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39 Ilaggert}', J.., coal dealer.
8 Cockbiirn, Mrs. J., grocer.
1 Dixon, William.
3 Campbell, John.
Edmond, 1'homas.
5 Gale, Wm., civil engineer.
Dick, W. B., & Co., oil mer.
Leask, James, & Co.
Moore & Dick, merchants.
Honey man, J., & Son, corn
Lambert, Walter.
Pasley, Jardine, & Co., mers.
Bryden, John, merchant.
Hunter, J., & Co., merchants.
11 Smith, James, coal march t.
Hastie & Smith, coal merchs.
DufF & Stein, merchants.
Atliya, John, & Co., brokers.
13 Cassie, James H., merchant.
Mair, Hugh, & Co., merchts.
M'Kinlay, E. W., mercliant.
Caird, Jas., & Co., merchts.
Whitehead, Kerr, & Co., mts.
Bell, Eobert, coalmaster.
22 Falkirk Iron Co.; William
Clark, agent.
Kennard & Sons, ironfound-
ers; Wni. Clark, agent.
20 M'Murchy, Ealston, & Co.
Steam Packet Co. ; M. Lang-
lands & Son, managers.
Black & Henderson.
Cuthbertson, Wm. S., merch.
Graham, J. & M. C, accts.
Greenlees, Eobert, & Co.
18 M'Leod, F. H., com, agent.
16 Tower & Arrol, merchants.
14 Eeid, John, merchant.
12 Porteus, Jas., commiss. mer.
Eiley & Duncan.
Abercromby, A., merchant.
Schrader, Geo., leather mer.
Philip, John, broker.
M'Farlane, David, & Co., tea
and commission merchants.
10 White, A. C, tea merchant.
8 Hendry, Brothers, merchts.
6 Paterson, George, merchant.
Smith, James, merchant.
St. James' Road.
Adie, Andrew, accountant.
29 Adie, W., & Co., spirit deal.
65 Donald, Wr., cut-nail manuf.
75 Harvey, W. C.
115 Lawrie, Andrew, slater.
117 Fleming, William.
119 Provan. James, flesher,
M'Intosh, John.
Caulfield, Frances.
M'Farlane, Wm.
Kennedy, John.
Stark, Alexander.
125 Mowat, Jas., wood mercht.
177 Plant, Abraham, cratemaker.
177 M'Innes, Daniel, ropemaker.
349 Stodart, Walter.
279 Dow, Mrs. William.
281 Miller, James, builder.
283 Smith, John, grocer.
285 Smith, J., spirit dealer.
295 Smitl), George, chemist.
355 Bathgate, James.
369 M'Millan, Duncan, smith.
541 Ballantyne, Jas., dairj'man.
538 Dunlop, Thos., victualler.
530 Dunlop, Neil, spirit dealer.
551 Cross, Ann, tlesher.
546 M'Lean, Donald, spirit deal.
412 Lewis, William.
360 Norman & Clinkskill, en-
322 Smith, Geo., Broombank ho.
80 M'Fadyen, Andrew.
Smith, James.
Jeffrey, Thomas.
80 M'Aulay, Miss, teacher.
68 Barr; John, cowfeeder.
66 Newhall, John.
64 White, V/illiam.
50 Blackie, W. G., & Co., prints
48 Salmond, Andrew.
34 Wilson, Andrew.
1 Hay, James, wood merchant
3 Battison, J. & T., grocers.
5 M'Arthur, D.
Pa ton, John.
Baxter, Mrs.
Wilkie, Capt. James.
M'Lachlan, John, flesher.
Miller, Andrew.
Baxter, William, draper.
Aitken, William.
13 Bulloch, Thomas.
27 Grant, Jas.,jun., builder.
31 Dickie & Blue, joiners.
33 Christie, Eobert, joiner.
M'Arthur, D., stair railer.
35 Boyd, Adam, wrigbt.
93 Buchanan, T. G.
95 Henderson, T. B., surgeon.
M'Auslin, David.
Strang, Miss.
Blair, Campbell, grocer.
97 Campbell, Archibald.
99 Eobertson, Mrs.
101 Lamb, James.
Kay, David.
103 Hamilton, Miss.
105 Pollock, Mrs.
Alison, Mrs.
Galloway, Mrs. .lames.
Hunter, Duncan.
107 Eoberton, James.
109 Wallace, David.
Ill Muir, John.
113 Downie, Mrs.
Walker, Eobt., jun., manufac.
115 Brown, William.
117 Leadbetter, Eobt. H., mer.
121 Thomson, J., teach, of piano.
123 Milne, Misses, seminary.
125 Stevenson, Miss.
Forrester, Alexander.
Ord, Misses.
124 Borthwick, Mrs.
Brvden, W. C.
108 Shaw, W. C.
Schrader, George.
76 Fulton, J.
Brand, David.
Cochrane, A.
Jeffrey, Wm.
58 Howard Place.
Mathewson, George.
Howe, Ann, dressmaker.
Gumming, John.
52 Wilson, Wm.
M'Arthur, P.
36 Hay, Wm., & Co., distillori.
26 Nicol, A. & F., joiners.
16 Campbell, A. & J.
Currie, David.
Leitch, Charles, merchant.
12 Buchanan, D.
12 Cowan, William, wright.
Boyd, Adam, wright.
Weir, Eev. Eobt.
10 Halley, Wm., spirit mer.
8 M'Eachran, John.
Wallace, Alex.
Craig, Eobert.
Gibson, John, sherift-ofncer.
6 Stewart, Charles, baker.
4 Kitchen, J., coal agent.
3 Kilpatrick, David, spirit mer.
29 Andrew, Thomas.
31 Aitchison, A., grease manuf.
33 Corarie & Yuill.
28 Laurie, Mrs., spirit dealer.
Wardlaw Mission House.
3 Geddes, John, spirit dealer.
21 M'Farlane, John, baker.
10 Gow, Margaret, spirit dealer.
DOVEE ST., off Claremont St.
68 Campbell, Eobert.
Fletcher, Dun., teacher.
62 Linton, William.
Cameron, Daniel.
Bryan, Hugh, church officer.
5 Galloway, J. T., com. mer.
Forrester, Samuel.
Henderson, L., conimis. mer.
Slater, T. H., commis. mer.
Eobertson, Patrick, mercht.
Kennier, F. M., & Son, com.
9 Wylie, John, spirit dealer.
13 M'Arthur, Neil, wine mer.
15 Neilson, Wm., letter-carrier.
Wood, John, plane maker.
Neilson, John, letter-carrier.
17 M'Laren, D., spirit mercht.

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