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Congregational Theological Hall, 30 George
square ; Rev. J. M. Hodgson, D. D. , principal ;
Rev. A. F. Simpson, M.A., and Rev. A.
McNair, M.A., professors ; treasurer, Mr J.
Orr, Glasgow
Conishead Priory Hydropathic Co. Limited ;
Arch. Langwill, C. A., secretary, 88 George st.
Conkey, John, 21 Wardlaw place
Conley, Helen, 16 Edina place
Conn, John, watchmaker and jeweller, 224
Dairy road
Connel, W. Carswell H., 66 Hayraarket terrace
Connell & Campbell, S.S.C, 10 N. St David
street; Telegraph, 'Tenacity'; Telephone,
Connell, James T., & Co., maltsters and hop
merchants, 122 George street
Connell, Christopher James, 22 Inverleith row
Connel], David, W.S., 25 India street
Connell, Isaac, S.S.C. (C. do Campbell), secretary
to The Royal Scottish Agricultural Benevolent
Institution, The Scottish Chamber of Agri-
culture, The Scottish County and Mercantile
Insurance Co. Ltd., 10 North St David street ;
house, 145 Mayfield road
Connell, James T., hop, malt, and grain mer-
chant, 122 George street ; house, Lyndhurst,
Murrayfield avenue
Connell, John, accountant and property agent,
84 High riggs
Connell, Mrs, laundress, 15a Leslie place
Connelly, J. W., & T., tyre smiths, 28 King's
Stables road
Conner, Andrew K., C.A., 43 Charlotte square ;
house, 11 Churchill place
Connolly, James {G.P.O.), 33 Guthrie street
Connolly, M., butcher, 76 North Junction st. ;
house, 49
Connolly, Robert, 35 Dumbiedykes road
Connolly, Thomas, 15 St Mary street
Connolly, Mary, 93 St Andrew street, Leith
Connoly, Thomas, coal agent, 25 Grassmarket
Connon, Peter T., 30 Carlyle place
Connon, Robert, solicitor, 20 Thirlestane road
Conochie, Peter [G.P.O), 12 Montpelier terrace
Conochie, W. B., wholesale warehouseman, 22
Hanover street ; house, 32 Dundas street
Conquer, William, 76 Inverleith row
Conquer, Mrs C. A. , 22 Melville terrace
Conquer, Miss A. , 3 Thorntree street
Conquergood, Frank, 12 Antigua street
Conquergood, Miss, 1 Merchiston avenue
Conrad, Richard, hairdresser, 106 Lauriston
Conradi, C. G., 51 Clerk street
Conservative Association, West Division, 34
Castle street ; S. F. Moffat, secretary
Conservative Club, Scottish, 112 Princes street
Considine, Hugh Patrick, Roman Catholic
clergyman, St Andrew's Church, Edgehill,
Ravelston place, Belford road, Dean
Considine, Wm., S.S.C. and N.P., 2 Queen
street and 12 North St David street ; house,
2 Alvanley terrace
Considine, Miss, 70 Marchmont crescent
Consolidated Petroleum Co. Ltd. ; William
Rutherford, manager, 10 Picardy place
Constable & Johnstone, W. S. , 2 Hill street ;
Telegraph, ' Vindex ' ; Telephone, 2229
Constable, T. & A., printers to His Majesty, 11
Thistle street ; Telegraph, ' Constable ' ;
Telephone, 85
Constable, Andrew, 35 Raeburn place
Constable, Andrew, jun., 35 Raeburn place
Constable, A. H. B., advocate, 23 Royal circus
Constable, Joseph, 37 Stewart terrace
Constable, N. Briggs, W;S., 2 Hill street;
house, 14 Hope street
Constable, William, architect, 3 Hill street ;
house, 1 Inveresk terrace, Musselburgh
Constable, Miss, private school and teacher of
music, 60 Inverleith row
Consuls —
Argentine Republic, George Denholm, 15
Duke street
Austro-Hungarian Imperial and Royal Vice-
Consul, Charles J. Turcan, 63 Constitution
Belgian, John Somerville, 53 Bernard street ;
house, 9 Cluny avenue
Brazilian, D. W. Stevenson, 27 Quality street
Chilian, Patrick Blair, W.S., 19 Ainslie place
Danish Consul-General, Walter Berry, 41 Con-
stitution street; house, 11 AthoU crescent.
Vice-Consul, Alf. Steenberg, 2 Dock place.
Vice-Consul for Granton, J. Mowbray Wat-
son, 14 Commercial street. Danish Acting
Consul-General, Edmund Berry, 41 Consti-
tution street ; house, 7 Belgrave place
French, Theodore Salvesen, consular agent,
29 Bernard street
German Imperial, Hugo Knoblauch, 22 Baltic
street ; house, Agra lodge. Ferry road
Greek, Thos. Trainer, 1 Bank street, Leith ;
house, 15 Lonsdale terrace
Italian, Cav. Victor G. Ressich, 53 Bei'nard
street ; house, 4 James place
Monte Video, Vice, H. P. Hansen, 2 Dock
Netherlands, Consul-General, A. V. Turnbull,
8 Commercial street
Norwegian. See Swedish.
Ottoman, F. Brichta, 2 Commercial street
Portuguese, Vice, James Smith, 21 Bernard st.
Russian, Peter Macdougal, 68 Constitution st.
Spanish, Cav. Victor G. Ressich, 53 Bernard
street ; house, 4 James place, Leith
Swedish and Norwegian Consul, J. W. Tornoe,
68 Constitution street
United States Consul, Rufus Fleming ; Vice
and Deputy, Frederick P. Piatt, 8 York
Continental Hotel, 7 and 9 Meuse lane
Convalescent Home, Corporation, Campie Ho.,
Musselburgh ; Miss E. A. Stewart, supt.
Convention of Royal Btjrghs ; agent, William
Officer, S.S.C, 21 Castle street
Conyngham, G. H. Lenox, B.A. {assistant
master, Fettes College), Kimmerghame house,
Moreduu crescent
Cook, James, & Co., heating engineers and cycle
agents, Roseburn street
Cook, Thomas, & Son, World's Ticket Offices,
shipping agents, and passage brokers, Waverley
Sta'tion Hotel buildings, Princes street; W. J.
Ford, agent; Telegraph, ' Coupon'
Cook, W. & J., W.S., 61 Castle street; Tele-
graph, ' Sixty- one '

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