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cost of transmitting the oiBcial telegram of
advice to the postmaster of the office of payment,
and its repetition. Any telegraphic communication
■which the remitter may wish to despatch to the
payee with regard to the order must be paid for
at the ordinary inland rate.
Any person expecting a remittance by Tele-
graph must produce satisfactory evidence that he
is the person entitled to receive the money.
Should repayment of a Telegraph Money Order
be required, the remitter must make application
to the Controller, Money Order Office, G.P.O.,
London, Edinburgh, or Dublin, as the case may
be, enclosing the receipt. A new order will then
be issued, less the ordinary commission, payable at
any Money Order Office named for the purpose.
In other respects. Telegraph Money Orders are
subject to the regulations which govern the trans-
mission of ordinary Money Orders.
Money Orders are issued in the United Kingdom
on the undermentioned British Colonies and
foreign countries, at the following rates for sums
not exceeding: —
£2. £5. £7. £10.
Os. 6d. Is. Od. Is. 6d. 2s. Od.
Adrianople. Hong Kong, with New South Wales.
Africa, East (Ger- agencies at — New Zealand.
man Posses- Atnoy. North Borneo
sions). Canton. (Sandakan and
Africa, West (Cam- FoocUow. Kudat).
eroons and Togo Hankow. Norway.
through Ger- Hoihow. Nova Scotia.
many). Ningpo. Oran ge Free State.
Austria. Shanghai. Panama.
Belgium. Swatow. Poitugal (includ-
Bermuda. Hungary. ing Madeira and
Beyrout. Iceland. the Azores).
Bosnia, India, including Prevesa.
British Bechuana- Biiraiah, with Prince Edward
land. agencies at — Islands.
British Columbia. Aden. Queensland.
British Guiana. Bagdad. lietimo.
British Honduras Bassorah. Rhodes.
(Belize). Bunder Abbas. Kouniania.
Bulgaria. Rushire. St Helena.
Canada. Guadur. Salon ica.
Candia. .Task, Linga. Salvador.
Canea. Muscat and Samsoun.
Cape of Good Zanzibar. Santa Quaranta.
Hope. Italy, with offices Sarawak.
Ceylon. on the Red Sea Seychelle Islands.
Chili. and at Tripoli. Siam.
Chios. Jaffa. Sien-a Leone.
Congo Free State. Japan. Smyrna.
Constantinople. Jerusalem. .South Australia.
Cyprus. ■ Kaifa. Straits Settle-
DanLsh West Kerassond. ments.
Indies. Labuan. Sweden.
Denmark. Lagos. Switzerland.
Durazzo. Luxemburg. Tangier.
Dutch East Malta, . Tasmania.
Indies. Mashonaland. Transvaal.
Egypt. Matabeleland. Trepizond.
Falkland Islands. Mauritius. Tunis.
Finland. Mitylena. United States.
France. Mombasa .fcLamu Uruguay.
Gambia. Natal. Valona.
German Empire. New Brunswick. Victoria.
Gibraltar. Newfoundland. West Indies.
Gold Coast. New Guinea (Ger- Western Australia.
Heryegovina. man Protector- Zululand.
HaM-aii. ate of).
In the case of orders to Austria, Belgium, Bul-
garia, Chili, Congo Free State, Denmark, Danish
"West Indies, Dutch East Indies, Iceland, Egypt,
Germany and Heligoland, German Possessions in
East and "West Africa, Holland, Hungary, Italy,
New Guinea, Japan, Luxemburg, Norway, Portugal,
Roumania, Salvador, Siam. Sweden, Switzerland,
Tunis, Uruguay, India, and the towns of Adrianople,
Beyrout, and Salonica, the original order should be
retained by the remitter, a new order in the curreucy
of the country of payment being issued by the Chief
Office of that country, and sent to the payee.
In the case of British Bechuanaland, Canada,
Constantinople, France, etc., Hawaii, Italy, etc.,
N. Borneo, the Orange Free State, Sarawak,
Transvaal, the United States, Panama, Smyrna,,
Tangier, and the British Possessions and Coloniess
generally, India excepted, the order should bef
sent to the payee by the remitter.
The issue of a duplicate order, or the stoppage f
of payment of an order issued by a colony or foreigm
country on the United Kingdom, will be made oni
application to the Controller of the Chief Money;,
Oi'der Office, London, provided an additional com-
mission of Is. for sums not exceeding £5, and 2s.
for sums above £5 and not exceeding £10 b©i
enclosed. For stoppage of payment an additionalil
commission at the ordinary inland rates. Po!
masters in the United Kingdom have power too
transfer to other offices in the United Kingdoms
payment of colonial and foreign orders originally!
drawn on their own offices.
Orders issued in the United Kingdom on Austria,.,
Bulgaria, Belgium, Congo Free State, Denmark,
Danish "West Indies, the Dutch East Indian i
Possessions, Egypt, France, Hawaii, Holland,
Hungary, Italy, Japan, Luxemburg, Norway,
Orange Free State, the Ottoman Towns of Adrian-
ople, Beyrout, and Salonica, Portugal, Eoumania,
Sarawak, Siam, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunis,
United States, and the British Colonies and
Possessions, are payable for twelve months after
the month of issue, but Orders for Chili are pay-
able for six months only after issue. Orders
issued on the German Empire and India are !
subject to the regulations which govern the pay- j
ment of Money Orders in those countries.
Orders for the British Colonies and other pos-
sessions abroad, excepting Canada and India, are
drawn in Sterling, but in those Colonies where the
local currency is other than Sterling, payments may
be made to the nearest equivalent in the legal ,
currency of the place.
Postal Orders are issued at all Money Order;
Offices in the United Kingdom, at the British
Post Office at Constantinople, and in Malta,
Gibraltar, India, Straits Settlements, Hong Kong,
and Newfoundland. Such Postal Orders are paid
at all Money Order Offices in the United King-
dom, andattheBritish Post Office, Constantinople. .
Payment is also made in Malta and Gibraltar, J
provided the orders were issued in the United \'
Kingdom, or at the British Post Office, Con-
The following are the amounts for which Postal
Orders are issued, together with the poundage
payable in respect of each order : —
Is. or Is. 6d., Id. each.
2s., 2s. 6d., 3s., 3s. 6d., 48., 4s. 6d.
5s., 7s. 6d., 10s., or 10s. 6d., . Id. each.
15s. or 20s., IJd. each.
Broken amounts may be made up by affixing post-
age stamps not exceeding 6d. to the face of the,
The person to whom a Postal Order is issued
must, before parting with it, fill in the name of the
person to whom the amount is to be paid, and may
fill in the name of the Money Order Office at which
the amount is to be paid. Tbe person so named
must, before payment can be made, sign the receipt
at the foot of the order, and must also fill in the

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