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PaiTott, Thomas, 12 Baltic street
Philp, Andrew J., 1 Hartington
Pole, John, 2 Keir street
Eaeburn, J. , 14 E. Hermitage pi.
Raeburn, Kenneth, 86 Easter
road, Leith
Eaison, Chas. W., 27 Buccleuch
Eeay, C. , 8 Union street, Leith
Eendall, AV., 10 Lome street
Pdtchie, Joseph, 88 Ferry road
Robertson, John W., 3 Eoyston
Robertson, L., 47 Summerside pi.
Schlossmann, A., 6 Jessfield ter.
Scoular, William, 63 Madeira st.
Seater, George, 187 Ferry road
Sutherland, Obadiah, 85 Cornhill
Stark, David, 77 Great Junction
Tait, P. AY., 9 Dudley avenue
Thom, David, 43 Pitt st., Leith
Thomas, Geo., 14 Smith's place
Thomson, Jas. , 3 Madeira street
Watson, J., 12 Wellington place
White, H., 6 Union street, Leith
White, H. J., 2 Bangor road
Woodburn, Alex. , 65 Gt. Junction
Wylie, James, 24 N. Fort street
Blaik, Hugh, & Co., 1 Bank st.,
Bridges, James G., 43 Shore
Cairns, David, 7 Commercial st.
Chalmers, Jn., 8 Port Hopetoun
Clarke, J. M., 54 Bernard street
Cormack, James, 28 Constitution
Currie, James, & Co. , 16 Bernard
Drynan, A. B., & Co., 8 Com-
mercial street
English, T. , 9 East Restalrig ter.
GaUoway, M. P., 24 Shore and 4
to 10 Timber bush
Gibson, George, & Co., 64 Com
mercial street
Gibson, Campbell, 64 Commercial
Henderson & M'Intosh, 41 Con
stitution street
Linklater, J. S., & Co., Com
mercial wharf
M'Gregor, D., 8 Commercial st.
MacKay & Co., 12 N. Junction st.
Mackie, Richard, & Co., 56 Ber-
nard street
Matheson, William, 38 Thirle-
stane road
Minto, John, 32 Sandport street
Reid & Howard, 24 Bernard st.
Russell, Miller & Huskie, 13 Ber-
nard street
Salvesen, Chr., & Co., 29 Ber-
nard street, and Granton
Scottish Oriental Steamship Co.,
Ltd., 4a St Andrew square
Stevenson, D. M., & Co., 8 Com-
mercial street and 12 Waterloo
street, Glasgow
Thomson, William, & Co., 28
Bernard street
Thomson, Wm., 14 Abercromby
Ward & Tupman, 2 Dock place
Warrack, John, & Co., 43 Con-
stitution street
Shipping Agents and
Insurance Brokers.
Allison, Chas. S., & Co., 2 Com-
mercial street
Beaton, Archibald B., 37 Con-
stitution street
Blaik, Hugh, & Co., 1 Bank st.,
Breyen, Richardson, & Co., 54
Bernard street
Brichta, Francis, & Co., 2 Com-
mercial street
Brickman, F. W., & Co., 53 Ber-
nard street and Granton
Buchanan, E. G., Bell's court,
Quality lane
Burns, G. & J., 37 Constitution
Cairns, R. & Co., 8 Commercial
_ street
Cairns, David, 7 Commercial st,
Campbell, James, 23 Lauriston
Campbell, J. N., 32 Commercial
Cook, Thomas, & Son, 9 Princes
Cormack, James, 28 Constitution
Couper, H. K., 2 Commercial st.
Cowper, Ralph C. , 22 Bernard st.
Currie, James, & Co., 16 Bernard
Ellingsen, M. J., 2 Commercial
English & Watson, Custom-house
buildings, Commercial street
Ewart, R. C. , 22 Bernard street
Gifford, Wm., & Co., 2 Dock
Gunn, William, & Co., Granton
Hansen & Co. , 2 Dock place
Harwood & Co. , 2 Commercial st.
Henderson & M'Intosh, 41 Con
titution street
Henry, A., & Co., 9 Dock place
Johnston, Patrick, & Co., 44
Bernard street
La Cour & Watson, 14 Com
mercial street
Langlands, M., & Sons, 76 Con
stitution st. and Edinburgh dock
Lindsay, J. & H., 7 Waterloo pi
M'Cankie, James, 63 George st.
MacGoiin, Archibald, 35 Consti-
tution street
M'Kay, Lewis, 10a N. St David
Mackie, Koth, & Co., 56 Ber
nard street
Martin, Geo., 56 Constitution
Mathison, P., & Co., 3 Com-
mercial street
Naismith, D. H., 4 St Giles st,
Nielsen, Andersen, & Co., 2
Commercial street
Olsen, H., 2 Commercial street
Ottywell, A. O., 6 Shandwick pi.
Pattison, W. A., 19 Crighton pi.
Petersen, J., & Co., 34 Bernard st.
Reid & Howard, 24 Bernard st.
Rendall, M. C, 3 Primrose st.
Ressich & Co., 53 Bernard street
Russell, Miller, & Huskie, 13
Bernard street
Salvesen, C, & Co., 29 Bernard
street and Granton
Schultz, A. , & Co. , 2 Commercial
Stenhouse, A. & G., Wet docks
Stevenson, D. M., & Co., 8 Com-
mercial street and 12 Waterloo
street, Glasgow
Stevenson, Robt., 48 Constitution
Thomson, William, & Co., 28 Ber-
nard street
Waddie, J. , & Co. , 41 Bernard st.
Ward & Tupman, 2 Dock place
Warrack, John, & Co., 43 Consti-
tution street
Wotherspoon & Son, Wet docks
Shipping Companies,
Allan Line Booking Office, 7
Waterloo place
Allan Line OfiBce, 9 Princes st.
xVllison, J. & T., passenger
agents for Steamship and
Sailing Lines to Canada,
America, Australia, South
Africa, New Zealand, India,
etc., 11 South St David street
American Line Booking Agency.
6 Shandwick place
American Line Office, 7 Waterloo
Anchor Line Office, 9 Princes st.
Anchor Line Co's Office, 7 Water-
loo place
Arrow Line, Leith and New York,
1 Bank street, Leith
Australian Irrigation Colonies, 6
Shandwick place
Beaver Line Office, 9 Princes st.
Bremen, 16 Bernard street
British India (B. I.) Steamship
Co., 7 Waterloo place
Burns, G. & J., Royal Mail
Steamers, Glasgow, Greenock,
Ardrossan, Belfast, London-
derry, Larne, Liverpool, and
Manchester; 37 Constitution st.
Christiansand, 16 Bernard street-
Copenhagen, 16 Bernard street
Cunard Line Booking Agency, 6
Shandwick place
Cunard Line Booking Office, 11
South St David street
Cunard Line Office, 7 Waterloo pL
Cunard Line Office, 9 Princes st.
Cunard Steamship Co. Limited,
37 Constitution street
Currie & Co., Castle Line, 7
Waterloo place
Danzig, 16 Bernard street
Dominion Line Office, 7 Waterloo
Dominion LineOffice, 9 Princes st
Dunedin Steamship Co. Limited
41 Constitution street

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