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Muir, David, 50 Brunswick st.
Oliphant's School, 33 Charlotte
Richardson, J. 1 1 Lothian st.
Ritchie, J. 52 Ranl^eillor street
Rintoul, Misses, G Morton street
Ross, James, 18 Leopold place
Scotland, T.40 Bridge st. Leith
Souter, F. Duncan place, Leith
Veitch, A. 139 Rose street
Walker, Jas. 76 Constitution
street, Leith
White, Miss, Ellen street
Wilkinson, W. 39 South bridge
Wilson, Rev. D. 17 Elder street
Wood, W. 3 Keir street
Teachers (Classical).
Boyd, Jas. LL.D. 43 George sq.
Brown, J. F. 7 Upper Gray st.
Chalmers, C. Merchiston castle
Diiniietf, Wnri. 17 Bristo street
Forrestal, John, 59 York place
Humphreys, E. K. Darnley cot.
Kerr, R., A.M. 3 Lothian street
Kilgour, Jas. 22 Charles street
:^L^ccoll, Alex. S. 11 Hillside cr.
M'Intosh, A. 10 Nicolson street
^loir, liev. R. Circus pi. school
?\egris, Alex.58 George square
Steele, Rev. P. Free Normal
St Clair, John, 7 Hunter square
Schmitz, Leonard, 11 Carlton
Trotter, John, 30 Ann street
Warden, J. 2 Lauriston terrace
Teachers (ofUancing;).
D'Egville, Madame, 50 Frede-
rick street
Dewar, W. 59 South bridge
Lowe, Jos. 52 Frederick street
Macarthur, Jas. 1 Darnaway st.
;M'Glashan, Alex. 5 York place
M'Pherson, J. 1 Drummondst.
Pollock, Robt. 3 Duncan street
Smyth, Wm. 38 Hanover street
Zuingle, Madame A. Professor,
65 George street
Teachers (of E^u^lish).
-Anderson, James, 82 South br.
Brown, J. 1 Nicolson square
Douglas, J. 12 Queen street
Fearns, Wm. Nicolson square
Gentle, John, 5 Nicolson square
Harkin, Lewis, 7 Hill street
Lennie, W. 23 St Andrew sq.
IMorton, Jas. 20 Nicolson street
Young, S. 13 Union street
Teachers (of Elocu-
Bell, A. M. 13 Hope street. —
See Adv.
M'Donald, John, 56 George st.
Lewis, Miss, 22 Rutland square
ToaclBcrs (of English
aiKl <ile«ii^:raj!phy).
Currie, P. 1 Thistle street
Douglas, Jas. 12 Queen street
Graham, Wm. 78 Queen st.
Henderson, James, 6 George st.
M'Donald, John, 56 George st.
White, J. 3;;North St David st.
Wilson, Patrick, HUjh School,
Leith, Whitehouse, Duke st.
T eachers (of Writing-
and Arithmetic).
(Those marked * also teach
Alexander,Miss, 29 Frederick st.
*Bell, J. B. 36 George street
liarton, Robert, Dean lodge
Cooper, Wm. 10 George street
Dalgleish, John S. 1 Park place
*I)avidson, J. 7 Scotland street
Davidson, M. 7 Scotland street
*Dickson, W. 44 Howe street
Gairns, John, 6 George street
Hamilton, R. Edinburgh acad.
Johnston, G. 45 Frederick st.
*MofFar, W. B. 7 Infirmary st.
Robertson, J. B. 3 North St
David street
Scott and Son, and J. j\I. Green,
50 George street
Smith, Wm. 1 Hanover street
Stevenson, N. 14 South St An-
drew street
*Trotter, J. 10 North St David
*Watson, Jas. 12 Queen st. —
See Adc
Teachers (of Fenciaig).
Francalanza, Thomas, 59 South
Roland, George, of Royal Aca-
demy, and 86 South Bridge
Teachers (®f French).
Caron, J. 26 Frederick street
Chaumont, F. 2 Darnaway st.
Cornillon, 62 Queen street
De Fivas, V. 53 George street
De Flandre, Mons. 40 Great
King street
Dubuc, Dr, 121 George street
Espinasse, Mons. 1 Hill street
Foulboeuf, P. H. 24 Howard pi.
Guilleriz, Mons. A. F. 10
George street
Mirasson, Joseph, 65 Castle st.
Parke, Alex. 17 Dundas street
Senebier, Mons. 13 South Char-
lotte street
Surenne, G. 5 Nelson street
Zuingle, Mad. A. 65 George St.
(with a diploma from the
Royal Academy of Paris).
Teachers (of German).
Aue, Dr C. E. 16 South Char-
lotte street
Borstell, W. 6 Mansfield place
Gundlach, Henrv, 50 George st.
Nachot, Dr H. W. 113 Princes
Teachers (of Italian).
De Flandre, M. 40 Great King
Liardi, Signor, 44 Victoria st.
Teachers (of IWathe-
Davidson J., A.M. Smith's pi.
Galbraith, Wm. 54 South bridge
Gloag, James, 11 Duncan street
Marr, Wm. 11 Keir street
Moffat, Wm, 63 South bridge'
Nichol, Walter, 86 South bridge
Pryde, James, 59 South bridge
Swan, W. 4 Duke street
Teachers (of I>ra vis-
Beattie, Miss, 21 Broughton pi.
Bird, Miss H. 57 Great King st.
Bryce, D. 4 St James' square
Carmichael, J. F. 50 George st.
Chrystal, Miss, 72 Broughton st.
Ferguson, W. 36 George street
Field, Miss, 23 Salisbury street
Greig, G. M. 32 St Andrew sq.
Lewis, Miss, 19 Rutland square
M'Ewan, William, 13 India st.
Perigal, A. 21 Hill street
Ronaldson, Miss, 15 Criapel st.
Simson, Geo. 54 Frederick st.
Simson, David, 25 India street
Surenne, D. F. 32 Dundas st.
Thomson.MissE. 51 Hanover st.
Teachers (of Music).
Anelli, Signor (singing and gui-
tar) 76 Queen street
Blake, Misses R. and A. 76
Queen street
Brown, Miss S. W. 5 Picardy pi.
Bucher, Signor, 2 Gt. Stuart st.
Cameron, Wm. 1 St John street
Cooke, Jas. 40 Great King st.
Cook, Mrs J. 40 Gt. King St.
Cobham, M. 40 India street
Croal, Geo. 13 London street
Devaux, Alfred, 7 India street
Dewar, Miss, 1 Gt. Stuart st.
Dibdin, H. E. 5 Nelson street
Dun, Finlay, 41 Heriot row
Durrner, J. 65 Castle street
Imager, John, 54 Frederick st.
Ebsworth, J. 4 Montgomery st.
Edmund, E. 1 Gloucester pi.
Forrester, Mrs, 56 Queen st.
Fyffe, Miss D. 83 Princes street
Gibson, Hugh, 5 Deanhaughst
Green, Miss, 58 Cumberland st.

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