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Sanskrit, Dr Kudolph Hoerule, M.A.; Hebrew and Semitic Languages, George Milligau, M. A.,
B.D.; Classical ^rcAceo%,z/, Arthur H Smith, M.A. ; CeZilic, George Henderson, M.A., Ph.D.;
Logic and Metaphysics and Moral Philosophy, Charles M. Douglay, M.A., D.Sc. ; Political
Economy, i. Roberton Christie, LL.B. ; Education, Stewart A. Robertson, M.A. ; Philosophy of
Law, William Chree, LL.B.; Natural Philoso])hy, Dawson Turner, B.A., M.D., and (for Honours)
J. F. Cameron, M.A., B.Sc. ; Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, J. F. Cameron, M.A., B.Sc. ;
Astronomy, J. L. E. Dreyer, Ph.D.; Chemistry, John Gibson, Ph.D.; Zoo%2/, J. E. Ains worth
Davis, M.A.: Botany, J. B. Farmer, M.A.; Geology, B. M. Peach, A.E.S.M., F.R.S.; History, J.
Hossell Henderson, M.A., LL.B. ; Archfeology and Art (History of), David J. Vallance ; Constiiu-
tional Law and History, Roman Law. and Public Law, Wm. Chree, LL.B. In Science — Pukk
Science, The Professors and the additional Examiners in the various subjects ; Engineering, The
Professors of and Lecturers on the several subjects, the additional Examiners in Mathematics,
Natural Philosophy, and Chemistry, and in Engineer ing,W.K. P. Tait, M.A., C.E. Public Health,
The Professors of and Lecturers on the several subjects, and the additional Examiners in
Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Geology, and Public Health; and in Laboratory Work, A.
Macfadyen, M.D., B.Sc; and Medicine in its bearings on Public Health, J. 0. Affleck, M.D.
Agriculture, The Professors of and Lecturers on the several subjects, and the following
additional Examiners: — The additional Examiners in Chemistry, Botany, Natural History,
Geology, and Political Economy; and in Agriculture, J. 8. Gordon, B.Sc; Forestry, Dr John
Nisbet; Veterinary Hygiene, Principal Williaoas, C.V.S.; Agricultural Chemistry , 3 ohn A. Murray,
B.Sc; Agricultural Entomology, E. Stewart MacDougaJl,' M.A., D.Sc; Pulitical Economy, J.
Roberton' Christie, LL.B. /?* Divinity — The Professors of the Faculty of Divinity, and the
following additional Examiners :^Hev, J. 0. Lambert, B.D., Rev. George Milligan, B.D.
In Law — The Professors of the Faculty of Law, with the Examinei'S in Arts for Preliminary
Examinations, and the following additional Examiners : — William Hunter, LL.B., William
Chree, LL.B., J. Roberton Christie, LL.B., in Political Economy. In Medicine — The Pro-
fessors of the Faculty of Medicine, and the following additional Examiners: — Materia Medica,
G. 0. Hawthorne, M.D. ; Physiology, D. Noel Paton, M.D. , B.Sc. ; Pathology, W"m. Russell, M.D.;
Surgery, J. S. M'Laren, M.B. ; Ctinical Medicine, Alexander James, M.D. ; Practice of Medicine,
J. 6. AflEleck, M.D.; Midwifery, 3. W. Ballantyne, M.D. ; Anatomy, Robert Howden, M.A., M.D.;
Chemistry, John Gibson. Ph.D.; Botany, J. B. Farmer, M.A.; Forensic Medicine and Public Health,
J. C. M'Vail, M.D.; Zoology, J. Ainsworth Davis, M.A. ; Clinical Surgery, C. W. Cathcart, M.B.,
CM. ; C. W. MacGillivray , M.D. ; and John Barlow, M.D. ; Physics, Dawson Turner, B.A., M.D. ;
For Schoolmasters' Diploma — The Professor of Education and Slewart A. Robertson, M.A,
For Music — The Professor of Music and Sir A. C, Mackenzie, Mns.D,
The following means are afforded for Practical Instruction: —
Physical Laboratory, under the superintendei»ce of
the Profess;)r of Natural Philosophy.
Museum of Theory and Practice of Music, under
the superintendence of Professor Niecks.
Fulton Engineering Laboratory, under the super-
intendence of Professor Beare.
Surveying and Levelling, by Professor Beare.
Mineralogical and Geological Laboratory and
Museum, under the superintendence of Professor
Practice in Teaching in Edin. Normal Schools in
connection with Chair of Education.
Practical Anatomy, under superintendence of
Professor Sir William Turner.
Anatomical Demonstrations, by Dav. Hepburn,M.D.
Anatomical Museum, under superintendence of
Professor Sir William Turner.
Practical Botany, under the superintendence of
Professor Bayley Balfour.
Practical Chemistry and Demonstrations by Pro-
fessor Crum Brown and assistants.
Chemical Laboratory, under the superintendence
of Professor Crum Brown.
Practical Physiology, under the superintendence
of Professor Schafer.
Physiological Laboratory and Museum, under the
superintendence of Professor Schafer.
Practical Materia Medica, including Pharmacy,
under the superintendence of Professor Eraser.
Materia Medica Museum and Laboratory, under the
superintendence of Professor Eraser.
" Morbid Anatomy and Practical Pathology, under
the Superintendence of Professor Greenfield.
Practical Zoology, under the superintendence of
Profe.?sor Ewart.
Tutorial Class of Clinical Medicine, in Wards of
Royal Infirmary, under superintendence cf
Clinical Professors.
Tutorial Class of Clinical Surgery and Surgical
Pathology, in the Royal Infirmary, under super-
intendence of Professor Annandale.
Obstl^trical and Gynecological Operations, under
the superintendence of Professor Simpson.
Public Health Laboratory, under the superintend-
ence of Professor Hunter Stewart.
Forensic Medicine Laboi'atory, under the super-
intendence of Professor Sir H. D. Little-
Pathological Laboratory, under the superintend-
ence of Professor Greenfield.
Botanical Laboratory, Royal Botanic Garden,
Herbarium, and Museum, under the superin-
tendence of Professor Bayley Balfour.
Practice of Medicine Laboratory, under the super-
intendence of Professor Wyllie.
Tutorial Class of Practice of Medicine under the
superintendence of Professor Wyllie.
Surgical Laboratory, Practical Room, and
Museum, under the superintendence of Pro-
fessor Chiene.
Operative Surgery and Surgical Appliances, under
the superintendence ot Professor Chiene.
Clinical Instruction on Diseases of Children
at Royal Hospital for Sick Children, T. M.
Burn " Murdoch, M.B , and Staff of Hos- •
Diseases of the Eye, George A. Berry, M.B.,
Medical Psychology and Mental Diseases, with
Practical Instruction at the Royal Edinburgh
Asylum, by the Physician Superintendent, Dr
Diseases of the Larynx, Ear, and Nose, Peter
M' Bride, M.D.
Clinical Instruction on Diseases of the Skin,
W. Allan Jamieson, M.D.

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