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"Wilson, Thomas, 59 South bridge i Meldriim, R., 17 Blaclcwood cres.
"Wilson, T. G., 16 Diike street Moffatt, "W. L., & Aitken, 12
"Wishart, James, & Son, 20 Queen North St Da^-id street
street, Leith
"Wishart, D. F. , Catherine st. court
"Wolif, X. de, 36 Quality street
"Wotherspoon, J. B. M. , "Wet docks
Young, M., 4 Charlotte place
Yule, T. B., 36 Constitution st.
Agricultural Implement
iMorham, R., jun., 11 Royal
j Exchange
Morton, "William S., Dairy house
Nicholson, "William, 5 Pitt street
Notman, AVm., Northfield cottage,
Xewhaven road
Paris, John, 25 Cumberland st.
Paterson, John, 21 St Andrew sq.
j Paterson, Robert, 10 Hanover st.
Paterson, E., jun., 10 Hanover st.
Fowler, John, ct Co., 4 India | Peddie & Kinnear, 3 Soxith Char-
buildings lotte street
Gibson, Thos.. & Son, Bainfield, Peddie, Thomas, 30 Balmoral pL
Fountainbridge. See Adv. I Pilkington & BeU, 2 HiU street
Hamilton. Eobt., 30 St Andrewsq. I Raebum, R. E., 21 Pitt street
Loraine. Eobert. 160 Canongate | Rhind, David, 54 Great King st.
Mears, "Wm., 2 "WindmiU street Robertson, David, 16 Picardy pi.
Morton, S. & H., & Co., Victoria i E^chead, J. T., 19 Morningside pi.
dock, Leith Ross, Thos. , 14 "West Claremont st.
Peddle,' Robt., & Co., 72 Princes ;Sey, Charles R,,_13 Frederick st.
street. See Ach
Slight, Alexander, Jane street
Young, "W. D., & Co., 12 George
IT. bridge. See Adv.
Antiquities and
ShleUs, E. T., 65a Gteorge street
Simpson, James, 19 Charlotte
street, Leith
Smith, 6., Burley lodge, York rd.
Smith, J. K., 7 Gardners cresct.
Spence, John, 5 Lothian road
Brown, Thomas, 41 Grindlay st.
Bm-ton, Mungo, 19 Leopold place
Cameron, Hugh, 16 Picardy place
Chalmers, G. Paul, 51 York place
Clark, Thomas, 12 Castle terrace
Collins, Hugh, 23 London street
Dewar, J. S. , 21 Lauriston gdiis.
Drummond, J. , S Eoyal crescent
Edmonston, S. , 63 North bridge
Ferguson, "Walter, 36 George st.
See Adv.
Fortie, John, 2 S. Charlotte street
Fraser, Alex., 27 Castle terrace
Halkerston, C., 7 "^V. Preston st.
Hay, Alex. , 13 ^V. Newington ter.
Hay, George, 16 Picardy place
Hole, "Wm. F. , 34 London street
Lockhart, "W. E. , 62 Queen street
Macbeth, Norman, 23 Saxe-Co-
bourg place
M'Donald, J. B., 1 Alva street
Mackay, A. S. , 13 Cornwall street
IMackay, R., 3 Great King street
M'Kay, VTm. D., 16 Picardy pL
May, James, 12 Panmure place
Mitchell, G. G., 3 Gladstone pi.
Morton, "WiUiam S., & Co., Dairy
park (furnitiu'e designers)
Napier, James B. , 5 Sylvan place
... T^ 1 .X Starforth, John, 37 York place ' Nisbet, PoUok S. . 15 George st.
Curiosities (Dealers ini-jSteeU, "WnUam, 9 Randolph place jOgH™, Jas., 2"West Nicolson st.
Butti, J. A., 7 Queen street
See Chemists and Diniggists.
See Auctioneers.
Anderson, R., 44 Northumberland
Beattie, George, & Son, 10 George
street and 94 Constitution street
Bell, John M., 2 Hill street
Biggar, John, 13 Annandale street
Blanc, H. J., 12 St Vincent st.
Bogue, James "W. , 17 Barony st.
Bryce, D., 131 George street
Calvert, Edwd., E. Newington pi.
