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dresser, perfumer, etc., 23 Nortli-west Circus
pi.; house, 11 Market pi. ^See^tZc. p. 120
Teiinant, "W. G. , i:iroduce broker and commission
agent, 3 Bernard street; house, 15 Benning-
ton place
Tennant, William, boot and shoe maker, 27
Home street
Tennant, William, 15 Upper Grove place
Tennant, Mrs, 10 Torphichen street
Tennent, G. E., 14 Magdala crescent
Tennent, Eobert, 21 Lj-nedoch place
Tennent, Miss, 8 Eandolph cliff
Terras, Thomas, wine and spirit merchant, 6
Hanover street
Terrot, Colonel S. J., 9 Carlton street
Terrot, Miss, 9 Carlton street
Thain, Eobert, superintendent Original Eagged
School, Eamsay lane
Thallon, James, 1 Caledonian road
Thallon, Laurence, tea agent, 25 North bridge ;
house, 95 Ferry road
Thallon, Eobert, 4 Caledonian crescent
Thatcher, John V., & Co., merchants, 17 Baltic
street ; house, 13 Albany street
Thatcher, Lewis Hay, M.D., 13 Albany street
Thiems, Heimich, Hamburgh refreshment rooms,
coffeehouse, and Ship hotel, 37 Shore
Thiessen, Henry, 12 Drumdryau street
Thin & ilillar, plasterers, 63 Grove street
THIN, JAMES, bookseUer, 54 and 55 South
bridge and 14 and 15 Infirmary street ; house,
7 Eillbank terrace. i^See Adv. p. 50
Thin, Thomas {T. d- Millar), 52 Grove street
Thistle Golf Club, 8 Yanburgh place ; Eobert
Hardie, secretaiy
Thorn, D., & Co., merchants, 68 Constitution st.
Thorn, Archibald, 25 Eegent place
Thorn, Archibald, builder, slater, and chimney-
sweeper, Blackford place, iloruingside
Thom, Arthur, house painter, 6 Union street
Thorn, A., chemist and druggist, 78 Queen street
Thom, C, gardener, 43 Croft-an-righ
Thom, David (D. T. <£• Co.), Eussian consul, 68
Constitution street ; house, 18 Hope crescent
Thom, J. H., provision merchant, 95 Kii'kgate
Thom, John, 25 Archibald jDlace
Thom, John, spirit merchant, 23 High riggs
Thom, il., draper, 96 Kirkgate ; house, 93
Thom, Eobert, working jeweller, 38 Queensferry
street ; house, 11 Lauriston park
Thom, Eobert, 1 AVest Eichmond street
Thom, Thomas, engraver, 1 N. St JamesVstreet
Thom, Miss M., 15 Montague street
Thomas, Evan, chemist, 37 George sti-eet
Thomas, Captain F. W. L., E.N., Eose park,
Trinity road
Thomas, Mrs Alfred C. , 5 N. Merchiston place
Thomas, Iilrs David, 7 Mayfield street
Thomas, Mrs, newsagent, 31 Crosscauseway
Thomas, Miss, 7 Yiewforth place
Thompson, H. B., 13 Elm row
Thompson, James (late of Customs), Cherry bank,
Newhaven road
Thompson, John, sergeant-major Edinburgh
Artillery Militia, Easter road
Thompson, John, 4 Yictoria place. Trinity
Thompson, John, 84 North Back of Canongate
Thompson, Wm. (In. Eev.), 1 Livingstone place
Thompson, Mrs, 22 Livingstone place
Thompson, Miss Janet, 233 Leith walk, Leith
Thoms, Geo. Himter, advocate, Sheriff of Caith-
ness, Orkney, and Shetland, 52 Great King st.
Thomson & Co. , trimming and fancy warehouse,
4 Mulberry place
Thomson Brothers, booksellers and stationers, 21
Bank street
Thomson, Dickson, & Shaw, Y^S., 1 Thistle
Thomson & Fairfoul, plumbers and gasfitters, 33
Broughton street lane
Thomson & Jack, die and stamp cutters, 39
South bridge
Thomson, Lauder, & Co., wine merchants, 29 St
Andrew street, Leith
Thomson & Porteous, tobacco, sniiff, and cigar
manufacturers, 8, 9, and 10 Greenside street
Thomson k Eobertson, gentlemen's dress ware-
rooms, 63 North bridge
Thomson & Sons, bakers and confectioners, 11
Leven street
Thomson, Alex., & Co., silver platers, coach and
saddlers' ironmongers, and export merchants,
433 Lawnmarket ; house, 6 Gilmore place
Thomson, Alex., & Son, gun and rifle manufac-
turers, 95 Princes street
Thomson, B. , & Son, engineers, 38 Bangor road
Thomson, D. D., & Co., fishcurers, 24 and 26
Giles street
Thomson, D. J., & Co., rectifiers and British
wine makers, 2, 3, and 4 St Anthony street
and 38 Great Junction street
Thomson, D. & J., weighing-machine makers
and smiths, 144 Leith walk, Leith
Thomson, J. G., & Co., wine merchants, 29 St
Andrew street, Leith
Thomson, James, & Sons, corn merchants, 5
Leven street ; house, 3 Gilmore place
Thomson, Mitchell, & Co., timber merchants,
43a George street and Granton harbour
Thomson, Eobt. H. , & Co. , wine merchants and
rectifiers, 130 Constitution st. &18Coatfieldlane
Thomson, W. & E., grocers and wine merchants,
8 Leggat's land ; house, 9 West Claremont st.
Thomson, Wm. , & Co. , commis. agents and ship
and insurance brokers, 63 Constitution street
Tliomson, Alexander, 1 Valleyfield street
Thomson, Alexander, cabinetmaker, 69 Cowgate
Thomson, Alex. , glass engraver and china mer-
chant, 29 Pleasance
Thomson, Alexander, clothiei', 35 Castle terrace
Thomson, A., M.D., F.E.C.S'.E., 8 Teviot row
Thomson, Alexander, grocer and spirit merchant,
38 Fox street ; house, 79 Main street
Thomson, Alex. B. , teacher of classics and
mathematics, 39 George square
Thomson, Alex., head master George Watson's
College Schools (for ladies), 5 George square ;
house, 40b
Thomson, Alexander, 2 Mollendo terrace
Thomson, Alex., bras.sfounder, Greenside court;
house, 36 Greenside row
Thomson, Alex. {Mitchell T. & Co.), Newbank,
Trinity road
Thomson, Alexander, 3 Dalgleish place
Thomson, Andrew, M.D., sui'geon, 11 Northum-
berland street
Thomson, Andrew {G.P.O.), 15 Eegent i^lace

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