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Ranken, James, victual dealer, 161 Pleasance
i John, flint-glass manuf. and brass- founder,
Leith walk — house 3 Fife place
John, letter-carrier, Haddington's entry
John, victual dealer, 254 Canongate
. John, victual dealer, 24 Carnegie street
. Thomas, esq. S.S.C. 10 Duke street
Mrs, 1 Gayrield place
Mrs, lodgings, 180 Pleasance
Rankin and Paterson, bakers and confectioners,
4 Union place
. Daniel, messenger-at-arms, 8 James's square
Lieut. D. h. p. rifle brigade, 2 Arniston place
Ransford, Charles, M.D. F.RCP., surgeon, 12
Howe at.
Rattray, Robert, esq. W.S. 4 Bellevue crescent
Captain W. 6 Mansfield place
P. & Co. tobacco-pipe makers, Brown's en.
■ Mrs Clerk, 105 Princes street
Mrs Thomas, 7 Henderson row
. Miss, 21 Buccleuch place
• Misses, 8 west Salisbury place
Rausch & Corpe, tailors and clothiers, 55 Princes
st. and 15 Kins st. St James's, London
Ravvson, William, fishing-rod and tackle maker,
153 High street
Read, Charles, Roslin bleachfield — no. Coljege st.
Reading Rooms, entry of, 13 George st. — See App.
Record for servants, 4 south St Andrew street (late
Mrs M' Go wan)
Recorder's Office, Canongate, Borough buildings,
Register for Servants, 11 south College street —
Mrs Young, keeper
Reddie, James C. esq. W.S. 8 India street
Redpath, Brown, & Co. ironm rs & seed merch ta ,
84 Candlem. row & 80 Constitution st. Leith
David, confectioner and tea-dealer, 3G Nicol-
son street — house 30
John, esq. 6 Archibald place
Reed, William, watch-glass maker, 92 High st.
Reeves, Wm. M.D. 7 Haddington place
Refuge, House of, Queen sberry house — D. Purvis,
Reid & Downie, silk mercers, 75 Geo. street
■ Adam, working jeweller, G Milne square
Rev. Alex, rector of Circus place school, 14
Carleton street
■ A. and Co. spirit dealers, 281 High street —
house 1 1 Lothian street
David, cabinet maker, 9 Jamaica street
David, wright, 1 Silvan place
David, nursery man, Leith walk — ho. 2 Shore,
Donald, spirit dealer, 14 Candlemakcr row
Dr D. B. lecturer on Practical Chemistry,
Roxburgh place — house 37 Nicolson street
George, and Co. coachmakers, King's stables
Gilrillan, 4 Salmon market — house Low
Flesh market [[place
• James, esq. (of Wight <Sr Reid,') 7 n. w. Circus
James, esq. 21 Minto street
■ James, accountant, 2 east Broughton place
< James (of Reid arid Downia), 11 Lothian st.
James, cloth merchant, 20 Rankeillor st.
■ James, commercial agent, 1 Hill square
James, of the Fishery office, 9 Grove street
i Jas. (of the Exchequer), 20 Claremont
» James, spirit dealer, 31 Watergate
Reid, J. J. esq. advocate, 28 Dundas street
surgeon, R.N. 2 Dean terrace
, sen. gardener, Broughton road
merchant, 12 Henderson row
John, watchmaker, 13 Frederick street
John, aMjdener, 14 Grange loan
Robt.^kt. to his Majesty, 44 Charlotte sq.
Rober^writer, 3 Summer place
Robedjpainter, glazier, and paperhanger, 3
Blenheim place — house G Shrub place
R. ordnance contractor, 47 Great King st.
Simson, ba)Mf27 Dean street
Sylvester, wPfi. accountant and deputy clerk
of teinds, 5 Mansfield place
William, physician, lecturer on botany and I
medicine, 2 Nicolson square
Wm. gen. mer. 1 2 Hill sq. — ho. 5 Buccleuch st.
Wm. builder, 11 Calton street
Wm. merchant, 39 Hanover street — house I
Newinoton place
■ Mrs A. 18 Gilmore place
Mrs Colonel, 9 Howard place
Mrs John, 4 Graham street
Mrs William, 174 Rose street
Mrs W. printing office, 1 Gabriel's road I
Mrs George, 13 Buccleuch place
Mrs, lodgings, IS Lothian street
— — Mrs, ham shop, 1 1 west Nicolson street
Miss Alexie, 9 Hill square
■ Miss, 17 Scotland street
Miss, dressmaker, 136 George street
Miss, dressmaker, 306 Lawnmarket
Misses, dressmakers and embroiderers, 49
Broughton street
Reid's Charity school, 81 Causewayside
Reikie, Js. fruiterer, 4G Lothian st. & fruit markt.
Reith, James, agent, 16 Keir street
Religious and Charitable Institu. ho. 13 Queen st.
Rennie, James, smith and furnishing ironmonger,
53 Hanover street — house 51
Richard, slater, 593 Castle hill
Mrs, 34 Albany street
Renny, William, esq. W.S. and solicitor of legacy,
duties, 16 Royal circus
Mrs, midwife, 38 Brunswick street
Renton, Alex, stocking manufr. 19 Roxburgh st.
James, writer, 1 Scotland street
James, esq. accountant, 15 Queen street j
John, esq. W.S. 30 Royal circus
Dr Robert, F.R.C.P. 26 Howe street
. Rob. clerk (Marquis of Lothian coal depo"'
69 St Leonard street
Wm. esq. 15 Buccleuch place
Mrs, 1 Scotland street
Uenwick, John, spirit dealer, 17 Greenside row j
Rev. Robert, 1 1 Dean street
Wm. cowfeeder, 19 Dean street
Ileoch, George, smith & spirit dealer, Canonmills
James, merchant, 1 Union street, Cassels pi
John, esq. of Gilmerton, 14 Pilrig street
Repository for the Work of the Poor, lj
Hunter square
Repp, ThorlG. A.M. teach, of languages, 1 Alva ^.t
Reversionary, the General, and iNVESa
me nt Co., Messrs Goldie and Ponton
W.S. 2 Queen street, agents. See App.
Reynolds, Richard, buttonmaker, 19 M'Dowal st
Rhind, David, esq. architect, 11 Abercromby pi.
James, merchant & corn agent, 21 Forth M

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