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Jl o s
R () S
3 .John Russel, grocer
3 Mark Stewart, tailor
3 John Johnston, postmaster
3 Christopher Johnston, surveyor
3 John M'Diarmid, tailor
3 James Welsh, fleshcr
8 David Welsh, baker
6 Richard Clark, tinsmith
5 Andrew Watt, saddler
5 William Mortimer, lapidary
1> J. Welsh, shoemaker
!) James Anderson, spirit-dealer
y Thomas Davie, saddler
y Robert Samuel, tailor
15. John M'Kcnzie, plumber
Id John Pringle, spirit-dealer
17 George Allan, painter
iy John Auchincloss, smith
iy J. Dick and Son, cabinetmakers
iy Joseph Cockburn, breechesmaker
Mrs M-Gilchrist
Rose-Street chapel
21 James Anderson, spirit-dealer
23 Walter Rutherford, spirit-dealer
23 John M'Kenzie, plumber
85 Wm. Sawers, bootmaker
27 Miss Trail
gg-T tiuncver street
31 D. Moir, hairdresser
33 Andrew Tait, baker
35 James M'Nce, coachtnaker
3.5 John Moncur, plumber
37 J. Greenshields, grocer
41 William Halket, bootcuttcr
41 Mrs Crichton
45 Mrs Russel, tailor
4y James A. Ferguson, tavern
51 James Marshall, painter
51 Robert Maifland, livery stables
53 Mrs Watson
53 Miss Hook, dressmaker
55 Mrs John Lawrie, stabler
63 Police Office
C7 Mrs Galloway, grocer
69 Thomas Johnston & Son, wrights
69 G. Halket, officer Ministers' Wi
dows' Fund
69 S. Wheatley's lodgings
7 1 "William Robin, shoemaker
73 Mrs Wilson
73 Thomas Deas, tailor
73 John Melville, plumber
73 Miss Beaton
73 Daniel Hannan, tailor
ggr Frederick street
77 James Johnston, city missionary
77 James Johnston, shoemaker
77 Charles Robertson, coach-hirer
7y Hugh Quin, grocer
81 Robert Fraser, cowfeeder
83 Peter Pollock, farrier
83 Charles Scott, postmaster
83 John Wilkes, cabinetmaker
87 Thomas Menzies, spirit-dealer
91 J. and C. Muirhead, printers
103 John Dalgliesh, tailor
103 Thomas Sheriff, saddler
105 Edward M'Gill, glazier
111 Thomas Aitchisou, shoemaker
113 John M'Mart'm, spirit-dealer
1 15 Mrs S. Robertson's lodgings
1 17 W. it A. Hay, spirit-dealers
119 Alex. Gtay, veterinary surgeon
[23 James Huig, baker
127 Wm. Gregory, dnplate worker
12> Wm. Williamson, chim. sweeper
129 If. M'Vitie, victual-dealer
131 John Russell, grocer
I Haath street
133 Robert Wilson, fleshcr
G. Dippie, cabinetmaker
William Greig, smith
John Trail, cabinetmaker
137 Mrs M. Robson, hosier
139 A. and J Carrick, smiths
153 G. French, silk-dyer
153 Charles Innes, plasterer
153 Mrs Boyd, sick-nurse
157 S. W. Macnight, druggist
15y James Ross, cowfeeder
161 Thomas King, horse-dealer
161 Mrs Harper, nurse
161 John Cuthbertson, builder
163 Mrs Gow, spirit-dealer
1 65 Miss Mitchell, straw-hat maker
165 A. Leslie, macer of Jury Court
165 Mrs P. Jollie, lodgings
167 Thomas Byres, baker
Jjapiist Chapel
204 James Ramage, wright
204 George Young, water officer
204 George Fraser, china-burner
200 David Small, spirit-dealer
202 Robert Cleves, spirit-dealer
198 William Dalgleish, lodgings
198 John Sim, lodgings
198 David Angus, plumber
196 Mrs P. White, spirit-dealer
