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Alston, George, of CcDirphell, Rivers, S)- Co., house 71 Weit Nile street
Alston, Jairns, cowfeeler, 103 John street
Alston, James W , of W. Stirling tj- Sons, residence, Stockbrlggs, Lesmahagow, and
6 India stie?t
Alston, John, & Son, gingham, pullic:te, and muslin mnnufaotnrers, 55 Glassfordst.
Alston, Joliii, of John Ahton &,• Sop, hunse Rosemoiint, Garngadhill
Alston, Robert Findlav, wine merchant, 106 Bath street
Alston, R. T., 89 St. Vincent street
Alston, T. Scott, of John Als.'on Sf' Son. house 13 Elmbank crescent
Alston, William C., of John Al it on ij' S>n, house 177 VYcst Regent street
Alston, William, poulterer, 82 West George street
AMBROSE, William, writer, and stock and share broker, 135 Buchanan street
AMKRICA.N Eoyal Mail Steam-Packet Office, 9 Buchanan street
ANDERSON, A. and J., manufacturing chemists, 36 Surrey street
Anderson, Alexander, of J. <j- A. Anderson, liouse 4 Provanside, Stirling road
Anderson, Alexander, letter-carrier, P. 0., house 27 Sf. Andrew sti-eet
Anderson, Alexander, draper and hosier, 223 Cowcaddens
Anderson, Alexander, grocer and spirit dealer, 25 Main street, Bridgeton
Anderson, Alexander, of A. ij" •/■ Anderson, house 46 Abbolsford place
Anderson, Alexander, spirit dealer, 648 Gallowgate
Anderson, A. D., of Broadfoot, Brand, Thomson, <5' Co., house 4 Woodside terrace'
Anderson, Allan, merchant and agent, Prince's square, 40 Buchanan street
Anderson, Alex. Dunlop, M.D., 159 St. Vincent street
Anderson, Andrew, M.D , 4 Woodside terrace, consulting rooms 15 W. George st.
Anderson, Andrew, & Co. merchants, 103 Glassford street
Anderson, Andrew, of Andrew Anderson ^- Co., house 183 Renfrew street
Anderson, Biggs, & Co, Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway carriers and forwarding
agents, 8 North Queen street
Anderson, Brothers, clothiers, 28 and 30 Queen street
Anderson & Co., warehousemen, 157 Trongate
Anderson, C. & H., hosiers and drapers, 235 Gallowgate
Anderson, Charles, at Mein .5" Cunningham's, 29 St. Vincent place
Anderson, Duncan, teacher, Deaf & Dumb Institution, Barony Glebe, 36 Parson st.
Anderson, David & John, pullicate and gingham manuf., 30 South Hanover sti-eet
Anderson, Daniel, leather-cutter and shoe furnisher, 66 King street
Anderson, David, of D. Sj- J. Anderson, house 43 Scott street, Garnethill
Anderson, David, spirit merchant, 51 Jamaica street
Anderson, David, victualler, 407 Gallowgate
Anderson, David, furnishings and agent, 19 Castle sti-eet
Anderson, David, 8 North Queen street, house 95 North Hanover street
Anderson, Gabriel, grocer & victualler, 1 2 Kirk St., Townhead, & 32 Port Dundas rd.
Anderson, George, cf George Anderson cV Co., house Hill street
Anderson, Geo., & Co., HiU'-:treet mill-;, wliitelcad and cemeut manuf., Hvdepark st.
Anderson, George, Thrushgrove house, Garngad road
Anderson, George, temperance hotel and reading-room, 20 Candleriggs
Anderson & Haldane, corn-Factors, 190 Trongate
Anderson, H. L., house painter and paper hanger, 19 Renfield street
Anderson & Jack, tinsmiths, gastitters, and furnishing ironmongers, 104 Argyle
street. Work-shops, 77 Mitchell street
Anderson, James, tinsmith and gas-fitter, 281 High street
Anderson, J. A., manager. Union Bank of Scotland, house 4 Woodside terrace
Anderson, James Oswald, merchant, 62 Caniliridge street
Anderson, J. & D., candle manufacturers, 84 & 86 Stockwell street '
Anderson, James, jun., baker, 151 High street, house 4 College street
Anderson, J. B., wigmaker and perfumer, 121 and 123 Ingram street, house 29
South Poriland street
Anderson, Jas., & Co., calenderers, hot pressers, and packers, 32 So. Hanover st.
Anderson, J. & A., gingham and pullicate manufacturers, 114 Candleriggs street
Anderson, James, of James Anderson c^- Co., house 21 Portland street
Anderson, James, of J. tV ^1. Anderson, house 3 Blythswood square
Anderson, James, spirit dealer, 1 Graham street
Anderson, James, watch and clock maker, 66 King street, Tradeston
Anderson, James, of Anderson if Muir, house 12 South Wellington place
Anderson, James, starch manufacturer. 36 Surrey street

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