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JAMAICA ST. {Leith.)
1 George Bell, esq. wine-mercht.
2 Andrew Sceales, gent.
3 Charles Philip, merchant
4 John M'Queen, gardener
. JAMES' PLACE {Leith.)
1 James Sanders
I, Mrs Scarth
2 Mrs Scott
3 Drysdale Carstairs, esq.
4 P. Gavin jiin sail-cloth raerch.
5 John H. Wood, esq.
5 Mrs C. Wood
5 William Wood, esq.
5 Peter Wood, esq.
6 Rev. G. D. CuUen
7 Wm. 'taylor, of soapwork
8 R. C Farquhar, merchant
8 Drummond Hardie, shipowner
9 A.Thomson, marble-cutter
9 Mis John Murray
Duncan Gavin, esq.
J. M'Nair, of Black & M'Nair
David White, gent.
Mrs Bett
Mrs Adam French
J. Lyon, session-elerk S. Leith
Mrs Skeldon, gardener
John B;il(1, gardener
James Gardner senior, gardener
Mrs Wallace
Alex. Bain, spirit-dealer
Thomas Wood, spirit dealer
John Simpson, spirif-dealer
John Pudmore, spirit-dealer
Joseph Donegani, spirit-dealer
James Spiers, toll-keeper
Thomas Nimmo, forage-master
William Bowden, spirit-dealer
Mrs Blat'kie, spirit dealer
Adam Gi^rdon, road-surveyor
G. Hannah, canteen-keeper
Pierskill Barracks
Mrs Monro, Monro place
Morriynn place
Captain W, A. Thomson, R.N.
N()7 thfield place
Andrew Robertson, esq.
Alexander Chisholm, tailor
iiteu'iirt street
J. M. Walk«»-, esq.
William Wood, gardener -
Dickson's park
Andrew Stephenson, esq.
Robert M'Kerlie, esq.
Will. Mather, esq. WiUowhrae
Colonel Irving, Whilejield
1 William Brown, grocer
2 Miss £. lanes, milliner
3 George Cousin, surveyor
•5 D. F. Paterson, agent
5 Thomas Veitch, baker
JOHN'S LANE(Lei7/j.)
W. Thomson, corn-merchant
Geo. Dunlopand Co. distillers
Scougall, Ellis, & Co. merchts.
1 Thomas Pasley, esq.
1 James T Douglas, merchant
2 George Gibson, merchant
2 M. C. Gibson
3 George Dunlop, esq.
4 R.Ogilvy, of L.L.E.& G. Ship-
ping Co.
5 Mrs William Goddard
6 G. Goodlet, postmaster, Leith
6 Mrs Goodlet
7 William Dudgeon, merchant
8 G. Crichton, of Shipping Co.
10 Thomas Hardie, merchant
2 William Calder, sailmaker
T. Stark, warehouse-keeper
3 Jas. Walls, pavement mercht.
William Brown, smith
6 David Mason, meal-dealer
D Taylor, lightho storekeeper
Robert Ferrie, dairyman
Jas. Fergusson, church officer
James Kettle, wright
Andrew Calder, tinsmith
Mrs Gourlay, spirit-dealer
W. Ford, block & pump maker
{South Leith.)
1 John Morrison, tobaconist
2 M. Van Staveren, silk & wor-
sted shop
3 James Douglas, merchant
4 Mrs. Johnston, lodgings
4 Robert M'Cosh, tailor
4 Capt. Thos. Donaldson
4 Robert Hunter jun. smith
4 James Gray (of P. O.Leiib)
5 James Hay, baker
Alex. Ball our, teacher
W. Grimond, of Excise
Jas. Saunders, wood-merchant
Scottish Brewery Co.
Captain Eyre, It, A.
Mrs Alex. Kinnaird, carter
Belief Chapel
Geo. Bruce, miniature painter
Miss Bruce, teacher
H. Munro, watchmaker
J. B. Maxton & Co. engineers
Leith Saw Mills
Dickson, Ferguson, & David-
son, wood- merchants
John Shell, millmaster
A. & C, Borthwick, merchants
A. Dake, saw-mills
Patent Flooring Machine
{North Leith.)
William Anderson, gardener
Archibald Muir, teacher
John Milne, victual-dealer
James Wallace, baker
William Blues, shipmaster
Misses Anderson, dressmaker?
3 Wm. Watson, engineer
5 W. M. Little, esq. S.S.C.
5 G. Lorimer, builder
5 Mrs M'Gill
5 Mrs Nifhol
5 Mrs Pretsell
7 Thomas Mason, baker
9 William James, shoemaker
1 1 Mrs W. Fowler
1 1 W. Thomson, tobacconist
1 1 Mrs. J. Walker
1 1 Charles Lawrie, late of Excise
1 1 Rev. Andrew Arthur
15 Mrs P. Cahil
17 James Fairley, grocer
17 Mrs Thomas Robertson
17 William Boak, currier
17 Mrs Stewart
17 P. Matheson, teacher
17 Mrs Cochrane
17 Miss Sime, dressmaker
17 W. Sime,recorderof St.Cuthbert'i
18 J. Hill, grocer
16 Misses Murray
16 Mrs Anderson
10 Francis Richardson, merchant
8 Joseph Robertson, merchant
8 A. Jack, printer
2 William Gibson, corn-merchant
1 Hunter and Co. spirit-merchant*
2 Mis Guild
2 Mrs Mill
2 Mrs N. Rutherford
3 John Bowman, draper
4 William Brown, baker
5 Mrs Thomson
5 R. Simpson, lodgings
5 John Macgregor, tailor
5 Mrs Thomson ladies' nurse
6 William Marshall, tobacconist
7 W. M'Farlane, boot& shoemaker
8 James Crighton, grocer
8 Mrs Hume
8 Anderson's lodgings
8 Alexander Lawson, lodging*
8 John Cu'hbertson, mason
9 William Clarkson, grocer
5 Mrs Miller
3 James Somerville, S.S C.

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