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Members. Places.
Chaplin, Ed Lincoln.
Chaplin, Henry Lincoln, M. D.
Charley, W. T Salford.
Ghilders, Rt. Son. H. O.E....Pontefract.
Oholmeley, Sir H. A. H Grantham.
Christie, Wm. Langham Lewes.
Churchill, Lord Eandolph.... Woodstock.
Clarke, John Greemer Abingdon.
Clifford, Charles Cavendish. .Newport, I. of Wight.
Clifton, Thomas Henry Lancashire, N. D.
Clive, George Hereford.
Olive, Hon. George H. W. W.Ludlow.
Close, Maxwell Charles Armagh co.
Clowes, S. W Leicester, N. D.
Cobbold, Thomas Ipswich.
Cogan, Et. Hon. Wm. H. F...Kildare co.
Cole, Hon. H. A Fermanagh co.
Cole, Henry Thomas Fenryn, etc.
Colebrooke, Sir T. E Lanark, N. D.
Collins, Eugene Kinsale.
Colman, Jeremiah J Norwich.
Oolthurst, Col. David La") ^ ,
Touche I Cork CO.
Conynghara, Lord F. N Clare co.
Coope, Octavius Edward Middlesex.
Corbett, John Droitwich.
Oordes, Thomas Monmouth.
Corry, Capt. Hon. H. W. L. ..Tyrone co.
Corry, James Porter Belfast.
Cotes, Charles Cecil Shrewsbury.
Cotton, W.J. E London.
Courtauld, George Maldon.
Courtney, Leonard H Liskeard.
Cowan, James Edinburgh.
Gowen, Joseph Newcastle-on-Tyne.
Cowper, Hon. H. F Herts.
^ Wmiam '"^^'' ^*' ^?''"} ^^''^^' ^- ^-
Crichton, Viscount... Enniskillen.
Cross, John Kynaston Bolton.
Cross, Et. Hon. Eichard A.... Lancaster', S. W. D.
Cubitt, George Surrey, W. D.
Cuniughame, Sir W. J. M....Ayr, etc.
Gust, Major Henry F. Grantham.
Dalkeith, Earl of Edinburgh co.
Dalrymple, Charles Bute co.
Dalway, M. E Carrickfergus.
Davies, David Cardigan, etc.
Davies, Eichard Anglesea.
Dawson-Damer, L. S. W Portarlington.
Dease, Edmund Queen's co.
Deedes, William Kent, E. D.
Delahunty, James Waterford co.
Denison, C. B York, W. E., E. D.
Denison, William B East Eetford.
Denison, Wm. Evelyn Nottingham.
Dick, W. W. F Wicklowco.
Dickson, Alex. G Dover.
Dickson, Thomas Alex Dungannon.
Digby Captain Hon. Ed-) ^^^^^^ ^^
ward E. T J
Digby, Kenelm T Queen's co.
Dilke, Sir Charles W Chelsea.
Dillwyn, Lewis L Swansea.
Dodds, Joseph Stockton.
Dodson, Eight Hon. Johnl Chester.
George J
Douglas, Sir Geo. H. S Eoxburgh co.
Drax, J. S. W. S. Erie Wareham.
Duff, M. Blphinstone Grant..Elgin, etc.
Duff,.Eobert W Banff co.
Dundas, Hon. John Chas Eichmond, Yorkshire
Dyke, Sir William Hart Kent, M..D.J
Dyott, Eichard Lichfield.
Members. Places.
Eaep, Thomas Newark.
Eaton, Henry W Coventry.
~ "^e, S. E Newc'le-under-Lyme.
Edmonstone, Sir W Stirling co.
Edwards, Henry Weymouth.
Egerton, Hon. A. F Lancaster, S. E. D.
Egerton, Hon. Francis Derby, E. D.
Egerton, Sir P. de M. G Chester, W. D.
Egerton, Hon. Wilbraham..,. Chester, M. D.
Elcho, Lord Haddington co.
Ellice, Edward St Andi-ews, etc.
Elliot, Sir Geo Durham, N. D.
Elliot, George Wm Northallerton.
Elphinstone, Sir J. D. H Portsmouth.
Emly n. Viscount Carmarthen.
Ennis, Nicholas Meath co.
Errington, George Longford co.
Estcourt, G. B. Sotheron Wilts, N. D.
Evans, Thomas William Derby, S. D.
Ewart, William Belfast.
Ewing, Archibald Orr Dumbarton co.
Fawcett, Henry Hackney.
Fay, Charles Joseph Cavan co.
Fellowes, Edward Himtingdon co.
Ferguson, Eobert Carlisle.
Fielden, Joshua York, W. E., E. D.
Finch, George H Eutland co.
Fitzmaurice, Lord E. G Calue.
Fitzwilliam, Hon. 0. W. W...Malton.
Fitzwilliam, Hon. J. W Peterborough.
Fletcher, William Cockermouth.
Floyer, John Dorset co.
Foljambe, F. J. S. E East Eetford.
Folkestone, Viscount Wilts, S. D.
Forester, Cecil T. W Wenlock.
Forster, Sir Charles Walsall.
Porster, Eight Hon. W. E.... Bradford.
Forsyth, William Marylebone.
Poster, William Henry Bridgnorth.
Fothergill, Eichard Merthyr Tydvil.
Fraser, Sir W. A Kidderminster.
Fremantle, Hon. T. F Bucks.
French, Hon. Charles Eoscommon co.
Freshfield, Charles Kaye Dover.
Fry, Lewis Bristol.
Gallwey, Sir W. P Thirsk.
Galway, Viscount Notts, N. D.
Gardner, James T. A Cheltenham.
Gardner, E. Eichardson Windsor.
Gamier, John Carpenter Devon, S. D.
Gibson, Et. Hon. Edward Dublin University.
Giffard, Sir Hardinge S Launceston.
Giles, A Southampton.
Gilpin, Col. Sir Eichard T... Bedford co.
Gladstone, Eight Hon. W. E. Greenwich.
Gladstone, William H Whitby.
Goddard, Ambrose L Cricklade.
Goldney, Gabriel Chippenham.
Goldsmid, Sir Julian Eochester.
Gooch, Sir Daniel Cricklade.
Gordon, Hon. Sir A. H Aberdeen, E. D.
Gordon, Lord Douglas Aberdeen, W. D.
Gordon, William Chelsea.
Gorst, J. E Chatham.
Goschen, Eight Hon. G. J.. ..London.
Goulding, William Cork.
Gom-ley, Edward T Sunderland.
Gower, Hon. E. F. L Bodmin.
Grant, Andrew ,...Leith, etc.
Grantham, William Surrey, E. D.
Gray, Edmond D Tipperary co.
Greenall, Sir Gilbert Warrington.
Greene, Edward Buiy St Edmunds.

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