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Office, 48 Geokge Squj^kf.
Members — Patrick Heron WatsoD, M.D., LL.D.,
F.R.O.S.E., chosen by the Eoyal College of Sur-
geons of Edinburgh ; Sir John Batty Tnke, M.D.,
P.K.C.P.E., chosen by tbe Eoyal College of
Physiciansof Edinburgh; Hector Clare Cameron,
M.b., F.F.P. & S.G., chosen by the Faculty of
Phj-sicians and Surgeons of Glasgow; SirWm.
Turner, M.B., LL.D., F.E.C.S.E., chosen by tbe
Uuiversitj'of Edin.; Sir Wm. Tennant Gairdner,
K.C.B., M.D., LL.D., F.E.C.S.E., chosen by the
University of Glasgow; Eobert W. Eeid, M.D.,
F.R.C.S.Eng , chosen by the University of Aber-
deen; James Bell Pettigrew, M.D., LL.D.,
F.R.C.P.E., chosen by the University of St
Andrews; David Caldwell M'Vail,M.B., F.F.P.
& S.G., nominated by Her Majesty, with the
advice of Her Privy Council; Wm. I3ruce, M.D.,
LL.D., elected as Eepresentative by the Medical
Profession in Scotland.
Registrar — James Eobertson, solicitor.
EDINBUEGH. (Eounded 1505.)
CLASS EOOMS — Sdegeons' Hall, Minto House (Chambers Street), New School (Bristo Street),
27 NicoLSON Squake, Surgeon S.quare, and .30 Chambers Street.
SUMMEE SESSION (Opened ,3ed May).
The Lectures qualify for the University of Edinburgh and other Universities, tlie Eoyal Colleges
of Physicians and .Surgeons of Edinburgh, London, and Dublin, the Faculty of Physicians and
Surgeons of Glasgow, and other Medical and Public Boards.
'Dr Eylandi Clinical Surgery, Eoyal Infirmary — Dr P. H. Mac-
Whitakerl laren. Dr Macgillivray, Dr Cotterill, and Dr C.
(Practical Anatomy
\Course of Demonst.
^1 . , (Practical Chemistry
Chemistry JAxialytical Chemistry "
(S u r geous'
Hall) and Dr
E.J. A. Berry,
(New School,
. Bristo St.).
fDr Steven-
son Macadam
(S tir ge on s'
Hall), Mr J.
F.King (Minto
House, Cham-
bers Street),
Mr I. Mac-
adam (Sur-
geons' Hall
and New Vet-
^-{ erinary Col-
lege, Elm
I Eow), Dr A.
I P. A i t k e n
(Eoyal Veteri-
nary College.
8 Clyde St.),
and Dr Eead-
man (4 Lind-
say Place,
George iv.
L Bridge).
Ma.teria Medica and Therapeutics and Practical
Materia Medica — Dr Craig (Surgeons' Hall), and
Dr Lockhart Gillespie (Minto House, Chambers
Practical Pathology — Dr Bruce (Surgeons' Hall)
and Dr Leith (New School, Bristo Street).
Practical Physiology — Dr Noel Paton (Surgeons'
Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children —
Dr Halliday Croom (Minto House, Chambers
Street), Dr Berry Hart (Surgeons' Hall), Dr
Barbour (New School, Bristo .Street), and Dr
Haig Ferguson (New School, Bristo Street).
Medical Jurisprudence and Public Health — Dr
, Harvey Littlejohn (Surgeon's Hall), and Dr W.
G. Aitchison Eobertson (New School, Bristo St.)
Clinical Medicine, Eoyal Infirmary — Drs AiHeck,
Smart, James, and Byrom Bramwell; Dr Halli-
day Croom (for Diseases of Women).
W. Oathcart.
Botany and Practical Botany — Mr A. N. M'Alpine
(Minto Hotise, Chambers Street) and Mr. E.
Turubull (New School, Bristo Street).
Biology— Mr J. A. Thomson and Mr E. Turnbull
(Surgeons' Hall).
Physics — Dr Dawson Turner (Surgeons' Hall).
Natural History — Mr J. Arthur Thomson (New
School, Bristo Street).
Insanity — Dr Sir J. Batty Tuke and Dr John Mac-
pherson (Surgeons' Hall).
Practical Medicine and Diagnosis — Dr A. James
and Dr E. W. Philip (New Scho6l, Bristo Street),
Dr Gibson (Minto House, Chambers Street), Dr
E. A. Fleming, (27 Nicholson Square), and
Dr G. Lovell Gulland (New School, Bristo St.)
Diseases of the Ear, Nose, and Throat — Dr K.
Duncanson (6 Cambridge Street).
Diseases of the Skin — Dr Allan J'amieson (Eoyal
Infirmary), Dr Stewart Stirling (Surgeons'
Hall and Skin Dispensary, 6 Drummond Street).
Diseases of the Circulation — Dr Gibson (Minto
House, Chambers Street).
Diseases of the Eye — Dr George Mackay (Sur-
geons' Hall and Eye Dispensary, 31 Chambers
Street), and Dr W. G. Sym (New School, Bristo
Street, and Eye Infirmary, 6 Cambridge Street).
Clinical Ophthalmology — Dr George Mackay
(Surgeon's Hall, Eye Dispensary, and Eoyal
Public Vaccination (England) and Practical Vac-
cination — Dr Husband (Royal Dispensary), Dr
J. Buist (Western Dispensary and Cowgate
Dispensary), and Dr Cadell (New Town Dis-
Operative Surg, and Surg. Anat. — Mr Caird (New
School, Bristo Street), Mr Hodsdon (Surgeons'
Hall). Mr Shaw Maclaren (New School, Bristo
Street), Dr Alexis Thomson (Minto House,
Chambers Street), and Mr David Wallace (27
Nicolson Square).
Systematic Gynecology — Dr Brewis (27 Nicolson
Clinical Midwifery and Clinical Gynecology — Dr
Barbour (Cowgate Dispensary).
Diseases of Children— Dr Burn Murdoch (Sick
Children's Hospital).

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