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NoRTHEnx Lighthouse Boai;d, 8 4 George street;
J. M. Duncan, secy. ; house, 87 Palmerston
Northern Marine Insurance Co. Limited, 56
Constitution street ; George Martin, agent
jSTorthern Maritime Insurance Company Limited,
56 Constitution street ; George Martin, agent
jSTorton, Miss Emily, matron, Craighouse Royal
Norton Park Co-operative Society Limited ;
James M. Hunter, manager, Easter road and
Edina place
Norwell, Mrs, 26 Fountainhall road
Norwich and London Accident Insurance Asso-
ciation, 16 South Castle street
SOCIETY, 16 Castle street ; Eraser, Stodart,
& Balliugall, W.S., sees. iJiSee Adv. index
SOCIETY, 21 St Andrew sciuare ; T. M.
Pittendrigh, district inspector ; house, 25
Dean park street
Notman, Arch., lapidary, 51 Hanover street
Notman, D., joiner, 103 Giles street; house, 1
Ferrier street
Notman, Jas. H., solicitor, Northfield cottage,
Newhaven road
Notman, Robert, 21 Gilmore place
Notman, Robert, van builder, 19 Buccleuch st.
Notman, AVilliam, architect, Northfield cottage,
Newhaven road
Nowers, T. W. {In. Bev.), 39 St Bernard's cres.
Nowlan, Thos., pictm-e engraver, 30 St James'
Nunn, Miss, dressmaker, 23 Cathcart place
Sirs Bayne, lady supt. ; Telegraph, ' Nurses. '
NURSING "institution (ROYAL SCOT-
TISH), 44 Castle street; Miss Harland,
matron; Telegraph, 'Sick Nursing.' ^See
Adv. index
Nutt, Whaley B., teacher of vocal physiology
and elocution. The Grange house, Grange loan
Nutt, Mrs Whaley B. , boarding-school for young
ladies, The Grange house. Grange loan
Nyberg, Mrs C. G., 3 Bernard street
Oakeley, Sir Herbert, LL.D., M.A. D.C.L.,
and Mus. Doc, prof, of Music in the Univer-
sity, and composer to her Majesty in Scotland,
6 Park place
Oakley, E., confectioner, 50 Sandport street
O'Brien, F. E. F., professor of music, 2a Hope
park crescent
O'Brien, Mrs, 28 Greenside street
Obstetrical Society, 5 St Andrew square
Ocean, Railway, and General Accident Assurance
and Guarantee Companies Limited, 6 York
buildings ; Henderson & Wilson, district agts.
Ochiltree, Andrew, 149 Morrison street
Ocicleford, George Curtis, 25 Dean park street
O'CarroU, Rev. John J., O.M.J. (Star of the
Sea), 106 Constitution street
Oddfellows Lodges. See Oddfellows Directory
Oddfellows Hall, 14 Forrest road; Adam
Walker, hall-keeper
O'Donnell, John, contractor, 2 Roxburgh street
O'Donnell, John, 9S North Back Cauongate
O'Donnell, Mrs, 16 Broughton place
Odonto-Chirurgical Society of Scotland, 30
Chambers street ; Wm. Herbert Williamson,
L.D.S., M.B., CM., and D.D.S., president;
J. S. Amoore, L.D.S. Eng., 7 Abercromby
jilace, secretary
O'Farrell, P., grocer, Dicksoir's pk., Jock's lodge
O'Flaherty, Mrs, 4 Montagu terrace
Office for Patents and Designs and Regis-
tration of Trade Marks ; Johnson, Day, &
Johnson, 12 Rothesay place, and 115 St Vin-
cent street, Glasgow
Officer, William, S.S.C, agent of Convention of
Royal and Parliamentary Burghs ; chambers,
21 Castle street ; house, 30 Coates gardens
Offices of Church of Scotland, 22 Queen street
Oflices of the Free Church, 15 N. Bank street
Offices of the United Presbyterian Church,
U.P. College, Castle terrace
Offices of Museum of Science and Art, in the.
Museum, Chambers street
Offices of the Supreme Grand Royal Arclr
Chapter of Scotland, Wm. Edwards, G.S.E.,
1 Hanover street
Ogg, John, cabinetmaker, N.-W. Rose street lane ; .
house, 28 Dewar place
Ogg, Mrs, apartments, 8 N. Bruntsfield place
Ogg, Miss C. H., medical and surgical nurse, and
boarding-house for invalids, 6 Castle terrace
Ogg, Miss E., milliner, 132 Duke street, Leitli
Ogg, Miss, stays and underclothing, 15 Mait-
land street
Ogilvie, Alexander, 25 Warriston crescent
Ogilvie, Chas. R., writer, 30 W. Maitland street
Ogilvie, F. Grant, M.A., B.Sc, Principal of the
Heriot-Watt College, 27 Blacket place
Ogilvie, George, LL.D. (headmaster, Watson's
College), 9 Spence street
Ogilvie, George, 8 Leslie place
Ogilvie, James, 19 Ferrier street
Ogilvie, J., pocketbook maker, 100 Dumbiedykes.
Ogilvie, Peter, 57 Grove street
Ogilvie, Robert Law, 13 Carlton street
Ogilvie, Capt. Wm. F. , Raeburn cot. , Raeburn pl-
Ogilvie, William, 29 W. Nicolson street
Ogilvie, W. G., clerk, 30 Ivy terrace
Ogilvie, Mrs J. K., 25 Warriston crescent
Ogilvie, Mrs Peter, 34 Coatiield lane
Ogilvie, Mrs, 6 Albany street
Ogilvie, Mrs, 18 Buckingham terrace
Ogilvie, Mi's, laundry, 7 Lairriston lane ; house,
5 Keir street
Ogilvie, Mrs, 16 Gayfield square
Ogilvie, Miss, 67 Great King street
Ogilvy, Alex. , Inverforth, Laverockbank road
Ogilvjr, Alexander, slater, 63 Duke street, Leith ;
house, 34 Restalrig terrace
Ogilvy, Charles, grocer and wine merchant, 50
Dundas street ; ho. 13 North-Avest Circus place
Ogilvy, G. A., 23 Marchmont crescent
Ogilvy, John, 15 Blantyre terrace
Ogilvy, Thos. Stewart, Blackford house. Grange
Ogilvie, Walter S., physician and surgeon, 68
Brunswick street
Ogilvy, Mrs, 56 Inverleith row
Ogilvy, Miss, 25 Walker street
Ogilvy, Miss, 106 Morningside road

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