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Elliot, R. & J. drapers, 83 High street, and
agents for Royal Insui-ance Co.
Elliot, Ralph, the Glebe
Elliot, Miss I., 61 West High street
Falconer, A. C., blacksmith, Monteith's close
Falconer, R. & Son, tinplate workers and p;as-
fitters, 34 West High st house, Croft st.
Ferguson, Fergus, clergyman, U.P. church,
East U.P. manse
Fielder, John, commission agent. Bridge end
Flint, Mrs Jane, Harford house, Eskbank
Foggan, William, draper. South street
Ford, Wm. farmer, Hardengreen
Forrest, Alex- innkeeper, Old Meal market
Forsyth, Mrs Margaret, flesher, 1 Elmfieldpl.
Gardner, Mrs, 13 Back street
Gibb, J. S. rector, F.C. academy, Parkside pi,
Gibson & Mercer, (?ou8land coal and lime
Gibson, John, farmer, Woolmet
Gibson, John, fishmonger, 38 South street
Gibson, Mrs John, Westfield, Cousland
Gilmour, Wra. boot maker, 127 High street
Goldie, John, Esk bank
Goldie, Misses Isabella and Margt. Eskbank
Gordon, Alex, manager, Dalkeith colliery
Gordon, Rev.. Thomas, Newbattle manse
Gorrie, Mrs, Dalkeith park
Gowan, Rev. A. Thompson, D.D. Westfield pi.
Graham, C.W.,M.D.,F.R.C.S., 139 High st.
Gray & Taylor, iron and seed merchts. 73
High street
Gray, Andw. corn merchant, High street
Gray, Geo. & Jas. agents, Commercial Bunk &
Scottish Union Insurance Co., 118 High st.
Gray, George, Murrayville, Eskbank
Gray, James, banker, 118 High street
Gray, John, corn mercht. Elginhaugh mills
Gray, Mrs Alex, baker, 29 High street
Gray, Mrs James, Elm lodge, Eskbank
Grcssert, Adam, blacksmith, Millerhill, (West)
Hallej', John, station master, railway station
Han ton, Robt. schoolmaster and inspector
of poor, Cranston
Hay & ChisholiD, joiners and undertakers,
Newmills road
Heathcote, G. P., vocalist and pianoforte
tuner, 113 High street
Henderson, Jas. Lee, agent for the National
Bank of Scotland &, Northern Assurance Co.
Herdman, George, farmer. For del
Herdman, Thomas, farmer, Southsidej
Hickey, John, pawnbroker, 5 West wynd
Hodge, Wm., stud groom, Dalkeith park
Hogg, James, horsebreaker, Lothian road
Hogg, John, accountant, Commercial bank
Home, David, Woolmet house
Hope, John, brassfounder, 158 High street
Horsburgh, Jas. veterinary surgeon, M.R.C.
and inspector for Norfolk Farmers' Cattle
Insurance, Buccleuch street
Howden, T. & Co. drapers, High street
Hughes, Thomas, shoemaker, 132 High st.
Hunter & M'Donald, clothiers, &c. 9C High
Hurry, R. East lodge, Newbattle park
Ingiis, Helen, general merchant, 81 High st.
.lack, Thos. publisher, Woodbank, Ijridgend
Jacob, Fred, bricklayer and furnace-builder,
Newbattle brick works
JefFeriss, Rob. R., M.D. surgeon, Garden ho.
Jeflrey, Rev. James, minister, West U.P.
church, Parkend house
Jerdan, David, bookseller and printer, 29
South street — house, Porteous place
Johnstone, William, farmer, Lawfield house,
View camp, Eskbank
Keith, Rachel, toy merchant
Kellock, James, Ruck's Head inn
Kemp, George, grocer, 138 High street
Kemp, Richard, grocer, 103 High street
Kennedy, Gilbert, clerk of the works, Dal-
keith park
Kent, James, tailor, High street
Kirkwood, Wm. blacksmith, Lothian bridge
Lamb, William, slater, 4 Back street
Lament, Rev. J. manse. West Parish church
Lawrie, John, hosier, lace and trimming
merchant, 63 High street
Lees, James, superintendent Victoria Lodg-
ing house, 22 West wynd
Liddle, R. & A. fleshers, Tait street
Lidgate, William, joiner, Pathhead, Ford
Life Association of Scotland — Thomas Thom-
son, agent, Buccleuch place
Lindsay, J. corn merchant, Eskbank grove
Lothian, Marquis of, Newbattle Abbey, Dal-
Lourie, T. china merchant, Wynd
Lowrie, Adam, undertaker, inn, Crichton-
dean, Ford
Lowrie, James, builder, Westfield
Lowrie, IVIiss Margaret, Bankhead
Lucas, Jn. M.D. and surgeon, Buccleuch st.
Lyle, Peter & David, booksellers, binders,
stationers, and printers, 69 and 71 High st.
Lyle, Miss E., Eskbank
M' Alley, William, manager, Newbattle brick
works, Newbattle
M'Culloch, Rob. innkeeper. Bay Horse inn
M'Donald, Charles, quartermaster, Edinburgh
Mihtia, 27 South street
M'Donald, Miss Eupba. miUiner, 122 High st.
Macfarlane, Rev. John, D.D. Eskbank
Macfarlane, Mrs Wm. B. Westfield place
Macgregor, Rev. IMalcolm, assistant minister
of Newton
M 'Gowan, John, slater. Croft cottage
Macintosh, Rev. D. U.P. manse. Back street
Mack, J. S., S.S.C. and N.P., Meadowbank
house, Eskbank
Mackay, Robert, contractor, 47 Back street
M'Lean, Alexander, house-factor, justice of
peace officer, and sheriflP-officer, 72 High st.
IM'Lean, Robert, tobacco manufacturer, 78
High St. — ho. Stevens cottage, West glebe

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