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Dental Suryeoii-i — (Monday) J. G. Munro, L.D.S. ;
(Tuesday) G. W. Watson, L.D.S. ; (Wednesday)
J. S. Durward, L.D.S. ; (Thursday) J. S.
Amoore, L.D.S. ; (Friday) Fred. Page, L.D.S. ;
(Saturday) David Monroe, L.D.S.
Assistant Dental Surgeons, H. B. Ezard, L.D.S.,
E. N. Hannah, L.D.S., T. Gregory, L.D.S.,
Eobt. Lindsay, L.D.S., Sewell Simmons, L.D.S ,
D..E. Campbell, L.D.S., J. A. Young, L.D.S.,
F. J. Turnbull, L.D.S., L.R.C.P. & S.E., D. B.
Wilson, L.D.S., Hume Purdie, L.D.S., J.
Malcolm, L.D.S., H. H. Chapman, L.D.S.,
J. M. Mason, L.D.S.
Chloroformists — (Monday) E. J. Johnston ; (Tues-
day) Dr Thomas Proudfoot ; (Wednesday) Dr
William Lundie ; (Thursday) Dr G. Matheson
CuUen ; (Saturday) Dr D. A. Farquharson.
Tutorial Dental Sure/eon, J. Morris Stewart,
Treasurer, Thomas Wallace, F.F. A., 64 Princes st.
Secretary, G. M. Stuart, W.S., 56 Frederick street.
Mechanician, William Mein.
Janitor, Andrew Bain.
Royal Dispensary and Vaccine Institution.
21 West Eichmond Steeet.
President, The Duke of Buccleuch and Queens-
Vice-Presidents, The Lord Justice-General, the
Lord Justice-Clerk, the Lord Advocate, the
Earl of Wemyss, the Earl of Eosebery, Sir John
Cowan, Bart., of Beeslack.
Managers Dx-officiis, The Lord Provost, the
President of the Eoyal College of Physicians,
the President of the Eoyal College of Surgeons.
Ordinary Managers, James E. Young, Eev. Alex.
Williamson, D.D., Patrick Blair, Sir Alex.
Christison, Bart., Sir H. D. Littlejohn, J. M.
Macandrew, C.A., T. G. Dickson, C.A., H. G.
Kilpatrick, Dr E. Peel Eitchie, Sir J. A.
Russell, Eev. W. Grant, Edward Bruce, David
Deuchar, Geo. Harrison, Eev. James Stirling,
Dr Struthers, P.R.C.S.E., William Skinner,
W.S., Dr W. G. Black, John Burn, D. Mac-
ritchie, C.A., James Thin, Professor Kennedy,
A. W. Usher, Eev. W. M. Brown.
Secretary, E. C. Gray, S.S.C.
Treasurers, Messrs Macpberson & Norfor, C.A.
Visiting Committee, Dr E. P. Eitchie (convener),
Mr Young, Mr Macandrew, Mr Kilpatrick, and
Mr Bruce, Medical Secretary, Secretary, and
Treasurers, ex officiis.
Consulting Physician, Dr George Balfour.
Consulting Surgeon, Sir H. D. Littlejohn.
Medical Officers, Dr Wm. Husband, F.E.C.S., Dr
D. Wallace, F.E.C.S., Dr G. H. M. Dunlop,
F.E.C.P., Dr Stiles, F.E.C.S., Dr Haultain,
F.E.C.P., Dr Peter Young, F.E.C.P., Dr E.
H. Blaikie, F.E.C.S., Dr Hutchison, F.E.C.S.,
Dr W. G. A. Eobertson, F.E.C.P., Dr James
G. Cattanach, F.E.C.P.E., Dr W. M. Hutton,
Acting Physicians Accoucheur, Dr James Andrew,
Dr P. Young, Dr Dunlop, and Dr Haultain.
Diseases of Women, Dr P. Young and Dr Haultain.
Diseases of Ear and Throat, Dr Blaikie.
Diseases of Children, Dr Dunlop.
Mental Diseases, Dr Batty Tuke.
