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Barclay, William, clothier, 71 Queen street, house 11 Pitt street
Barclay, William, die and stamp cutter, and seal engraver, 22 Argyll street. See
Advertisement in Appendix
Barclay, Mrs., portioner, 14 Eglinton street
BARKER, George, boot and shoe maker, 2 Argyll arcade
Barker, John, brush and basket manufacturer, 5 Candleriggs
Barker & M'Kechnie, agents for John Barker & Sons, 104 Virginia place
BARLAND, Miss, teacher, 116 George street
BARLAS, George, hair cutter and perfumer, 16| Buchanan street
Barlas, James, 20 Buccleuch street
Barlas, William, tea merchant, 3 Union street, house 13 Greenlaw place
Barlas, Misses, seminary for young ladies, 13 Greenlaw place, Paisley road
Barlas, Mrs., 20 Buccleuch street
BARLEY, Samuel C, & Co., silk bandanaw, de-laine, and shawl printers, 1 Royal
Exchange court
Barley, Samuel C, of S. C. Barley §• Co., house 201 Sauchiehall street
BARLOW, Thomas, spirit merehant_and mechanical artist, 93 Finnieston
See Advertisement in Appendix
BARNET, James, of Bobert Alexander §c Co., house Rosevale, Partiek
Barnet, James, superintendent of works, 39 Whitevale street
Barnet, John, grocer and victualler, 66 Cowcaddens street
Barnet, James C. M., lodgings, 100 Thistle street, Hutchesontown
Barnett, Samuel, at William M'Lean §/■ Co.'s, 15 Cochran street
BARNWELL, Charles C. B., lieutenant, colonel inspecting field officer, Glasgow,
4 Windsor place, Sauchiehall street
Baenhill, James & Co., tanners, 63 Spoutmouth, and 90 Old vennel
Barnhill, James, of James Barnhill $• Co., house 16 Cornwall place
Baeony Parish Parochial Board, 36 North Albion street. John Meek, inspector
Barony Parish Statute Labour Conversion Assessment. Collector's office, 85 Queen
street. Robert Murdoch, collector
Barony Parish Session Clerk's Office, 52 West Nile street. David M'Brayne, clerk,
house 30 Parson street, Barony glebe
Barony Parish Poor Rates Office, 52 West Nile street. W. Robertson, collector
BARRON, Alexander, 12 Spring place
BARR, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 41 Tobago street, Calton
Barr, Alexander, fishmonger, 264 George street, and 2 Wellington arcade
Barr & Buchanan, tea merchants and grocers, 150 and 152 High street
Barr, Gavin, commission agent, and agent for Thames plate glass company, 3 West
Nile street, house 154 Hope street
Barr, David, at Moncrieff, Paterson, §• Forbes, 21 Carnarvon street, St. George's
Barr, James, brick builder, 12 Tureen street
Barr, James, spirit dealer, 267 St. George's road
Barr, James, spirit dealer, 26 Bedford lane
Barr, James, Unicorn tavern, 43 Trongate
Barr, Rev. James, D.D., minister of St. Enoch parish, house 18 Carlton place
Barr, John, manufacturer, 1 09 Candleriggs street
Barr, John, 4 Lansdowne crescent
Barr, John, beadle to Cathedral street church, house 108 North Hanover street
Barr, John M., baker, 24 Nicholson street
Barr, John, at James Hutcheson §■ Co.'s, house 19 Richmond street
Barr, John, coal agent and dairyman, 72 St. James' road
Barr, John, lithographer and engraver, 7 Argyll street, ho. 108 North Hanover st.
Barr, John, wine and spirit merchant, 74 High street
Barr, John, boiler-maker, 100 Clyde street, Anderston, house 3 Richard street
Barr & M'Kirdy, commission agents, 8 Gordon street
Barr, Peter, manufacturer of gold thread and plate, coloured tambouring worsteds,
etc., 79 Glassford street
Barr, Peter, rope and twine manufacturer, works upper Crown st., Hutchesontown,
house 22 Bedford lane
Barr, Peter, tavern keeper, 75 Argyll street
Barr, Robert, Claremont tavern, 179 Argyll street
Barr, Robert F., 39 Glassford street

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