194 George Burnet, tailor
194 Mrs McGregor, print-glazer
194- Miss Sandilands, dressmaker
192 Nicol Dobson, grocer
190 Mrs. Cowper, corsetmaker
190 Mrs Vaughan
188 James Brash, victual-dealer
184 Mrs Crooks
1 82 John Bennet, spirit-dealer
ISO The Rachet Court
180 James Carrick, smith
180 James W T alker, wright
178 R Richardson, shoemaker
176 James Robertson, cowfeeder
174 James Anderson, cabinetmaker
174 Alexander Carrick, smith
174 Mrs William Reid
170 Robert Barker, spirit-dealer
Neill Stewart, ccach-hirex
Mrs Telfer, lodgings
John M'Vean, lodgings
Alex. Robertson, cabinetmaker
John Bell, smith
James Walker, cabinetmaker
|g|f Castle street
164 John Richardson, hairdresser
164 Mrs Matthew Boog
102 Cochrane's lodgings
158 David Wilson, cowfeeder
George Ormiston, smith
JohnKnight, farrier
John Greig and Son, smiths
154 Mrs James Craig, spirit-dealer
162 J. W. Ant-rum, cork-manufact.
150 Thomas Hood, shoemaker
148 William 1 1 nine, .shoemaker
146 Mrs Lawson, pie-baker
144 William Cowie, hairdresser
142 Alexander Anderson, fleshcr
140 Alexander Stewart, tailor
138 William Johnston, baker
136 James AVatson, spirit-dealer
134 John Kerr, hairdresser
132 Thomas Murdoch, lodgings
132 Mrs Steel, sick nurse
George Barrow, spirit-dealer
128 Duncan Stewart, dairy
126 I. and E. M'Lennan, grocers
2 Mrs Sutherland, straw-hat maker
122 John Alexander, agent
122 John Mackay, chairmaster
116 P. Pollock, farrier
116 Robert Stewart, inkmaker
116 Robert Anderson, livery stables
114 James Robertson, shoemaker
110 William Masters, spirit-dealer
110 Peter Stirling, horse-dealer
110 Erskine Collins, wright
108 Robert Dalziel, fishmonger
106 James Wilkie, baker
106 William M'Kenzie, dyer
106 iWiss Mackay, staymaker
^gg~ Frederick Ureet
104 D. Roberts, chairmaster
104 Alexander Forsyth, shoemaker
104 Mrs Penny, lodgings
102 William Welsh, flesher
100 Alex. Mathison, spirit-dealer
100 J. and D. Mitchelson, painters
100 George Inglis, stables
10(1 Wilson&Guthrie,piclure-framers
100 Wm. Henderson, veterinary surg.
98 Mrs A. Baptie
96 James Dow, shoemaker
9H Mrs Bennet, spirit-dealer
94 Mrs Clark, grocer
92 Henderson and Son, shoemakers
92 George Horsburgh, bootmaker
y0 James Cooper, bootmaker
90 Mrs Campbell, lodgings
88 David Wright, baker
86 William Steele, tinsmith
82 James Paterson, builder
82 Miss Ellis, dressmaker
82 John Dewar, house-painter
82 Mrs John Bryden
82 William Bryden, bellhanger
80 J. Bryden and Sons, bellhangers
74 Miss C. Burnet, dressmaker
74 James Fowler, tailor
74 Miss Brumby, dressmaker
72 William Brumby, painter
68 William Rodger, tailor
68 Ch. Glassford, miniature-painter
G6 George Bookless, glazier
64 Robert Cockburn, baker
56 Alexander Robertson, cowftedei
54 J. Fairgrieve and Co. printers
54 Andrew Gowan, spirit-dealer
52 George Muirhead, spirit-dealer
50 Peter Bell, bootmaker
48 AVilliam Forrest, agent
48 Alexander Dewar, jewelier
46 Mrs Dry^dale, grocer

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