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103 Porters,
Persons -wishing to be admitted a,s Porters, must apply to the Magis-
trates, by petitions, stating their place of nativity, age, residence, and
former employment, and produce satisfiictory certificates as to character.
On being admitted, and before being allowed to ply, each Porter must
implement the above enactment ; and he shall thereafter strictly conform
to, and observe the following Regulations : — ■
1st. He shall renew his bond at the expiry of three years, and on the
decease of the Cautioner, or his removal from the City ; which decease
or removal, he shall, within eiglit days thereof, intimate, in writing, to
the City Clerks and Superintendent of Police ; and he shall also, in the
.same manner, and within the same time, intimate his own removal or
change of residence.
2d. He shall wear his badge or ticket conspicuously on the left breast
of his coat, which badge shall be of brass, and have inscribed the v.'ords
" City Porter," and the number in the order of his admission : and he
shall also have a transcript of said inscription painted legibly on the
right side of his barrov/ or huiiey.
Od. He shall not, when unengaged, refuse emplojinent v.dien offered,
whether on his station or not ; and, if he allege previous employment,
he shall, when required, sj^ccity the nature and time of his engagement.
4th. He shall not demand higher fares than those specified in the sub-
joined Table ; a cojjy of which Table, with these Regulations, and also
a small plan of the City, divided into sections of a quarter of a mile, he
shaU always have in his possession, and produce to persons employing
him, when required.
5th. When stations or districts are allotted to Porters, which shall be
done by the Superintendent of Police, the Porters, except on extraordi-
nary occasions, such as the Term time, when they are generally em-
ployed at Jlittings, shall not oifer themselves for hire beyond the district
assigned to them.
6th. Not more than four Porters shall stand at any corner of a street
or other station ; and, as one station may be more advantageous for em-
ployment than another, they shall be so arranged as that each may have
an equal opportunity of obtaining it. Thus, if the south corners of
Glassford Street shall be deemed the most favourable, the four Porters
who have been longest in the service shall take the west corner — the next
four in order shall t;ike the east corner — the next four shall take the west
corner of Stockwell Street — and the next four the east corner of Stock-
well Street ; and when a vacancy takes place, by the employment or
absence for a quarter of an hour, of any on the more advantageous sta-
tions, in this order — the Porter first on the next station, for the day,
shall have the right of moving to it — that is to say, the first of the four
{it the west corner of Stockwell Street to the v/est corner of Glassford
Street — and the first of the four at the east corner of Stockwell Street to
the east corner of Glassford Street ; or, the first at the east corner of
Stockwell Street rany move to a vacancy at the west corner of Stockwell
Street. The same rule shall be observed at the Cross, the south end of
Candleriggs, and the north end of King Street; the south end of
Buchanan Street, and the north end of St. Enoch Street ; and at the
other parts of the City where there are intersecting streets, or where
there are tAvo or more stations near each otiier.
7th. Not more tlian six Porters shall resort to, or take up a station at
any Coach-Office, Inn, or other jolace at v.'hicli Stage-Coaches arrive.
On the arrival of Coaches, the Porters shall stand in a line on the curb-

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