'Lean, William, writer.
M'Lean, Wm., jun,, mercht.
180 Webster, James.
Wiseman, Thomas.
M'Gill, Rev. H.
Donald, Mrs. James.
166 Browne, John.
Kerr, Mrs. D., lodgings.
Muir, Misses, dressmakers.
164 Simpson, T., flesher.
160 Crolev, Miss, staymaker.
158 Wilkie, H., baker.
156 Park, Charles, upholsterer.
154 M'Symon, Walter, sailmaker.
150 Home, Jas., surgeon-dentist.
146 Wilson, John.
144 Buchan, Alex. W., teacher.
King, BIrs.
132 Henderson, Thomas, mercht.
12G Watson, David, bookseller.
120 Coats, John, M.D.
112 Corbett, R. T., M.D.
108 Watson, Thomas, M.D.
100 Forbes, Rv. Dr., Fr. St. Paul's,
94 M'Goun, Mrs.
M'Lurkin, Thomas.
92 Watt, George, surgeon.
86 Cowan, John B., JI.D.
82 Dewar, Donald, M.D.
68 M'lvor, Alexander, draper.
Ferguson, Mrs.
Gray, Mrs. James.
Young's, Miss, lodgings.
64 Bain, John, of Morriston.
Moiikland Railways Co.
58 Meek, Miss.
54 Munro, Mrs. Spens.
Hart, James, manufacturer.
54 Arnott, Thomas, painter.
50 Panton, John, M.D.
44 Commissary Clerk's Office.
Donald, C. D., & Sons, writers.
Morrison, William, writer.
Maxton, John, writer.
Pollock, John, writer.
EEI3 STREET-Bridgeton.
33 Russell, James, grocer.
35 Smith, Thomas, blacksmith.
49 Frazer, Duncan, clothier.
71 Watson, Wm., sheriff-oihcer.
73 Elliot, Mrs., eating-house.
79 Gordon, Alex., spirit mercht.
81 White, Jas., spirit dealer.
107 M'Farlane, John, grocer.
Ill Ure, Thos., spirit merchant.
149 Bogle, P., & Co., cotton-spin.
138 Coulter, Mrs. Mary, grocer.
98 Wark, Jas., weavers' office.
70 Low, Alex., shoemaker.
28 Jamieson, Wm., spirit dealer,
16 Ritchie, Jas., spirit dealer.
1 Whyte & Barr, opticians.
3 Gumming, David, confection,
5, 7 Cameron, John, stationer.
11 Blake, AVilliam, stationer.
15 Govan, W., & Son,manufac.
Bankier, W., jun., com.mer.
M'Farlane, W. A., & Go., cal.
21 Kennedy, Angus, civil engin.
Trought, Stephen E., carver.
Hotson & Howie, Vi'riters.
23 M'Naugbton, Jas., saddler,
31 Jones, W. C, clothier.
33 St. Mary's Hall.
Wilkie, J., engineer.
Heatley, Cowan, & Co., mers.
National Fire & Life In. Co.
Kerr, Anderson, & Brodie, ac.
Moss-end Iron Co.
35 M'Lerie, Robt, confectioner.
39 Murra}'-, A., wine merchant.
43 Buchan, W. R., writer.
Lees, Walter, merchant.
tiamilton, R. S., insur. sur.
Gilmoui-, G., & Co., merchs.
M'Guffie, T., architect.
West of Scot. Plating Co.
47 Hamilton, J., perfumer.
55 Caledonian Railway Co.'s oflF.
Gibson, Archibald, sec.
55 Ferguson, A., treasurer.
Galbraith, George, acct.
Provand, W. J.
Mnrgatroyd, H. W.
59 Robertson & Reid, lead mers.
61 Fowler, R., cabinetmaker.
63 Douglas, J., surgeon.
Hilliard, W. B., cupper.
Orr, Miss.
65 Hilliard, W. B., cutler.
67 Small, Neil.
Steel, Mrs. James.
73 Anderson, Thomas,
77 Lewis, Dr. J. A.
M'Killop, James, agent.
Lindsay, Alex., smith.
Rough, William, agent.
M'Intyre, Miss, lodgings.
Kyle, Miss.
Lindsa}', Miss, dressmaker.
83 Tannaiiill, R. D., M.D., con-
sulting rooms.
M'Dowall, A. A., M.D.
Morrison, William.
Reid, AVilliam, upholsterer.
93 Lithgow, W. H., prof, ofraus.
Lithgow, Miss, teach, of sing.
Lithgow, Miss E.
Mitchell, Miss, dressmaker.
Baillie, Misses, seminary.
95 King, Campbell.
Falconer, Wm., merchant.
Scott, Miss M., lodgings.
115 Campbell, Donald.
Stewart, William, beadle.
Reid, John.
117 Craig, James, spirit mercht.
119 Masterton, Mrs , spirit dealer.
121 Forrester, Mrs. Wm., baker,
137 Stirrat, H., & Sons, joiners.
145 Marshall, Mrs., spirit dealer.
147 Fraser, Mrs. John.
149 Niven, John, shoemaker.
151 M'Ainsh, James, wright.
153 Hogan, A., plasterer.
Deans, James.
159 Hamilton, Wm., stationer.
163 Easton, A., brassfounder.
165 Johnston &Ballantyne, plum.
171 Todd, Mrs. Jas., stationer.
173 Cameron, Wm., spirit dealer,
122 Stirrat, David, cartwright.
118 Free St. George's School;
Murdo M'Intyre, teacher.
110 Warrington, Wm., pawnbro.
Blackie, Misses, boys' dressm.
106 Blackie, Alexander, tailor.
104 Rattray, John, plumber.
102 Lawrence, M. & J., furriers.
100 Robertson, D., pianoforte ma.
98 Hunter, John, chim. sweep.
96 Alston, Gavin, dairyman.
92 Patrick, John, spirit dealer.
Walmsley, Peter, potato raer.
Gra)', Thomas.
Eankin, Thomas, painter.
Paterson, Thomas, M.D.
62 Bruggiotti, P., figure maker.
60 M'Pherson, Mrs., grocer.

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