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lOS Robertson, John, baker
lOG Ci-erar, Don. spirit dealer
104 Gilfillaa & Jackson
104 Leith, Mrs, straw-hat ma.
98 Martin, ^Vnl. victual deal.
96 F(;iTest, Geo. bootmaker
92 Smart, Misses
90 Gibson, J. & Co. silk dyers
86 Miller, W. baker & co'iif.
84 Wm. and Henry Potts
80 Hamilton, J. sil'k mercer
78 Greathead, Miss II.
76 Rutherford, Peter, hosier
Wrnt Richmond ISf. intersects.
74 Jack, David
72 Craif^, James, p-rocer
70 Smith, W. brush manuf.
70 Mackintosh, A. bookseller
68 ISPFarlane, Misses, dressm.
68 Allan, Mrs, dressmaker
64 Hunter, Philip, cooper
62 Inglis, John, tailor
62 Sanderson, Jas. cowfeeder
62 IM-Pherson, Arch. & Son
60 Edwards, W. brassfounder
58 Asylum for I}idust. Blind.
58 Rintoul, Oliver, manager
56 Hutchison, Alexander
50 Walker, James
52 Wigham, J. tcrt. shawl m.
50 Greig, J. riding-master
48 M'Gill, John, shoemaker
48 M'Kenzie, David, cutler
46 Bngg, IMiss, dressmaker
44 Dunlop, C. & J.
44 Tod, Jas. tailor and clothier
42 Macintosh, Jn. tobacconist
40 Bosweli, Alexander
38 Asylum for the Fern. Blind
38 Bathgate, Miss, matron
36 Ridpath, David, confectr.
Hi^ll Place intersects.
32 Kerr, James, bookseller
30 Aikman, George, engraver
30 M'Lachlan, M. haircutter
30 Storrar, T. house agent
30 Ridpath D. confectioner
26 Stewart, Robert
24 Paterson, Y. K jeweller
24 Hill, M'Culloch, shoemaker
24 Tait, William, artist
24 Tait, M. S. Royal Bank
24 Tait, John, agent
24 Henderson, Jas. of P. and
W. Macniven.
24 Paterson, Miss, dressmaker
22 Anderson, W. & J. ironms.
20 Home, Miss J. milhner
18 Grinton, Jas. harberdasher
18 Gibb, Robert
18 Cameron, John, Masonic
Royal College of Surgeons.
18 Lee, Hamlin Warren
16 Dymock, J. D. R. grocer
14 Sibbald, J. bootn,aker
12 Slight, Mr.s, milliner
10 Lawson, James, merchant
10 ]\Iaxwell, Jas upliolsterer
10 Crichton, John, tailor
10 Arincosh, A. S. teacher
10 Ferenbach and Co.
10 Leslie, J. & A. & Co. vict.
10 Watson, Mrs John
10 llainiUon, Mrs James
6 Turnbuli, Rob. hnen drap.
— ho. 2 Roxburgh street
4 Hogg, Jas. printer
2 Drysdale, David, grocer
mcolsoii Stii'et (West),
87 Nicolson St. to Chapel St.
1 Fairley, J. &W. umbrel. m.
3 King, James, ham shop
5 Millar, And. watchmaker
7 Walker, Mrs IM. lodgings
13 Napier, John, printer
15 Smart, John, rlesher
17 Swan, Thomas, baker
17 Anderson, Jas. printer
19 Darling, William, grocer
25 Napier, James, druggist
25 Farmer, David, tailor
25 Lockic, Charles, merchant
25 M'Gregor, Duncan, clerk
29 M'Queen,Jn. haberdasher
31 Lawson, William, silk-dyer
33 Fraser, Dr W. surgeon
35 Til'Intosh, A. Gaelic missy.
35 Anderson, Misses, dresmks.
35 Anderson, J., Fraser S^ A.
35 Sloan, Miss G. D. dressm.
37 Lindsay, James, painter
39 Thomson, William, baker
41 Livingstone, A. cork-cutter
26 Usher, A. & Co. spirit dlr.
20 Robertson, D. of D. Sf J
20 Mackenzie, John
18 Walker, James
18 Ramsay, Geo. stabler
18 Wilson, John, plumber
18 Forrest, Laur. spirit mer.
15 War raker, Wm. brassfd.
10 Roper, Andrew, bootmak.
8 Ross, J. painter and glaz.
6 Spalding, Misses, dressma.
2 Scott, Misses, dressmakers
2 Ogilvie, James, artist
I%iddry Street,
124 High Street.
1 Hume, James, spirit deal.
3 Rutherford, W. spirit m.
5 Aikman, J. leather mercht
29 Stewart, Alex, last mak.
32 Rutherford, W. spirit m.
51 Hewat, Mrs T. leath. m.
53 Birrell, William, currier
55 South Bridge Pawnb. Co.
57 Borrowman and Mitchell
50 J)r Bell's School
38 Thomson, D. J. leath. fact.
36 Jack, Andrew, printer
30 Smith, G. leath. merchant
26 Stott, D. and J. leather m.
22 Gall and Inglis, printers
20 Burnett&Blackmore,paint.
14 Murray, Thomas, wright
14 Scoon, Wm. & K. bakers
14 Cox, G. & J. tanners
12 Stott, J. H. leath. mercht.
2 Laidlaw, W. spirit dealer
Xhldry Street (Sowth)?
353 Cowgate.
7 Donaldson,A. &Son,toolm.
8 Ramage, Wm. cowfeeder
^orth Bridge,
High Street to Friuces Street.
1 Croall, John, coach olnce
2 Cooper, T. button factor
2 Waldie,Misses, straw hat m .
3 Henderson, P. hatter
4 Laule, F. toy & clock ware.
5 Banks, A. jun. bookbinder
5 Ferguson, Fergus, account,
5 Walker & Co. general m.
7 Ritchie, D. tobacconist
8 Merard, D. hatter
8 Williams, J. jewel-case m.
8 M'Dougall, Hugh, tailor
8 Bower, John, engraver
9 Grieve, J. outfit warehouse
10 Burge, W. hatter
11 Cuthbert & Lees, lace m.
12 Kemp, William, confect.
13 Virtue, Jas. & Son, agents
13 Wilson, Robert, tailor
14 M'Dowall, T. & W. stat.
15 Gibb, Rob. umbrel. manu.
1 7 Macfarlan, J.F. &Co. drug.
18 Chisholm, Mrs
18 Thomson, W. A. jun.
18 Jamleson, Rob. & Co.
1 8 City and Coun. Tax arrears
18 Llddells, Brothers, engravs.
18 Caw, John B. goldsmith
19 Searle, Wm. basketmaker
20 Mason, J. W. tailor
20 M'Naught, J. confectioner
21 Morton & Co. gold lace m.
22 Blackball & Scott, comb.
23 Moore, Geo. bootmaker
24 Roy, James, laceman
25 Mackintosh, James, tailor
25 Main, Edw. seal engraver
25 Shank, Thos. fish. tack. m.
25 Gray, George, W.S.
26 Mein, A hatter
27 Kav, John, basketmaker
27 Black, A. & Co. booksellers
28 Marshall&Aitken,wool.dps.

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