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Employment Office, IIS Union street.
ENGLAND, Charles, plain and decorative painter,
116 Ingram street.
English Baking Company, bread and biscuit ma-
nufact., 15, 17, and 19 South Portland st. ; James
Cruickshanks ; house, 23 South Portland street.
English Baking Factory, 18 Cathedral street and
105 Dundas street.
English & Commercial Academy, 25 St. George's rd.
English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Associa-
tion ; John Stott, local secretary, 105 St. Vincent
street; agents, "Wilkie & Faulds, 58 George sq. —
See Advertisement in Appendix.
ENTHOVEN, H. J., & Sons, copper, yellow metal,
tin, and lead merchants, 7 Eoj'al Bank place ;
Roxburgh, Richardson, & Co., agents.
ERSKINE, Alexanderj spirit merchant, 83 King
street, Tradeston.
Erskine, Alex., cab proprietor, 56 Paisley road ; ho.
104 King street, Tradeston.
Erskine, Francis, writer, 30 Montrose street.
Erskine, James, printer, 17 Nicholson street.
Erskine, John, machine-maker, 110 High John st. ;
house, 98 do.
Erskine, John, jun., merchant, 98 High John street.
Erskine, Mrs. C. W. T., 26 Brown street.
ESDILL, John, New Byron hotel, 36 Broomielaw.
ESPIE, John, of Darroch cj- Espie; house, 11 Hous-
ton street.
ESPLIN, Mrs. Geo., 12 Albany pi., Sauchiehall st.
ETTERSHANK, John, commission agent, 36 Ren-
field street ; house, Priesthill, Hurlet.
EUNSON, George, rope and rag merchant, 53 Car-
rick street ; house, 224 Stobcross street.
European and Australian Royal Mail Co. (limited),
32 St. Vincent place.
EVERRATTE, Mrs., grocer, 153 New City road.
EWAN, Robert, teacher, 265 St. George's road.
EWART, Henry, broker, 103 New wynd.
Ewart, R., at A. cj- W. Paterson'' s ; house, 27 Port-
Dun das road.
EWING & Co., merchants, packing-box and tin-
case makers, 175 Buchanan street ; trunk and
portmanteau manufacturers, 94 Queen street ;
counting-house, 175 Buchanan street.
Ewing, Alex. Crum, of James Ewing cj- Co. ; house,
20 Woodside terrace.
Ewing, Alex., of Ewing, Angus, <|- Co.; ho. 7 Clare-
mont terrace.
Ewing, Alex., bill-poster. Sentinel office; house, 19
Prince's street.
Ewing, Alex. R., engraver and lithographer, 33
Buchanan street.
Ewing, Andrew, green grocer, 68 Norfolk street.
Ewing, Angus, & Co., merchants, 56 Hope street.
Ewing, Archibald Orr, of A. Orr Ewing ^' Co.; ho.
Claremont house.
Ewinjr, Archd. Orr, & Co. ; turkey-red dyers and
printers, 16 St. Vincent pi. ; works, Levenbank.
Ewing, G. E., sculptor, 56 Buccleuch street.
Ewing, H. & J., & Co , calenderers and packers, 34
Cochran street and 24 John street.
Ewing, H. E. Crum, M.P., of James Ewing df Co.,
20 Woodside terrace.
Ewing, James, & Co., merchants, 68 George sq.
Ewing, James Lindsay, of Caldercruix, merchant,
7 Somerset place.
Ewing, James, of Ewing cJ- Co. ; residence, Derwent
cottage, Shawlands.
Ewing, James, spirit merchant, 170 Gallowgate and
152, 154 Canning street ; ho. 160 do.
Ewing, James, photographic arti-'^t, Royal arcade,
105 Cowcaddens street.
Ewing, James, of Burr cJ- Eyving; 56 Dundas st.
Ewing, John D., house factor, manager of the Glas-
gow Provident Investment Society, agent for the
Leeds and Yorkshire Assurance Co., 85 West
George street ; house. Crossbill, Cathcart.
Ewing, John Leckie, of lieid (f Ewing ; house, 8
Queen's terrace.
Ewing, John, spirit merchant, 41 Crown street ; ho.
87 South Wellington street.
Ewing, John, poultry and provision merchant, 36
Norfolk street; house, 19 North Coburg street.
Ewing, J., sen., flesher, 149 Sauchiehall street;
house, 145 do.
Ewing, John, tailor and clothier, 24 Stockwell st.
Ewing, John, victualler and hay dealer, 7.6 Cam-
bridge street; house, 14 Hill street, Garnethill.
Ewing, John, wholesale and retail grocer, 436 Arg}-le
street; house, 448 do.
Ewing Joseph, & Co., manufacturers, 94 Miller st.
Ewing, Joseph, agent for Leith, Hull, Hamburg,
Newcastle, and Inverness Steamers, 94 Miller st.
Ewan, J. & R., ship-builders, 128 St. Vincent street;
building-yards, Kelvindock and Blackhill.
Ewing, Joseph, of Joseph Ewing cf Co. ; house, Rut-
land crescent, Govan road.
Ewing, Peter, baker, 94 Cowcaddens St.; ho. 98 d(>.
Ewing, Robert, jun., & Co., sailmakers and ship
chandlers, 28 Dale street, Tradeston.
Ewing, Captain Robert, 28 Dale street ; house,
Carey cottage, Copeland road.
Ewing, Thomas, baker, 60 King street; ho. 64 do.
Ewing, William, of Bell, Ewing, 4' Co.; 86 Bu-
chanan street.
Ewing, William, of Livingston, Ewing, ^ Co. ; house,
11 Florence place.
Ewing, William C., draper, 15 Gallowgate; house,
157 Crown street.
Euing, Wm., & Co., insurance brokers. Royal Exch.
Euing, Wm., of William, Euing cj- Co.; house, 209
West George street.
Euing & Wingate, clothiers, 79 Buchanan street.
Ewing, Mrs., milk shop, 135 Cambridge street.
Ewing, Mrs. John, 88 Eglinton street.
Ewing, Miss, lodgings, 50 North Hanover street.
Examiner Newspaper Office, 7 Argyle street.
Exhibition Rooms, 93 Bath street.
Extractor's Office, City Chambers.
Eye Inflrmarj', 76 Charlotte street; Daniel Munro,
house steward and collector of subscriptions.
EYRE, Richard, hatter, 30 Havannah; ho. 23 do.
Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons' Hall, 17 St.
Enoch square; James Adams, M.D., librarian.
Faculty of Procurators' Library', 62 St. George's
place ; H. Blair, librarian.
FAILL, James, Bank of Scotland; house, 49 Chats-
worth place, Whitevale.
FAIRBAIRN, Patrick, Professor of Divinitj', Free
Church College; house, 13 Elmbank crescent.
FAIRIE, John, of Aitken i^Fairie; ho. 76 Abbots-
ford place.
Fairie, Thomas, wholesale grocer, 273 Argyle street;
house, Meadow vale, Partick.

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