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Cooper & Co., 141 High street
Cossar & Noble, 105 So. Bridge st.
Cowan & Strachan, 15 Princes st.
Cownie, Jas. G. , & Son, 39 South
Bridge street
Cownie, Willism, & Sons, 63
South Bridge street
Craig, Miss E. K., 72 Nicolson st.
*Cranston & Elliot Ltd., 33 to 38
Princes street
Crease, James B., & Co. Ltd., 52
Hanover street
Crombie.T. J. ,83 & 85 Lothian rd.
Cunningham & G". ,27 Hanover st.
Cunningbam, Alex., 11 Picardy
Cunningham, David, 13 Crighton
pi. aad 173 Gt. Junction street
Cunningham, R. F., 85 Easter rd.
Carley, Agnes, 35 Eichmond pi.
Davidson, Misses, 144a Ferry rd.
Davidsoj, Misj, 58 Haymarket
Dawson, Mrs M., 42 Rodney st.
Dinkson, John, 25 North Bridge
Dilly, Mrs, 6 GiUespie place
Disliart & Raffin, 40 Comistonrd.
Dixon, Thomas, 10 Broughton pi.
Dobson, Miss, 13a Bristo place
Donaldson & Co , 166 Gorg e rd.
Drever, J., 79, 81, & 83 Nicolson
Drummond, M. W., 34 Lochend
road west
Duncan, Arch., 30 Lochrin bdgs.
Edgar, William, & Co., 4 Scots-
man buildings, Market street
*Ed wards, Geo., 2 So. Clerk st.
Elder, Andrew R. , 9 Roxburgh st.
Elder, William, 7 Dunedin st.
Elliot, H. R., 16, 54, & 56 Shand-
wick place
Evans, John, 84 Great Junction
Fairley, Miss M., 46 West Rich-
mond street
Ferguson, J. H., & Son, 57 Elder
Fisher, J. T., 2»3 Dairy road
Foote, Mrs A., 4Coltbridge av.
Forbes, John, 39 Home street
Eraser, Gilbert, 34 W. Preston bt.
Fraser, Tom, 31, 33, and 35 Home
Eraser, Mrs, 78a Gilmore place
Fraser, Miss, 1 Cargill terrace.
Gall, Wm., 31 South Bridge st.
Garden, Frank, 48 Earl Grey st.
Gardner. Bliss A. , 45 West Nicol-
son street
Gellatly, Thos. F., 396 Morrison j
Gelletly, Robert, 256, 258, & 260
Morrison street
Gerrie, P. C, 122 Nicolson street
Gibson, J., 139 St Leonard's st.
Gillone, James, 7 Dundee terrace
Gilmour. Mrs. 150 Mori-ison st.
Goodwillie& Co., 1 & 1a Baxter's
Gordon, John, 78 Montgomery st.
Grant, Misses, 5 Atholl place
Grieve, A. S., 366 Mprningside
Grieve, Agnes S., 18 Argyle pi.
Griffin, Margt. S., 5 Warriston
Grinstead, Laurie, 14 Chapel st.
Haig, Robert, & Son, 41 and 43
Earl Grey street
Hall, Mrs, 65 Henderson row
Hardie, D., & Son, 233 to 241
High street
Harper, James, 109 West Port
Hart, Isabella Scott, 19 Cause-
Hartness, Mrs A. , 13 Lochenu rd. ,
Harwood, F. E., 1 Meadowbank
Hastings, John, 306 Gorgie rca<l
Henderson, John H., 1 Nicolson
Hendry, John, 17 St John street
Henry, Darling, & Co., 123,
124, and 124a Princes street
Hewat, James, 1 Forrest road
Hood, Robert, 223 Leith walk
Houliston, William P., 92 Leith
Howie, John, 4 Glanville place
Hutchison & Seatter, 28b 'Frede-
rick street
Huth, Miss J., 23 Montagu ter.
