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Peimycook, J., fruiterer, 43 Newington road
Pennycook, J. R., 2 Leslie place
Pennycook, Melville, picture-frame maker, 9
Saunders street
Pennycook, W., grocer, 253 Cahongate
Pennycook, W. B., 35 Comely Bank jtlace
Pennyuuick, Arthur, 11 West Eichmond street
Pennycuik, John, baker, 1 Maitland street, New-
Pentland, Colin, & Sons, coal merchants, 4 West
Preston street
Pentland, Y. J., & Co., coopers and stave mer-
chants, Redbraes, Broughton road
Pentland, Alexander, tailor, 44 Dairy road
Pentland, A. L., 156 Newhaven road
Pentland, David, iiootmaker, 9 Milton street
Pentl;md, David W. {VFhite, Btmis, Js Co.),
Roeberry villa, 194 Ferry road
Pentland, Fred. C, plumber and sanitary
engineer, East Ti'inity road ; Telephone, 6y;
house. The Cottage, Laverockbank road ;
Telephone, 6x
Pentland, John, 16 East Adam street
Pentland, John, grocer, 150 Duke st., Leith
{Easter Road post office); house, 3 R3'ehill
PENTLAND, R. W., music and pianoforte
saloons, 24 Frederick street (Telephone,
2308 Central) ; house, 1 Wester Coates road
(Telephone, 4070 Central)
Pentland, Young {Y. J. P. & Co.), The Cottage,
Laverockbank road
Pentland, Young J., publisher, 11 Teviot place;
(Telegraph, 'Pentland'; Telephone, 731); ho.
8 Bruntsfield terrace (Telephone, 523 Central) ;
London office, 38 West Smithfield,E.C.
Pentland, Y. Johnstone, 14 Trinity road
Pentland, Mrs James, 20 Montpelier park
Pentland, Miss Christina, 73 Inverleith row
Pentland, Miss Margaret L., medical rubber,
The Cottage, Laverockbank road, Trinity
People's Bank Limited, 26 Forrest road
• People's Friend ' (The Scottish National Mis-
cellany), 249 High st. ; head office, Bank st. ,
Dundee ; John Leng & Co. Ltd., publishers
•People's Journal,' for Edinburgh and South of
Scotland (largest circulation and best local
, news), 249 High st. ; head office, Bank st.,
Dundee ; John Leng & Co. Ltd. , publishers
Peploe, Wm. Watson, agent. Com. Bank, Stock-
bridge, 12 N.-W. Circus place ; house, 57
Braid road
Percival, Hugh, 12 Learmonth place
Percy, W. T. L., 32 Hartington place
Percy, Mrs W. M.. 32 Hartington place
Pei'cy, Miss Annie J., central to vocalist, oratorios,
concerts, etc., 10 Oxford street
Perigal, Mrs, 7 Oxford terrace
Permanent (The) Scottish Union Property In-
vestment Building Society, 2 York buildings ;
James Paterson, C.A., secretary and treasurer
Perrott, T., Brigadier-General, R. A., 30 Rutland
square ; house, The Farm, Colinton .
Perry, A. E. {G.P.O.), 10 Elm row
Perry, John, tailor and clothier, 35 Leith street
Perry, John, 225 Canongate
Perry, William {RoU. Allan <& Co.), 47 lona st.;
i house, 8 Leopold place ■.
Perry, Mns, 23 Forrest road ..- ji*.' .■- .. X
Pert, James M., bootmaker, 50 Craighall road
PERTH DYE WORKS, 19 Waterloo place,
31 Newington road, 3 Viewforth, and 1
Royston terrace. Trinity
Perthshire Club, The, 26 Howe street ; hon,
joint-sees., T. Syme and W. Howie
Pestell, Thomas, draper, 25 Ashley terrace
ACCOUNTANT, 17 Castle street
Peter, James, 1 Wheatfield street
Peterkin Brothers, tailors and clothiers, 108
Constitution street
Peterkin, A. , 5 Cornhill terrace
Peterkin, William Arthur, 7 Eildon street
PETERS BROTHERS, manufacturers of
pure Portland cement, AVouldhani, Rochester,.
Kent ; agents, Currie k Co. Ltd., Eagle Build-
ings, 19 Rose street; Telegraph, ' Cement^
Edinburgh ' ; Telephone, 273 and 274 ; Depots,.
Heriothill, Scotland st. and Morrison st.
stations, Edinburgh ; Tower st. and Junction
Bridge station, Leith
Peters, David, Patriothall laundry and bleach-
works. Eyre terrace ; house, 12 Eyre crescent
Peters, John C. L., 6 Inverleith ten-ace
Peters, William, Kirkland, 3 Stirling road
Peters, Mrs, 27 Murraylield gardens
Petersen, J., & Co., shipbrokers and coal ex-
porters, 9 Dock place ; Telegraph, ' Nautical^
Leith'; Telephone, 717 Leith
Peterson, Andrew F., 61 Inverleith row
Peterson, James, fishmonger, 38 Clerk street
Peterson, John A. M., hairdresser and perfumer,,
102 Ferry road
Peterson, John, superintendent. Western wharf,
Granton harbour ; house, 1 Granton square
Peterson, Mrs Magnus, complexion specialist,
100 Princes street
Peterson, Mrs, 6 Lonsdale teri-nce
Peterson, Miss Gulielma F., M.A., classical
tutor, 6 Lonsdale terrace
Petheram, R. T. W. {Bank of Scotland), 22 St
Patrick square ; house, 5 Thirlestane road
Petrie-Gordon k Shand, S.S.C. and N.P., 94
George street
Petrie, A. Gordon, S. S.C. and N.P., 94 George st. ;
house, 4 Dalrymple crescent
Petrie, Craigie, 6 St Vincent street
Petrie, David, 14 Chancelot terrace
Petrie, David W. D., 20 Craighall crescent
Petrie, Francis, tobacco and cigar merchant,
98 Leith street and 102 Nicolson street ; house,
St Marnocks, Belgrave road, Corstorphine
Petrie, James, bootmaker, 33 Mertoun place
Petrie, James A., 15 Chancelot terrace
Petrie, John, 7 Thistle place
Petrie, John, 3 Wellington street
Petrie, John, joiner and greenhouse builder,
Russell road ; house, 5 Murieston place
Petrie, John F., solicitor, 31 Hatton place
Petrie, Samuel, 9 Montague street
Petrie, William, aerated water manufacturer,
3 & 5 Burlington st. ; house, 5 Dudley avenue
Petrie, Wm. J., 11 W. Newington place
Petrie, Mrs George, 15 Cluny terrace
Petrie, Mrs John, 56 India street
Petrie, Mrs, apartments, 1 Livingstone place
Petrie, Mrs, 13 Caledonian road
Petrie, Miss, dressmaker, 6 St Yinceut street

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