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12 South Hanover Street.
George Hamilton Bell, Esq., surgeon.
Alex. M'Neill, Esq., advocate.
Thos. L. Abernethy, Esq., merchant.
Wm. Scoon, Esq., do.
James Weddell, Esq., do.
Alex. Sinclair, Esq., 133 George street.
Robert Bell, Manager.
Wm. Mowbray, Accountant.
Robt. Symington, and Alex. Watson, Tellers.
Wm. Stewart, James Ross, James White, and
Oliver Craven, Clerks.
Draw on Barclay, Bevan, & Co., and the
London and Westminster Bank, London.
Published for the Use of Schools, and Stu.
dents of the French language.
By C. P. BUQUET, French Master in the
Edinburgh Academy.
1. Nouveau Cours de Litterature, 3d edi-
tion, 12mo, 7s.
2. Phrases and Idioms of the French and
English languages, 12mo, 4s.
3. A Guide to the Pronunciation of the
French Language, with a progressive course
of Reading, and a " Manuel Litteraire," 12mo,
4. Esquisses Historiques de Chronologic,
suivies d'un Cours d' Astronomic, 12mo, 3s.
The " Nouveau Cours de Litterature,"
contains choice specimens in prose, as well as
in verse, of the most celebrated French writ-
ers ; and is illustrated by Biographical, His-
torical, Geographical and Chronological notes
of much value and utility, in the course of the
book, and at the end, by a complete appendix.
The " Phrases and Idioms " are systemati-
cally arranged, so as to impart a gradual
knowledge, and exemplify the principles and
peculiarities of the French Language.
The " Guide to the Pronunciation" con-
tains a full treatise on that important part of
the Language, carefully translated from a
well-known standard work, " La Grammaire
des Grammaires."
The " Esquisses Historiques de Chrono-
logic et Cours d' Astronomie," are intended
to serve as a branch of instruction upon which
the pupils are practically exercised and made
to compose.
These books may be had at Mr Buquet's,
82 George street ; at Messrs Oliver & Boyd,
Tweedale Court, High Street, and all book-
R'R AE (successorto the late Mr Brown)
ENGLISH, twice a year, viz. in October and
April. Age of Pupils about five years. Pu-
pils are admitted into the other Classes at any
time. The hours for the public classes, in
which are taught the English Language in all
its branches. Geography and History, are
from nine to eleven, and from twelve to two.
Writing and Arithmetic by a separate Master.
The other hours of the day are exclusively
devoted to private tuition in any of the bran-
ches of a polite, liberal, and solid education.
FEES (paid in advance).
For Public Classes, <£0, 15s, Od. per Quarter.
For Writing and Arithmetic, £0, 12s, Od. per
Quarter Days, 1st October, 15th Decem-
ber, 1st March, 1 5th May.
Mr Rae receives a few young Gentlemen as
Boarders, whose comfort, morals, and educa-
tion are particularly attended to by Mrs Rae
and himself. Mr R.'s house is within a few
minutes' walk of the public schools.
Under twelve years of age, £40
Above do. do. 50
Mr Rae is allowed to refer to the Rev. Mr
Bruce, minister of St. Andrew's, Edinburgh,
Professors Dunbar, Pillans, and Dr Carson.
Prepared at Kingston mills,
near haddington.
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age or Food. — It is an excellent ingredient
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at Sea has proved very useful, when no other
species of Food could be received— In point

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