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William M'Call. I Anthony Inglis.
David Manwell. | Alexander Clark.
The Town Clerks, Assessors.
John M'Diarmid, Officer.
Principal Bailie, Hugh Wilson ; Depute, Robert
The Jiailie of the River Clyde holds a Court in
the Court Hall, Robertson Street, on filondays, Wed-
nesdays, and Fridays, at 10 a.m.
Sits every da}' for criminal and summary business.
Ordinary Court, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Small Debt Court, Mondays and Thursdays.
Sheriff, Sir Archibald Alison, Bart., advocate.
Substitutes, H. G. Bell, A. Smith, and Wm. Steele.
Sheriff-Clerk, J. Drysdale.
Depute-Clerks, James Gibbons, John Sim, and Alex-
ander Pearson.
Joint Procurators-Fiscal, William Hart, and T. P.
Auditor of Accounts, John Aikman.
Translator and Interpreter, Jas. Assolari.
Bar-Officers, William Halbert, W. Wilson, and Jas.
Sheriff-Substitute for the Upper Ward, John Neil
Depute-Clerk, Alexander M'Intyre.
Fiscal, Stephen Gray.
Sheriff-Substitute for the Middle Ward, Hamilton,
James Veitch, advocate ; Depute-Clerks, John
Leslie and John Alton; Fiscals, Thomas and
John Dykes. Court held at Hamilton on Tues-
days and Frida3'S.
Sheriff-Substitute for the Airdrie District, H. L.
Tenuent ; Depute-Clerk, John Laing ; Fiscal,
John M'Donald.
Court held at Airdrie on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Commissary, Sir Archibald Alison, Bart., advocate.
Commissary-Deputes, H. G, Bell, A. Smith, Wm.
Steele, James Veitch, John Neil Dyce, and H. L.
Commissary- Clerk, C, D. Donald, 73 Renfield St.
Depute-Clerk, C. D. Donald, jun., 73 Renfield St.
Procurators-i'iscal, W. Hart and P. T. Young.
Offices, County Buildings, Wilson Street.
Court held at Glasgow on Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays.
For the recovery of Debts not exceeding .tl2, sits
every Monday' and Thursday at 10 o'clock forenoon
for Glasgow, and on Tuesdays and Fridays for
Lanark, Hamilton, and Airdrie, at II o'clock fore-
noon, and have jurisdiction over the whole of Lan-
arkshire. Ttie Defenders are cited before this Court
on an inducia; of six days : warrants to arrest on the
dependence are issued : the decree may be extracted,
and arrestments used upon it instantly ; and it may
be enforced, in all cases, by poinding, sale, and im-
prisonment, when above £S. 6s. 8d. of the debtor's
effects, ten free days after its date. In case of the
debtor remo^â– ing to a different county, the decree
may be enforced against him there, on being endorsed
by the Sheriff-Clerk of the county to which he re-
moves. Judges — Sheriff and Sheriff-Substitutes of
the Count}'.
Note. — The Act authorising Imprisonment for
Small Debts expired in 1840 for sums under £8. 6s.
8d., excepting claims of aliment.
Debts may be recovered in a summary manner
before the Justice of Peace Court, to the extent of
£5 ; and before the Sheriff Courts, to the extent of
The first step is set forth in a complaint or libel,
agreeably to a prescribed form, (the Clerks of Court
will provide the necessary forms,) the origin of the
debt, or ground of action ; and to cause the same,
with a copy of the account, if any, to be served on
the defender.
A warrant will, at the same time, be obtained to
cite witnesses.
The parties may appear either by themselves or
by members of their families, or others whom the
Court may authorise; but in no case by persons
practising the profession of the law, or by Officers of
Court, without special leave of the Court or cause
If the defender fail to appear after being cited, he
will be held as confessed, and judgment will be given
against him.
But when decree is given in absence against the
defender, he may, before the expiry of the charge,
apply for a rehearing, on consigning the sums de-
cerned for in cases before Justices, and in cases be-
fore Sheriff by consigning 10s. of expenses, on
applying within three months from date of charge.
If decree in absence be given against the pursuer,
he may, within one month, obtain a rehearing on
consigning 2s. Gd., if the case be before the Justices;
and the expense decerned for, with 5s. to meet fur-
ther expenses, if the case be before the Sheriff.
The case will be adjourned upon the pursuer or
defender offering a suitable excuse, or if any witness
be absent.
If decree be given against the defender, diligence
may proceed against him bj' arrestment instantly ;
and by poinding, sale, and imprisonment, if above
£8. 6s. Sd., at the end of ten days, before the Sheriff;
and by poinding and sale instantly, before the Jus-
If decree be given against the defender in his
absence, poinding and sale, as above, can only fol-
low after a charge of ten days.
The defender, on showing cause, may be allowed
to pay the sums decerned for by instalments.
The decrees of the Sheriff and of the Justices may
be executed in any county, on the same being in-
dorsed by the Clerk of such county.
Any arrestment used in cases before the Sheriff
must be used within sixty days after the Avarrant is
obtained, and renewed ever}' three months ; and
such arrestments ma}- be loosed, on offeiing sufficient
caution, or on showing evidence of absolvitor or pay-
ment, or on consigning the sums demanded, if before
The above forms will apply to any action of forth-
coming whatever, before the Sheriff, for making

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