Vaccination, Dr W. Husband.
Secretary to Medical Officers, Dr Andrew.
Apothecary, Mr W. Duncan.
Truss and Bandage Makers, J. Gardner k Son.
Officer, Peter Macgregor.
Collector, Henx-y Greig.
New Town. Dispensary.
a 17 Thistle Street.
President, The Earl of Wemyss and March.
Vice-Presidents, The Earl of Stair, the Lord
Justice-General, the Lord Justice-Clerk.
Managers, G. Gourlay (chairman), the Lord
Provost, John Henry, W. J. Davidson, G.
Monro Thomson, W.S., E. Cameron Cowan,
C.A., Chas. P. Finlay, W.S., Dr Hunter, Dr K.
M. Douglas, C. S. Eankine Simson, W.S., Dr
Blair Cunynghame, Lieut. -Col. Mure-Steel,
George Brown ; and 0. C. Nisbet, W. S. , and
Dr Cadell ex officiis.
Hon. Secretary a,nd Treasurer, C. C. Nisbet, W.S.,
11 Alva street.
Secretary to Medical Officers, Dr Cadell, 22 Ainslie pi.
Auditor, Thomas G. Dickson, C.A.
Ordinary Medical Officers, Dr Elder, Dr Cameron,
Dr Jas. V. Paterson, Dr Drummond, Dr A. B.
Giles, and Dr Stodart AYalker.
Consulting Physician, Sir Douglas Maclagan.
Consulting Surgeon, Dr Duncan.
Consulting Physician Accoucheur, Dr Underbill.
Acting Physician Accoucheurs, Dr Thyne and Dr
Vaccination, Dr Cadell.
Surgical Department, A. A. &cot Skirving, .M.B.,
F.E. C.S.Ed.
For Diseases of the Ear and Throat, Dr Logan
For Diseases of the Eye, Dr Macdonald.
For Mental Disease, Dr Batty Tuke, jun.
For. Diseases of Women, Dr Brewis.
For Diseases of Children, Dr J. Crauford Dunlop.
Dental Department, Mr Page.
Apothecary, A. G. Bruce.
House Officer and Collector, J. J. Mackenzie,
Provident Dispensary.
Marshall Street.
Patronesses, The Duchess of Buccleuch, Mrs
Trayner, Miss Mackenzie.
Patron, The Marquis of Lothian, K.T.
President, Principal Sir William Muir, K. C.S.I.
Vice-President, The Eev. James MacGregor, D.D.
Committee, Dr Andrew Smart (chairman), Eev. Dr
Teape, Eev. John Campbell, Eev. Dr Alison,
Mr James Wallace, Mr Eobert Beatson, W.S.,
Mr Alex. Gray, Dr Andrew Smart, Eev. Dr
John M'Ewan, Eev. John Glasse, D.D., Eev. W.
Whyte Smith, Mr David A. Scott, S.S.C, Mr.
John Nicholson, Mr J. B. Sutherland, S.S.C,
Mr. Murdoch Eoss, Mr James M'Intosh, S.S.C
Consulting Physician, Andrew Smart, M.D,,
Consulting Surgeons, Joseph Bell, M.D., F.R.C.S.,
C. W. Cathcart, M.B., G.M.,F.E.C.S.
Diseases of Women (Tuesday and Friday at 4.30
P.M.), D. Berry Hart, M.D., F.E.C.P., E. Milne
Murray, M.B., CM., F.E.CP., W. Eraser
Wright, M.B., CM., ,E. L E. Young, M.D.,
W. Basil Orr, M.D.
Diseases of the Ear and Throat, E. M'Kenzie
Johnston, M.D., F.E.CS.E.
Ophthalmic Surgeon, George Mackay, M.D.,
Skin Diseases, Norman P. Walker, M.D., F.E.CP.
Acting Staff, George Thyne, M.B., CM., Francis
Boyd, M.D., F.E.CP.E., J. S. Fowler, M.B.,
Practical Midwifery and Out-Patient Department,
Dr E. J. Johnston.

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