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Newington Ter. W. 13
South Clerk Street.
1 Brechin Brothers, butchers
2 Smith, John, & Sons
3 Eichardson, W., fishmonger
4 Somerville,A.T.,L.F.R.C.S.E.
5 Jardine, Adam, M.B.
6 Currie, J. L.
6 Currie, Mrs
7 Morton, "William
7 Williamson, Miss
8 Cranston, B., jun.
9 Duncan, Thomas
10 Gourlay, Adam
10 Gourlay, Mrs
11 Mathieson, Ben., butcher
12 Kiddy, W. & R. C.
13 Stenhouse, James
13 Johnston, "William
13 Gilmour, David
13 Oliphant, Miss
13 Zenner, John B.
13 "Welsh, Thomas
14 Gardner, AVm., chemist
15 Stenhouse, James, grocer
Newport Street. 10.
West St A ntlwny Place.
4 Watson, L. C.
6 Whellans, Adam
8 Millar, William
9 Masterton, George
Paul k Co., Bobb's court
Newton Street.
Gorgie Road.
1 Coulter, William G. ; ho. 3
Newton Terrace.
Gorgie Road.
3 Dickson, William
3 Dickson, J., contractor
5 Cattanach, Peter
5 Frier, James C.
5 M'Hardie, AVilliam
Police Station
Nieolson Square. 11.
Nieolson Street.
1 Hutton, James, teacher
1 Hutton, Miss Lilias, teacher
2 Wilson, Misses
2 Chisholm, Walter
3 Boss, Miss
3 Mackintosh, Bobert
3 White, David
4 Paterson, James S. , auctioneer
5 AAThite, G., house agent
5 Campbell, Hugh
6 Campbell, William, wine mer,
9 School of Pharmacy and
9 Drinkwater, T. W. , analytical
9 TJrquhart, B. , materia medica
and pharmacy
Wesleyan Methodist CJiapel
11 Buchanan, John Y. , consulting
11 Jamieson, Mrs Alex.
12 Public Baths ; Joseph Little
13 Christie, Henry
14 Munro, Hugh, & Son
14 Watt, Mary 115
14 Miller, James
14 Chambers, Thos., mason 117
15 Cowe, J. k W. 117
15 Banks, James 119
Nieolson Street. 125
South Bridge. -[.29
East side, 12. West, 11. 131
1 & 3 Boss, Hugh, & Son 135
5 Buist, James, optician 140
5 Bose, Alexander, tailor 138
5 Fairgrieve, Andrew 138
5 Farquharson, Wm. 138
5 Sutherland, W. 138
5 Steedman, A. 138
7 Hilliard, Harvey, cutler 138
5, 9, & 11 Houlden k Co. 136
13, 15, & 17 Mercer & Crombie, 134
lace merchants 132
21 Lyon, George 130
Nieolson Street Post Office 128
23 & 25 M'Donald, D. S., & Co. 128
27 & 29 Hunt, George 128
31 Bobertson & Cairns 128
31 Bobertson, Alexander 126
31 Caims, John, jun. 124
33 Carlisle, William, draper 120
35 Bobertson, James
37, 39, k 41 M'Intyre, John, 120
& Co. 120
43 Scott, P., k Son
45 M'Bae, Kenneth, wine mer. 118
Nieolson Square here 116
47 Johnston, Samuel, k Sons 114
49 Bogie, John F.
51 Nicholson, Charles 112
5lAGrieve, Mrs, lodgings 112
53 Crow, Wm., chemist 112
55 Stephen, Bobert, baker 112
59 Wilson, James, ham shop 110
61 Hepburn, James 108
63 Broomfield, Walter 106
Reikie's Court
65 Miller & Eichard, letter- 104
founders to Her Majesty 104
65 Nisbet, John 104
67 Macaulay, A. G, hosier 102
69 Dickie, Mrs A., perfumer 98
73 Bobertson, William 96
73 Munro, S. M., plumber 96
73 Archibald, Mrs. 96
79 Henderson, A. & J., grocers 94
83 Hood, James, bootmaker 90
85 Galloway, W., tobacconist 88
87 Irving, George, bootmaker 86
West Nieolson Street here 84
89 Kerr, James, grocer 82
93 Gibb, James 80
95 Gray's Court 76
95 Hunter, Mrs
95 Slater, Wm. , spirit merchant 72
97 Christie, W., bookseller 74
97 Southern Loan Office; John 70
Miller 68
97 Campbell, John 66
99 Gunn, M., stationer 64
101 Lawson, Mrs, refreshments 60
103 Wood, A., flesher 58
105 Fraser, William 58
107 Campbell, E. T. 56
107 Stewart, Hamilton 54
107 Winter, Miss 52
109 Boss, James
113 Chisholm, Jn.
Bird, Peter
Nieolson Street Church
M'Lachlan, W., jeweller
Muat, John
Vert, William
Meyer, J.
Smith, B. P., bookseller;
house, 128 "
Maxwell, Thos. , bootmaker
Bhodes, James T.
Parsons, Mrs E.
Tweedie, Thos.,*& Son
Braidwood, Mrs
Wallace, Frank M.
Bussell, John
Smith, Miss, dressmaker
Eichardson, James (G.P.O.)
O'Conner, Alexander S.
Williamson, Miss, grocer
Dickinson, G., hosier
Hyman, Bobert
Anderson, D.
Wilson, J. B.
Hunter, George
Gardner, William
Campbell, Daniel
Prentice, J., druggist
Dickson, W., candlemaker
Nisbet, John, india-rubber
and leather merchant
Weir, Mrs E.
County Fire ayid Provident
Life Office
Ancrum, Thomas
Wilson, James, druggist
M 'Bobbie, M. & M.
Haddon's Court
Greig, Daniel
& 114 Young, John A., & Co.
M'Laren, Thos., joiner, etc.
Bobertson, B. , corn merchant
Waugh, George, ham dealer
Goldston, David
Stewart, Duncan
Gibb's Entry
Christie, W.
Davidson, James S.
Brown, David
Hamilton, James
Bobertson, Misses J. & E.
Edgar, Jas.
Eeid, AVilliam, & Son
& 100 Keppie & Flint
Davidson, James, grocer
Operative Hat Factory
Gibson, Mrs Nichol
Miller, Bobert, baker, etc.
Ellison, Peter
Ormiston, D., Iona hotel
Cornish, Wm.
& 78 Taylor, Angelo, draper
West Richmond Street here
& 74 Campsie, Jas. B.
Moir, Peter
AA^ares, Misses
Harkess, George
Aitchison, John
Irvine, Charles
Jamieson, D. M.
Royal Blind Asylum
A Mason, Thos. S., tobacconist
Kerr, Thos. , tobacco manuf r.
Haddow, James, & Co.
Edinburgh Total Abstinence
Society Committee Room ;
AVm. Eeid, secretary

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