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Dun] op, John, gardener, 5 Blackford road,-]
Liberton j
Dunn, J. D., teaelier, Cowpit schoolliouse, '
Dunn, James, farmer, Falaliill, Heriot
Dunn, Mrs Jas., Kiklonan cottage, Musselbargli
Dunn, Mrs, draper, Marshall place, Davidson's
Dunn, Miss, Dun Elm, Broomieknowe
Dyce, Peter, Harp hotel, Corstorpliine
Dyer, Miss, Elm lodge, Dalkeith
Dykes, Gavine, farmer, Easternewton, Kiik-
Dykes, James, farmer, Cuiken, Penicuik
Eaglesham, J., farmer, Crookston, Musselburgh
Easterbrook, Dr, Mullabrach house, Gorcbridgej
Easton, H. M., M.A., W.S., Balerno hall,
Easton, J., millwright, Bell's mains, Gorebridge
Easton, John, Darentlivale cottage, Penicuik
Easton, Peter, Durham place, Bonnyiigg
Easton, Robert, 3 Station road, Craigaiillar
Easton, Jane, innkeeper, Penicuik
Edgar, John, farmer, Kirkettle, Roslin
Edinburgh Burgess Golfing Society ; W. Kinni-:
burgh Morton, secretary ; William Archibald, '
assistant sec}^, Club-house, Cramond bridge i
Edinburgh Collieries Co. Ltd., Wallylbrd.j
Musselburgh ; Telegrams, ' Coal, Mussel-
burgh ' ; Telephone, 27 Musselburgh
Edinburgh Hydropathic, Slateford
Edinburgh Industrial Home for Fallen "Women,
Liberton ; Mrs M 'Gregor, matron
Edinburgh and Leith Corporation Gas Works,
Pennywell, Davidson's mains
Edinburgh Malting Company, The, Craigmillar
Edinburgh Poorhouse, Craiglockhart, Slate-
ford : William Bennett, governor ; Dr J.
Legertwood Green, medical officer ; Miss E.
E. Laurie, matron ; Miss Ada Beale, head
nurse ; Mary Robertson, matron's assistant ;
Rev. J. H. W. Johnston, chaplain ; Allan
Grant, head male lunatic attendant ; Miss
M. Walker, head female lunatic attendant
Edington, Alex., 5 Mitchell street, Craigmillar
Edington, Geo., potato merchant. North wrnd,
Edington, Wm., dairyman, Bonnyrigg
Edmond, John, 3 Mitchell street, Craigmillar
Edmond, AYm., clerk of works, Carberry, Cross-
gate hall, Musselburgh
Edward, John, joiner and house agent, and agent
for N. B. Insurance Co., 101 Newb'gging,
Edward, Robert C. , Gilmerton
Elder, Jas. , farmer, Roddinglaw and Over Gogar,
Elder, Samuel, Whitehill mains, Musselburgh
Elder, Thomas, farmer, Over Williamston,
West Colder
Elder, Thomas, postmaster and stationmaster,
Elder, Miss, farmer. Bents, West Calder
Eldin Chemical Co. Ltd., The, manufacturers of
bone meal, dog biscuits, poultry and pheasant
meal, Eldin and Standard Works, Loanhead ;
manager, Wm. Eraser; Telephone, 13 Loan-
head ; Telegrams, ' Horses, Loanhead '
EUacot, William, road survevoi', Ancriim cot.,
Elliot, Henry R., West Pcntland view, Juniiicr
Elliot, James, confectioner, 60 Main street.
West Calder
Elliot, Mrs, greengrocer, Venture fair, Penicuik
Elliot, Agnes, schoolmistress, infant school,
Elphinstone, The Hon. E. C. Duller, Invercsk
lodge, Musselburtih
Elrington, Rev. Charles Andrew, St James'
Episcopal mission, Penicuik
Emslie, Thos., joiner. Burn wynd, Kirknewtoii
Emslie, Wm., blacksmith, Burn wynd, Kirk-
Equitable Loan Co. ; John Crocket, manager,
West end. West Calder
Erskine, Hugh, contractor, Parkncuk, Craig-
Erskine, John, dairyman. South Myre, Niddrie
road, Craigmillar
Erskine, Mrs, Lilybauk, Musselburgh
Evanson, Mrs R. V. Blake, 8 Linkfield,
Ewart, John, & Sons, Penicuik
Ewart, George, Blackburn cottage, Penicuik
Ewart, Prof. J. Cossar, M.D., The Bungalow,
Faiebaikx, David B., wright and builder. Dun-
raven, Balerno
Fairbairn, Jam.es, Hill mount, Juniper green
Fairbairn, John, clerk, Balerno Bank mills,
Fairgrieve, Alex., J. P., Spy law mUl, Colinton ;
house, Glenview, Colinton
Fairgrieve, John, mason, Dewarton, Gorebridge
Fairgrieve, Tiioraas, millwright and engineer
and cycle agent, Cockholm works. Stow
Fairholm, Daniel, Niddrie mains
Fairlej'-, William, & Son, joiners and builders.
West Calder ^
Fairley, John Graham, J. P. and County
Councillor, Meadowhead, West Calder
Fairley, Richard, farmer, Loquhariot, Gore-
Faiiley, Robt., baker, Pathhead, Ford, Dalkeith
Fairweather, James, jun., carriage builder, 60
New street, Musselburgh
Fairweather, Robert, drysalter, Edinburgh rd.,
Falconer, W. , & Son, tinsmiths, etc., Bucclcuch
street, Dalkeith
Falconei', John, surgeon, St Ann's, Lasswade
Falconer, John T., cabinetmaker, Buccleuch st.,
Falconer, Robert, Roydon, Corstorpliine
Falconer, Miss H., innkeeper, Dalkeith
Falconer, Miss, St Ann's, Lasswade
Fargie, Miss, teacher, Davidson's mains
Farmer, John J., wholesale wine merchant,
Farmer, Mrs, Rowallan cottage, Colinton
Farquhar, Alex., stationmaster, C.R. Station;
house. Juniper green
Farquhar, Rev. H., M.A., B.D., West Parish
manse, Dalkeith
Faiquharson, Mrs, Almora, Liberton

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