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I^rClure, Mrs Henry, 11 Calton street
M'Clusky, TliOa., confectioner and tobacconist,
43 Giles street
Maccoll, Alex. Stewart, teacher of English
and classical literature, 12 Rutland square
M'CoU, James, collector, Abstainer's Union,
4 Melbourne place
M'Comish, Mrs, 30 Castle street
M'Conachie, Robert, wine merchant and
grocer, 1 ^lontague street ; house, 3
M'Connel, C., embroiderer, lace mender, and
transferrer, 50 George street
I^I'Connel, Frederic, Kirtle lodge. Trinity
Maconochie, Duncan, & Hare, W.S., 10 Hillst.
M'Conocbie, John, 11 Melville place
]\Iaconochie, John, accountant, 13 Bernard st.
Maconochie, .Mrs, French stay maker, 1 Malta
green place
Maconochie, Mrs James, 9 Grindlay street
M'Corkel, James, coal merchant, 47 Dean st.
M'Cormack, Daniel, boot and shoe maker, 3
Newport street
M'Cormack, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 10 Gilmore st.
M'Cormack, Miss, GO Melville street
M'Corquodale, A., merchant, 13 Bernard st.
M'Court, Mrs Ann, china merchant, 29
M'Cowan, Fran. D., M.D. and surgeon, 23
Elder street
M'Cowan, Mrs Jas., artists' colourman and
frame maker, 15 Cockburn street ; house, 17
M'Crackan, Alexander, 1 Kew terrace
3rCraken, John, S.S.C, 22 Walker street
M'Craw, John, grocer and spirit merchant, 6
Romilly place
M'Craw, R., tobacconist, 165 High street
M'Craw, Wm., photographer,9 W. Catherinepl.
M'Craw, ^Irs, 2 Smith's place
M'Craw, iMrs, IS Buccleuch place
MACCEEANOR, BERNASD, writing master,
130 Princes street, '■fi See Adv. p. 44
M'Crie, William, & Co., paper-stainers to the
Queen, 22 Leith walk
M'Crie, Jn. ( Win. M' C. cV Co.), 32 E. Preston st.
M'Crie, William {William M'C. c^ Co.), 2G
Windsor street
!M'Crie, Mrs Andrew, toy warehouse, and
register for servants, 7 Leven street
.M'Crie, Mrs Dr, 13 Salisbury place
M'Cuaig, Colin, C.A. (assist, actuary, Scottish
Union Insurance Co.), 12 W. Claremont st.
Jil'Cuaig, J., tailor and clothier, 10 Frederick st.
^I'Cudden, Edmund, 11 Henderson row
M'CuUagh, A. & J., 118 Fountainbridge
M'CuUoch, J., & Co., cabinetmakers, joiners,
upholsterers, and appraisers, 83 StCuthbert's
glebe ; works, St Stephen street
M'Culloch, Rev. A. B. , chaplain to the Royal
Edinburgh Asykun, Morningside ; house,
3 AVest Lauriston place
M'Culloch, Alexander, engineer, 17 Spittal st.
M'Culloch, Bargany, jeweller and watchmaker,
49 Cockburn street
Macculloch, George, draper, 25 Downie place;
house, 7 Cornwall street
M'Culloch, James, consulting horticulturist,
90a Fountainbridge
M'Culloch, John {teller, Briti.'<h Linen Co.
Bank; ageyit for Phoenix Fire Office and
Pelican Life Office), 11 Duke street
M'Culloch, John M., Alfred jjlace, Newington
M'Culloch, John, grocer and wine merchant,
5 Melville terrace
M'Culloch, Thomas T., chemist and druggist,
Gl South bridge ; house, 1 Buccleuch st.
M'Culloch, WiUiam T.. keeper of the Museum
of the Antiquaries of Scotland, Royal Insti-
tution ; house, 15 Montague street
M'Culloch, Mrs W., lodguigs, 6 St Vincent st.
M'Culloch, Mrs, 14 Findhorn place
M'Culloch, Mrs, 15 South College street
M'Culloch, Mrs, 12 AthoU place
M'Culloch, Grace, sewing machinist, 46 Bristo
M'Cutcheon & Sons, agricultural machinery
merchants, 9 Grassmarket
Macdei-mid, Edward, 6 Cheyne street
M'Dermott, James, pawnbroker, 8 Kirkgate
and 1 Coatfield lane ; sale room, 14 Kirk-
gate ; house, 14 Glover street
M'DERMOTT, JAMES, bedding manufac-
turer, feather merchant, and upholsterer,
61 and 65 Hanover street ; house, 27 Nel-
son street, "i- See Adv. p. 71
M'Dermott, Michael {hispector of Police), 11
Roxburgh street
M'Diarmid, John, tailor and clothier, 13 North
M'Diarmid, John, 1 St John street
M'DIARMID, PETER, wine and spirit mer-
chant, Artillery Arms, 50 Grmdlay street.
'^ See Adv. p. 95
Macdonald & Roger, S.S.C, 8a Abercromby
M'Donald, D., & Co., fleshers, 60 Bristo street
^I 'Donald, David, & Sou, tea, wine, and spirit
merchants, 29 Shore
Macdonald, Jas., & Son, tailors and clothiere,
423 Ijawumarket
Macdonald, Alexander {Advocates^ Library),
115 Rose street
Macdonald, Alexander, 29 Frederick street
M'Donald, Alexander, butcher and poulterer,
9 Baxter's place ; house, 9 Antigua street
M'Donald, Alexander, 19 Rankeillor street
M'Donald, Alex., excise officer, 29 Brougham st.
Macdonald, A., wine and spirit merchant, 3
Meuse lane
Macdonald, Andrew, clothier, 7 Summerhall
M'Donald, Andrew (Hunter cV M.), 4 North
Lauder road
M'Donald, i\a-chibald, 10 Upper Grove place
Macdonald, Angus, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P., 41
Northumberland street
M'Donald, Angus, officer and collector of
market dues, 7 Fishmarket

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