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M'Gregor, Lieut.- Col. Hugh, 14 Brighton
place, Portobello
Macgilvery, J. spirit merchant, New street,
Macgregor, Capt. Robert Stuart, Seaside
cottage, Portobello
Macgret^or, Peter, hat manufacturer, West
mill, Mussel burgh
M'Gillrae, James, factor, Newbattle abbey
IVI'Gregor, Robt. 1 Grove street, Musselburgh
M'Gregor, William, flesher. Juniper green,
M'Intyre, .John, town officer, Musselburgh
Macintosh, James, clerk, Craigleith quarry.
Mack, Robert, Pathhead, Ford
Mackay, John, Gilmerton, Liberton
Mackay, Alexander, lodgings, 3 jMelville st.
Mackay, Peter, private lunatic asylum, Mill-
holm, JIusselburgh
Mackay, Mrs, 1 Brighton crescent, Portobello
M'Kenzie, Rev. M. C, manse, Lasswade
Mackenzie, James Hay, Silverknowe, Black-
M'Kenzie, Miss, dressmaker, Dalrymple loan,
Mackenzie, Rev. Andrewj Penicuik
Mackenzie, Lady, Kinellan, Murrayfield
Mackenzie, Rev. John, Free Church, Ratho
Mackenzie, Lord, Belmont, Murrayfield
Mackenzie, Miss, Eskdale, cottage, Lasswade
Mackenzie, John, manager, Scottish Widov:s'
Fund Ojjice, Niddry house
Mackenzie, Miss, 9 Brighton pi. Portobello
M'Keracher, D. smith. High st. Portobello
M'Keracher, Mrs, crystal mercht. &c., High
street, Portobello
M'Kerroa, James, watchmaker, Pathhead
Mackie, Jas. mercht. 38 High st. Portobello
^Mackie, James, Pink hill, Corstorphine
Mackinlay, Robert, slater and glazier, 5 Tower
street, Portobello
Mackintosh, Mrs, of Geddes, Laurel bank,
M'Intosh, Charles, gardener to the Duke of
Buccleucb, Lugton, Dalkeith
M'Intosh, Rev. D. Back street, Dalkeith
M'Lagan, Petei", Calder bank, Midcalder
M'Lagan, Peter, jun. farmer, Pumpherton,
MacLaine, Miss, Bath street, Portobello
Maclaren, Major Alex. Links, Portobello
M'Laren, Misses J. & E. drapers, Portobello
M'Lean, Thos. Davidson's mains. Blackball
M'Lean, Jas. farmer, Broadwood, Penicuik
M'Leod, Rev. Norman, manse, Dalkeith
Macleod, Mrs E., Gordon cottage, Fisherrow
M'Leod, Miss, Craufurd bank, Lasswade
Macmillan, John, flesher, Dalkeith
jVIacmillan, Thomas, flesher, Portobello
M'Nab, A. & J. bleachers, Inglis green,
Bleachfield, Slateford
M'Nab, James, Burgh school, Musselburgh
jMacqueen, A. 12 B"ghton place, Portobello
Macrae, David, A.^L classical teacher, &c.
Bath street, Portobello
M'Ritchie, Charles E. of Bankhead, Balerno
M'VVatt, Rev. James, Salton, Traneut
M'Whirter, J. A. agent Western Bank of Scot-
land, 1 Tower st. — house, 1 Rosefield place,
M'Whirter, John, inn, Slateford
Mabon, A. B. 14 Brighton cresc. Portobello
Madden, James, draper, Tranent
iMain, Alex, factor, Dalhousie, Lasswade
Main, Alex. Jas. factor, Whitehill, Lasswade
Main, Mrs Isabella, Joppa, Portobello
Llaitland, Sir Alex. C. Gibson, Bart. Clifton
hall, Ratho
Maitland, Henry, Slirubmount, Portobello
Mauson, Adam, cow feeder, Kirknewton
Manson, George, schoolmaster, Corstorphine
Manson, James, overseer to Sir Geo. Clerk,
Manson, Jn. cowfeeder, Millrigg, Kirknewton
Manson, Jliss, 4 East Brighton cr. Portob.
Mark, .James, farmer, Deanshouses, Penicuik
Mark, Mrs Caroline, tavern-keeper, High st.
Marris, James, merchant, Winchburgh
Marshall, A. wright, Causeyend, Kirknewton
Marshall, Hugh, 127 High st. Musselburgh
Marshall, John, Latch, Kirknewton
I\Iarshall, Robert, farmer, Gateside, Kirkliston
Marshall, Walter, Hailes house, Slateford
Marshall, William, shoemaker, Kirkliston
Marshall, John, of Curriehill, Balerno
Marshall, Thomas, wrighr, Kirknewton
Marshall, Mrs, flesher and spirit dealer. High
street, Dalkeith
Martin, Robert, merchant. East Calder
Martin, James Watson, farmer. Old Saughton,
Martin, J. and J. farmers, Saughton, Cor-
Martin, Mrs, Gardens, Corstorphine
Matthew, .J. ropemaker, South st. Dalkeith J
Maxwell, Robert W. JNIiddleton, Uphall
Maxwell, P. victualler, Longstone, Slateford
Maxwell, Peter, Liberton cottage
Meek, James, clerk, brewery, Prestonpans
Meikle, Thomas, farmer, Drunforth, Uphall
Meiklejohn & Pursell, founders and engineers,
Westfield, Dalkeith
Meiklejohn, J. founder, Westfield foundery,
Mellis, James, soap maker, Prestonpans
Melville, Right Hon. Viscount, Melville
castle, Lasswade
Melvin, Charles, farmer, Ransfield, Ratho
Melvin, James, farmer, Bonington, Ratho
Melvin, John, farmer, Ratho mains, Ratho
Menzies, James, grocer, Bonnyrigg, Lasswade
Mercer, Robt. of Scots bank, Ramsay lodge,
Merricks, Hezekiah, Eskhill, Roslin
Merricks, James, Roslin cottage, Roslin

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