Hutton, Jas., 347 Leith walk
Inkster, J. J., 52, 54, and 54b,
Broughton street
Innes & Pinkerton, 31 Raeburn
Irvine, Christina, 93 Causeway-
Isaac, E. C, 6 Hillside street
Jablonsky, E., 126 Pleasance
Jack, Miss, 197 Causewayside
Jeffrey. W., & Son, 42, 43, 4^, 46,
& 48 Tolbooth wynd, Leith
•^Jenner, Charles, & Co.. 47, 48,
& 49 Princes street, '2-20 S.
St David st. , and factory, Rose
Johnston, Margaret, 1 Higrh st
Johnstone, Thomas, & Co., 38
Cockburn street
Kemp, John Scott, 197 Brunts
field place
Lambert & Son, 77 Rose street
Lamond, Kenneth, 263a Leith
Lament, Miss E., 291 Canongate
Lauder, L. Violet, 28 Great
Junction street
Lawrie & Simjason, 162 Great
Junction street
Lawrie & Wilkie, 10 LTnion street
Law, Wm. B., 99 Montgomery st.
Lawson, Geo. F., 109 Bruntsfield
Lawson s Limited. National Bank
buildings. Hill place ; Tele-
phone, S81
Ledingham & Co., 35 Drummond
Leith Provident Co-operative
Society, 28 Bangor road
Liddell, James D., 66 Lauriston
Lindsay, James, & Co., 6 Woseley
Lioklater, Mrs, 15 E. Norton pi.
Longstreeth, O. W.j 161 Brunts-
field place
Macadam, A. , 21 St James' square
M'Cagie, Mis, 166 Bruntsfield
M'Cann, James, & Co., 43 and
44 South Bridge street
M 'Donald, Mrs, 133 Great June-
iion street
Wacdonald, A. S., 28 Barony st.
M'Gibbon, J. & J., 33 Nicolson sq.
M 'Gibbon, George R., 90 South
Bridge street
M'Intyre, John, & Co., 37, 39, k
41 Nicolson street
M'Kay, Miss A., 10 Crar ge loaa
Mackenzie, Alex., 43 Cuckburn st.
M'Kenzie, Mrs, 3 Torphichen st.
Macculloch, J., 11 E. London st.
M'Laren, John, 4 lona street
M'Lean, Wm., 38 Montpelier
Macleod, J. & E., 179 Morning-
side road
M'Leod, Alex., 315 & 317 Leith
M'Rae, A., k Sons, 3 Brunswick
Mallis, James, 7 Leven street
Martin, G. & J. , 97 Lothian road
Martin, James S., 67 AYest Port
Mather, G., 497 Lawnmarket
Matheson, A. , & Co. , 39a G eorge st.
Matthew, James, & Son, Ltd.,
413 to 421 Lawnmarket, 1 to 9
St Giles street, and 1 & 2
Bank street
Maule, Robert, & Son, 145, 146,
147, 148, & 149 Princes street,
and 1 & 5 Hope street
Mearns, T. James. 18 N. Bridge
Middleton, J., 11 Lothian street
Millar, Cullen, k Co., 58 South
Clerk street
Millar, George, k Co., 34 South
Bridge street
Miller, M. & M., 189 Gt. Junction
Miller, Miss, 183 and 185 Gorgie
Milne k Paxton, 91 Broughton st.
Milne, John, 272, 274, & 278
Morrison street, and 14 West
RIaitland street
Milne, Miss, 11 Howard street
Milne, Misses M. and C, 4
Brougham place
Mills, George. 14 Howe street
Mitchell, Tljomas, 37 Easter rd.
Jlorrison. Mrs Robt., 21 East
Mortis, Jane, 7 Maitland street,
Morton, Thos., 18 St Patrick sq.
Morton, Wm., & Sons, 32 North
Bridge street and 157 Lothian
Morton, Miss, 382Morningsiderd.
Munro & Whitsunday, 10 Union
Napier, C. M., CCd Inverleith
Nasmyth, John, 13 Kirkgate
Nimmo, J. k M., 42 Kirkgate
Nisbet, Mrs T., 19 London road
Norton Park Go-operative Society
Ltd., 112, 114, & 118 Eastssr
road and Edina place . j

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