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Benj. Fountain, of Customs
Rob. Goldie, baker
Alexander Miller, merchant
William Marshall
Robert D. Menzies, ship-builder
Christopher Wood junior, esq.
John Hutchinson, merchant
Joseph Cundell of B. L. Comp.
Robert Gillies, publican
Angus Cameron, contractor
Archibald Lumsdaine, merchant
William Millar, baker
Bnrm close
D. Brash, wine & spirit merchant
Alex. Gray, leather-merchant
2 Mrs Thorns. Bisset, corset maker
3 M' Donald and Co. merchants
3 A. M Lean, willow- merchant
4 Peter Lamb, w right
4 Miss Fowles. straw-hat maker
4 Willia n Caird of Customs.
7 Miss Simpson, dressmaker
7 Thomas Kay. plumber
Gideon Leggat, grocer
James Walker, teacher
Mrs Adamson, loggings
John S. Bonar, of po>t-omce
James Sutherland, plasterer
James Marshall, plasterer
William Anderson, grocer
William Hampton, fish-curer
Robert Tweeclale, flesher
David Miller, shipmaster
William Ford, blockmaker
Robert Dickson, letter-carrier
Mr Lithgow
C. Holms, coal-merchant
J. Kettel, wright and undertake
Mrs Kirk wood, sick- nurse
James Lindesay, shipmaster
John Peddie, of Excise
James Knight, vintner
James Alison, cooper
Miss Anderson, toy-shop
Lcitli Sugar Refining CompaJiy
David Walker, teacher
James Gilchrist, carter
James Kinghorn, wright
Archibald Finlay, flesher
J. Gavin & Son. ship chandlers
J. Gavin, house and ship painter
Dn Matheson, spirir-de iler
Thos. Ferguson, paper merchant
1 Alexander Fraser, vintner
2 G. Johnston, hatter
3 Mrs Laing, Commercial tavern
3 James Matheson, merchant
3 John Watt, wine merchant
. r i Robert Lyall, shipmaster
3 David White, clothier
4 Miss Robertson, stoneware mer.
Duvid Hill, plumber
Peter Gavin, rope and sail maker
Alex. Lindesay, boat-builder
John Cochrane, mast, block, and
pump maker
Thomas Ness, smith
Robert Liddle, merchant
William Harlow, nail maker
John Scott, carter
Joseph Couts, tailor
James Kyle & Son, bootmakers
James Grant, spirit-dealer
John M'Bryde, lodgings
Robert Laurie, solicitor
Miss Bulloch
Robt. Marshall, glass warehouse
Mrs E. Hosie. lodgings
William Lindesay, uine-mercht
Patrick Lindesay, wine-mercht
J mes L ndesay, wine-merchant
W Thomson and Co. age> ts
R Anderson & Co. merchants
Peter R mken coal-merchant
Robert Morrison, spirit dealer
Cummer. Bank, A. Spence, agent
Mews lane
Quality court
Robert Watt, general agent
Wm. Robertson, wine merchant
Bell's court
J. Simson, wine & spirit-mercht
Geo. G. Thomson, agent
John Boyd, merchant
Maxwell, Marshall, & Co. corn-f.
David Thorn and Co. merchants
John Saunders, auctioneer
Thomas Bowe, grocer
Mrs Neilson's lodgings
Robert Neilson, cooper
W. Bishop, chimney sweeper
Mrs Archibald Ronaldson
William Sheils, merchant
John Fernie, auctioneer
Dr Thomas Craigie, surgeon
William Craigie, surgeon
Thomas Black, merchant
George Sharp, draper
James M'Pherson, plumber
Bonk of Scotland's Office; Thos.
Jones, agent
Pillans Scarth, W. S.
James B. Tod, merchant
William Anderson, merchant
William Patison, agent
Adam Anderson, merchant
M. Wallace, wright
Marshall & Sutherland, plasterers
William Bruce, wright
W. Blackie, cooper
N. Dryburgh, cooper
Mrs Donaldson
Donald Clerk, agent
Andrew Merrylees, cork-cutter
John Watson, merchant
J. Watson, jun merchant
John Young, slater and glazier
T. A. Shand, merchant
Ilopc,Bnice,&Co.wine merchts
47 Wm. Dickson, wine-mercht.
48 Mrs David Cundell
49-50 A.&W. Thomson, marble-w
51 Miss Winton, dressmaker
52 John Henderson, brewer
52 John Rankine, late of Excise
52 Robert Paterson, Excise officer
52 Wm. Thomson, of marble-work
52 R. Rankine, late of High school
52 Mrs Burnet, lodgings
52 Joseph Collier, supervisor
53 Laurie street
55 Alex. M-Farlane, corn-merchant
63 Bell, Rannie & Co. vvine-merch,
64 J. Hunter, wine-merchant
67 T.Macritchie& Co.vvine-merchts.
69 Joseph Gibson, merchant
69 G. Gibson and Son, merchants
69 Henderson and King, brewers
72 Richard Stodart, merchant
72 Joshua Richmond, shipmaster
72 Mrs Captain Hastie
72 Mrs Watson, lodgings
72 Thomas Ranken, merchant
72 Mrs William Watt, lodgings
72 Mrs Adamson
72 John Gilhert, pawn-broker
73 Thomas Callum, gas fitter
74 Miss Sibbald, milliner
75 Mrs William Lindsay, junior
75 Mis Bruce, lodgings
75 Miss Shoolbraid
75 Mrs James Wilson
75 Miss G. Stewart
75 Mark Sanderson, merchant
75 M. Simpson
76 Dr George Kirk
78 Charles Murray, wright
80 Redpath, Brown, and Co. iron
85 David Bett, timber-merchant
85 John Somerville, general agen
85 David Ramsay, merchant
87 Links lane
87 Archibald Young, merchant
88 James Miller, merchant
90 J. Stewart, coal & slate-mercl
91 James Miller & Sons, merchts
92 Mrs M Farlane
93 D.Elphinstone, ven. blindmake
96 David Hood, teacher
98 Mark Ga»gie, spirit dealer
99 Brodie and Hume, plumbers
102 Robert Mackie, smith
103 M'Pherson and Kay, plumberal
104 Walker, Johnston, and Co. win*
and spirit merchants
105 John B. Watecstone
105 Mrs Veitch
The Town Hall
Sh erijf- Clerk ' s ojfice
Police ojfice
109 William Miller junior, collects
110 Mrs II. Rennie
112 Robert Munro, shoemaker
114 Robert Coldstream, esq.
115 Mrs William Ainslie
116 Thomas Gibson, merchant
117 T. Stevenson, corn-factor
118 Andrew Snody, S. S. C.
118 John Leith, solicitor
120 Tost Ojfice

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