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Caldwell, Misses, 76 Kirkgate
Cameron, Violard, and Co. 92
George street
Cameron, ISIisses, 65 Castle st.
Connolly, Miss M.SOBuccleuch
Crawford, Miss, 59 Constitu-
tion street
Darling &M'Laren, 20 George st.
Darling, Miss, 88 South bridge
Darling, Misses, 63 George st.
Dene vail & Ewart, 33 Castle st.
Dewar, Mrs, 47 Hanover street
Dick, H. and J. 55 George st.
Dick, Misses, 35 Hanover street
Dickson, Miss, 1 Charles street
Douglas, Misses, 86 George st.
Douglas, ]\I. & J. 24 Hanover st.
Drever, Miss, 25 Frederick st.
Dry^^dale, I\Iiss, 41 George st.
DufF, Mrs JNI. 19 Union place
Ellis, E. and M. 82 Hose street
Eunson, Miss, 35 Kirkgate
Fairgrieve, Mrs, 99 Princes st.
Falla, M. and J. 21 India street
Ferguson, ^liss, 1 St James' sq.
Field, Mrs J. 7 N. St David st.
Forsyth, Miss, 85 George st.
Fraser, Misses, 2 Warriston pi.
Galbraitb, Mis?, 26 Frederick st.
Giles, Mrs Jas. 50 George st.
Greenslade, Mrs, 26 Frederick St.
Guthrie, Mrs, 8 Thistle street
Haigs, Misses, 3 Kirkgate
Halliday, Mrs, 1 Deanhaugh st.
Hamilton, Miss E. 7 E. Adam st.
Hay, Mrs, 65 Canongate
Henderson, Mis^, 10 Elder st.
Hepburn, Misses, 45 George st.
Hodge and M'Donald, 62 Han-
over street
HoUis, Misses, 34 Frederick st.
Home, Miss, 20 Nicolson street
Ingram, Misses, 89 George st.
Johnston, ISIisses, 68 George st.
Kerr, Miss, 31 Lothian street
Lambert, blisses, 14 Castle st.
Lawson, Misses, 9 Chapel st.
IJnton, Mrs, 73 Rose street
Tjockie, Mrs, 19 India place
liOthian, INIisses, 13 Greenside st.
Lyle and Co. 95 Nicolson street
M'Donald,Miss, ^Nlerrilees' close,
M'Lean, Misses, 40 Kirkgate
Mackie, Miss, 8 Wemyss -place
M'Nab, Miss, 24 Queen st. Leith
Manzie and Hume, 2 Antigua st.
Martinson, E. and F. 4 St Ber-
nard's row
Meldrum, Sisters, 44 Fredk. st.
Menzies and Hunter, 50 Lothian
Mercer, Miss, 7 Little King st.
29 Queen street
Meyer, Mons. 95 George street
Miller and Co. 8 India place
INIiller, Miss, 60 North Castle st.
jMirrilees, j\Irs, 79 Kirkgate
Mitchell, Misses, and Co. 117
George street
Mortimer, ]\Iiss, 2 Baxter's pi.
Muir, Mrs, 3 Downie place
]Murray, Miss, 24 Howe street
Murray, Miss, 37 Couper street,
Nicol, Misses, 16 Clyde street
Nimmo, Misses, 43 Broughton st.
Patterson, Miss, 3 Rutland sq.
Paterson, Mrs, 54 Lothian st.
Pillans, ^liss, 37 Hanover street
Porteous, Misses, 23 Maitland st.
Reid, J. and A. 26 South bridge
Reid, M. & ]\[. 5 Hanover st.
Scott, Miss, 100 George street
Scott, j\Iiss, 12 Shakspeare sq.
Simpson, Miss, 21 St Andrew sq.
Snodgrass, Misses and Co. 112
George street
Skirving, Misses, 14 Union pi.
Sloan, Miss, 35 W. Nicolson st.
Smith & Girvan, 70 George st.
Steele, M. & C. 23 South bridge
Stewart & Lillie, 116Princes st.
Stewart, Miss J. 41 Rose street
Stewart, Miss, 3 Howe street'
Tait, Misses, 33 Thistle street"
Thomson, Mrs, 9 Spence's place
Thomson, Mrs, 7 E. Register st.
Turnbull, Miss, 50 George st.
Veitch, Miss, 46 Castle street
Walker, ^liss, 6 Howe street
Watson, Misses, 17 Bread street
Weatherley, Mrs, 34 Hanover st.
Webster, M. 11 Kirkgate
Webster, Miss, 30 Castle st.
Welsh, JSIrs, 17 Howe street I
Whillasj M. 46 Home street
AVhite, Elizabeth, 5 Calton st.
Williams, Mrs B. 4 Elm row
Wilkinson, Misses, 58 Hanover
Wilson, Miss, 26 Couper street
Wilson, M. and C. 3 Charlotte
street, Leith
Winter, Mrs, 11 Chapel street
Winton, Misses, 59 Constitu-
tion street
Wright, Mrs, 73 George street
Young, Mrs, 11 S. College st.
Bell, William, Canonmills
Brakini ig, Wm. 129 Fountainbr.
Hay, Forrest, Bonington mills
Robertson, .las. AVater of Leith
Thomson, Andrew, Bell's mills
Wilson, AVm. Swantield mills
Bertram, J. Anderson's place
Bertram, W. and G. 14 East
Sciennes street
Boyd, And. 118 Fountainbridge
jMather, Alex. Bread street
Thomson, Wm. 21 Leith walk
MiBSBcal !!istiiiineiit
Malseis and Miisic-
- rawford, G. 6 South St An-
drew street
Douglas, H. 115 Kirkgate
Glen, A. 30 St Andrew square
Glen, Thomas, 2 North Bank st.
Ilamilton&Miiller, 116 Geo. st.
Mortimer, Anderson, and Co,
East Broughton place
Paterson and Roy, 27 George st.
Purdie, John, 83 Princes street
Ramsay, John, 6 Calton street
Renton, John, North Bank st.
Robertson, A. andCo.39 Princes
Roughead, P. C. 7 Sciennes
Townsend, William and Son, 9
Greenside place
Stewart, Jas. 7 W. Lauriston pi.
Wightman, J. 23 James' square
Wood and Co. 12 Waterloo pi.
Younger and Curie, Circus lane
Kail Maiiaafacturer.
Harlow, A. 31 Commercial pi.
Advertiser office, 13 Hanover st.
Caledonian Mercury office, 265
High street
Daily Mail, 22 Waterloo place
Edinburgh News, 41 N. Bridge
Evening Courant office, 188
High street
Evening Post and Scottish Re-
cord, 30 Hanover street
Gazette office, 13 N. Bank st.
North British Advertiser & La-
dies' Journal, 8 ^Melbourne pi.
North British Mail, 6 South St
Andrew street
Scotsman office, 257 High st.
Scottish Jurist, 48 Hanover st.
Scottish Press, 251 High street
Railway Gazette,30 Hanover st.
Weekly Register office, 22 Wa-
terloo place
Witness office, 297 High st,
Newspaper Agents. I
Cay and Black, 45 George st. I
Earthill, J. & Son, 23 Waterloo I
place ■
Robertson & Scott, 36 George st.
Robinson, W. and H. 1 1 Green-
side street
Sutherland, J. and Co. 12 Cal-
ton street ^
Nurses (Sick) ' ■
Adams, Mrs M. 1 Mound place

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