Carmichael, "W. , 22 Forrest road i Gilmour, John, 60 North bridge
Chesser, John, 7 Royal Exchange M'Kay, Mrs C, 17 Brougham st.
CleUand, A-, 1 Albany st., Leith Mozzi, Mrs, 111 George street
Stewart & Menzies, 13 Yuiuig st,
Sutherland, James, 12 Lauriston
Sutter, Archibald, 3 Hill street
Thomson, Jas. M., 4Te^^otdalepL
TiUie, John, 1 India buildings
Urquhart, "W., 297 High street
"W^alker, J. C, 2 North-east
Circus place
"Wardrope & Reid, 19 St Andrew
"Wight, John R., 7 St Andrew sq.
"WHson, Robert, 2 Queen street
"Wilson, George, 6 Caledonian pi
Young, Edward R., 161 Rose st.
Artificial Flo"wer and
Feather Makers.
French, Johnston, 30 Castle st.
French, E. SO South Clerk street
Clunas, David, 13 Frederick street
Cousin, D. , 11 Royal Exchange
Deas, P. S. , 6 N. Charlotte street
Goalen, James, 13 Morton street
Gorrie, "WiUiam M., 1 India bids.
Hamilton, J. A. , 1 Alva street
Hardy, Henry, 7 St Andrew sq.
Hay, John C, lOS Lauriston pi.
Hay, "William, 17 Hill street
Heron, James, 13 Upper Gray st.
Howison, John, Roseville, Dud-
Roberts Bros. & Co. , 26 George st.
Sugden, Son, k, Nephew, 51
North bridge
See also Painters {Animal, His-
torical, Landscape, Miniature,
PoHrait) and Photographers.
Abercrombie, J. B., 4 North-
umberland place
Adam, J. D., 1 Alva street
Kemp, George, 198 Bonningtonrd. Aikman, George, 51 York place
Kerr, Andrew, 3 Findhorn place j Aikman, George, 29 Noi-th bridge
Leadbetter, C, 47 Castle street j Archibald, Jas., 83 Cause wayside
Lessels, John, 50 George street I Arnst, A. , 46 Great King street
Lyle, Geo. A., 22 Leith wk., Leith i Barry, "Wm., 84 Constitution st.
M'Fadzen, T. B.,19 St Andrewsq. Bell, R. P., 10 N. St Andrew st. j Mackay, Jas. G., 56 Leith street
MacGibbon & Ross, 89 George st. .Blair, John, 4 Picardy place jMatheson, J. A., 7 Dublin street
MacLachlan, John, 2 Queen street j Brewster, A. S. , 79 Gieorge street i ]\Iillar, j\Irs, 43a George street
Matheson, Robt., Parliament sq. 'Brewster, D., 79 George sireet Paterson & Son, 95 Princes street
Oswald, John H., 28 London st.
Reid, John T., 8 London street
Ross, R. T., 78 Queen street
Russell, J. B. , 4 Comely green cr.
Sanderson, R., 6 Fon-est road
Schenck, F., 3 Castle street
Scott, James V., 15 Dublin street
Sinclair, "William, 16 Hart street
Smart, John, 4 Picardy place
SmeUie, E. , 2 Hope Park square
Soder, Louis, 18 "W. Claremont st.
SteeU, Gourlaj-, jun. , 8 Mary pL
Stewart, Alex. , l2 Queen's place
Stewart, J. O., 30a St Andrew
Stewart, Neil, 11 "West Eich-
mond street
Tniefitt, F., 65 Princes street
Vallance, AV. F. , 1 Mound place
Woolnoth, jiUfred, 7 George st.
Yelland, John, 24 George street
Young, C. & A., 63 North bridge
Artists' Colourmen.
Dane, J., k Co., 3 E. Register st.
Hm, T. Alex., 145 Princes street
Nelson, R. E. , 19 Hanover street
Paton, Hugh, i Sons, 115 Princes
Ross, "W. S., 5 Frederick street
Sinclair k Co., 1 and 2 Calton st.
Smith, J. D., 21 Frederick street
Artists in Hair & Gold.
Aschcroft, Miss Mary, 16 North-
west Circus place
Batchin, jNIiss, 30 Alva place
Bisset, "V\"illiam, 16 Rose street
Eagle, M., 8 North bridge

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