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Ballantyne, James R. orientalist, 1 Scotland st.
■ J., stationer and bonkseller, 49 Bernard
street — house 9 Vanburgh place
— — James, pawnbroker, 118 High st.
Jo. portrait-painter, 33 A-bercromby pi.
.John A. (Ballantyne and Hughes,)
6 Randolph cliff
Rob. innkeeper, 9 Grassmarket
Mrs W, 1 1 Forth street
Miss, 15 Gifford Park
Balleny, W. wright, 70 P. -row — ho. 6 Bristo
• John, Esq. Rosemount, Leith
. Miss, corset maker, 6 Bristo street
Miss, 1 Buccleuch place
Balgairney, John, cowfeeder, 22 New street
Ballingall, Sir Geo. Surgeon to the Queen, and
Prof, of Military Surgery, 13 Heriot r.
— — Wm. accountant, 6 Pitt street
Miss, 21 Gardner's crescent
Balmain, Ja. boot and shoemaker, 67 Clerk st.
— — Jas. wine, tea, and spirit merchant, 3
north St Andrew street
. ■ John, tobacconist, 42 Prince's street
— — Mich, wine and spirit dealer, 89 Canon-
gate — ho. 219 High street
' Miss, dressmaker, 219 High street
■ • Miss, milliner, 42 Charlotte st. Leith
Balraer, John, gardener, Bathfield, Leith
Balvaird, Mrs George, 42 Gilmour place
. Mrs, 37 Gilmour place
Bancks, C. J. ironmonger, 35 Hanover st. and
241 Cowgate — house 2 Middleby street
Band, Mrs Henry., 2 King street, Leith
Bank of Scotland Branch, Bank st. and 29
Constitution street
Banks, Alex, stationer and bookb. 37 No. br.
' Alex. jun. bookbinder, 5 North bridge
David, tailor, 5 Shrub place
Henry, merchant tailor, 22 Duke st.
J. H., bookbinder, 30 Hanover street
J. Crown and Anchor Hotel, 2 terrace,
J^eith street
John & Co. manufrs. of carpets, hearth-
rugs, and hemp-matting, Canonmills
• J. die and stamp cutter, 10 Hunter sq.
• John, shipmaster, 29 Couper street
Peter, S.S.C. 59 Broughton street
William, tailor, 1 Elm row
Wm. (W. H. Lizars) 2 Windsor street
W. cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 6 west
Richmond st. — ho. 10 St Patrick square
— — Miss, 45 Moray place
Miss, 2 Windsor street
Bannatyne Club, D. Laing, sec. G6 Lau-
. R. officer of Fishery, Dock gates — house
5 Albany street, Leith
Banner, F. shoemaker, 1 Devvar place
Bannerman, H. tea and spirit merchant, 3
Spence's place
Miss, 4 north St James street
Baptie, A. carver and gilder, 8 so. Melville pi
J. circulating library, 12 Earl Grey st.
-^— Miss Grace, 13 Earl Grey street
Barber, R. H. esq. 30 Warriston crescent
Miss, ladies' sick nurse, 14, James sq.
Barclay, John, esq. 7 Carlton place
— John, dairy, Silvermills
Captain, 9 Carlton place
Perkins and Co. porter store, 30 St An-
drew St. Leith — J. G. Thomson, agent
Mrs, 3 Pillans' place
Mrs Captain, 2 Saxe Coburg place
Mrs, 18 Ann street
Barilli, James, flower maker, 9 Broughton st.
Barker, Barnard, broker, 143 Cowgate
John, esq. surgeon, 27 James square
Patrick, broker, 146 Cowgate
Robert, spirit dealer, Buccleuch pend
Tho. assist, inspec. of letter-carriers, 15
Jamaica st.
Thomas, brewer, 8 Yardheads
Mrs, lodgings, 69 Brougbton street
Barlas, Robert, esq. 18 Gilmore place
Bakm, New, Company, 85 n. b. of Canongate
— John Glass, manager
Southern District Company, 112 Nicol-
son St. — John Crawford, brewer
Barnes, Miss. 22 Alva street
Barnet, Jas. nurseryman and garden designer,
Stanwell lodge, Bennington road
John, jeweller, 2 west Richmond st.
Barr, F. German clockmaker, 25 Greenside st,
— house 12 Union street
James G. esq. S.S.C. 76 Queen street
Barrack Office, Queensberry house
Barron, G. esq. W.S. 20 Nelson st. — ho. 14
Clarence street
John, esq. accountant, and deputy clerk
of Teinds, 67 Great King street
Mrs, 67 Great King street
Barrowman, J. warehousem. 19 St Patrick sq.
Thomas, janitor. University
Barry, David, late merchant, 9 Moray st.
J. British Hotel and Hopetoun Rooms,
70 Queen street
Mrs, straw hat maker, 63 Nicolson st.
Barstow, C. M. esq. accountant, 29 India st.
Barth, Mrs, 4 Young street
Bartholomew, Geo. engraver, 6 Leopold place
J. dairyman, Bonnington road, Leith
John, victual dealer, 3, Heriot buildings
John, engraver, 21 IJroughton street
Barton, Robert, writing-master. Circus place
school — ho. 48 India street
Wm. tea dealer, 39 Home street
Bartram — see Bertram
Barty, Mrs, 30 Hamilton place
Bastow, J. A. P.]\I. minister, 39 Home street
Bates, J. J. Wesleyan methodist minister, 10
Nicolson square
Bathgate, Jos. manager Dalkh. coal depot, St
W. M. F R.C.S. 39 Nicolson|street
Mrs, spirit dealer, 19 Haddington place,
Miss, 7 Park street
Bath Establishment, 17 & 1 9 Hill st. See App.
Battistessa, Molteni, and Gaunziroli, carvers,
gild, and look, glass manuf. 8 Calton st.

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