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7 Wem^'ss, Captain James
8 Steuart, Jas. W.S.
9 Mackenzie, Jas. W.S.
9 Mackenzie, Miss
10 Armstrong, Miss
Downie Place,
1 Currie, F. spirit dealer
2 Deas, M. 11. surgeon
3 Muir, Mrs, dressmaker
3 Black, Mrs G. lodgings
3 Brooks, Mrs B.
3 Lauder, Mrs Janet
3 Leggat, J.
3 M'Ewan, Mrs J. tea dealer
3 M'Ewan, Mrs William
3 Dods, Mrs J. D. lodgings
4 Aitchison & Co. spir. mer.
7 Nelson, Thos. draper
8 Gaff, W. overs. UnionCanal
8 Stuart, C. lodgings
8 Tod, Wm. flesher
8 Beattie, A. builder
8 Scotland, George
9 Simpson, Peter, (clothier
10 Forbes, D. spirit dealer
12 M'Cullocli, John, painter
13 Meikle, J. canal office
14 Rutherford, John, smith
16 Davidson, Wm. spirit mer.
17 Potts, Wm. grocer
18 Reid Miss
18 Kinniburgh. D. coal mer.
18 Miller, Mrs N.
19 Cooper, Arch, hairdresser
23 Alexander, Robert, carrier
23 Wilson, A. tailor
23 Greig, D. smith
23 Trail, Andrew, water officer
23 Gardner, Mrs, lodgings
23 Gilroy, Robert, lodgings
23 Moori, Mrs
24 M'Gregor, D. spirit dealer
23 Wemyss, J. linen draper
Home Street.
Crease and Taylor, brewers
Millons, T. jun.
Ritchie, R. flesher
Uruinnioiid Place,
Foot of Dublin Street.
1 White, Robert
2 Stodart, J. R., W.S.
3 Minerva Life Ass. Co.
3 Campbell, Arthur, W.S.
4 Baird, John W., W.S.
5 Harris, Lady
5 Sligo, John, of Carmyle
6 Ponsonby, Mrs, board. -sc.
7 Patten, John, W.S.
8 Forrester, John, W.S.
9 Kerr, Lieut.-Col. Archd.
10 Sprott, Thomas, W.S.
I Nelson Street intersects.
11 Burness, James, S.S.C.
I 11 Burness, AVilliam, printer
: 12 Robertson, Rev. Wm.
12 Robertson, Rob. advocate
13 Scott, Andrew, W.S.
14 Spens, Mrs Dr
; 15 Douglas, J, B., W.S.
115 Johnstone, Alex. jun. W.S.
I 15 Douglas, Dr A. 11.
i Great Kin<j Street intersects.
16 Robertson, Mrs William
' 17 Douglas, Alex. W.S.
17 Douglas, C, W.S.
18 Leishman, John, W.S.
19 Carnegv, Robert. M.13.
: 20 Baird, Mrs W. G.
28 i\Iayne, Miss
20 Smith, John, tailor
20 Brown, William, clerk
20 Pow, James, surgeon
Dtincaii Street intersects.
21 Paterson, Mrs
21 Paterson, A. mercht. Leith
22 Roy, Mrs of Nenthorii
24 Cowan, James G.
25 Cook, Walter, W.S.
25 Cook, W. & J., W.S.
26 Younger, William
28 Sharpe, Chas. Kirkpatrick
29 Pearson. Mrs
30 Grant & Wallace, W.S.
30 Grant, Joseph, W.S.
Scotland Street intersect:'.
31 Ferguson, Wm. merchant
32 Robertson, Hon. Lord
33 Buchanan, Wm. advocate
33 Buchanan, Wm. account.
34 Haldane, James Alex.
35 Gordon, James, W.S.
36 Blair, Hugh, W.S.
36 Sanderson, Mrs
London Street intersects.
37 Ellis, A. G.. W.S.
37 Robertson, Mrs Major
38 Black, Adam, publisher
39 Chatto, Miss, board. -sc.
40 Auld, Hiigh, Com. bank
41 Turnbull, Misses, boarding
42 Renton, J. T.
nrnminond Street,
South Bridge.
^ 1 M'Pherson, J. teacher
^ 1 Rose, Al. mineralogist
Ig- 3 Rutherford, W. sp. mer.
2 Lindsay, Wm,
2 Ewart, Misses
2 Beenie, Mrs
2 Thomson, Mrs, nurse
2 Fleming, Jn. bookbinder
2 Budge, Mrs D.
j 3 White, Robert
I 4 Ilowison, Wm. & Son
j 5 Howison, John
I 5 M'Millan, Thos.
5 Cook, .Tohn
I 5 Bain, George, painter
j 5 Liddle, W. City Customs
I 6 Millar, James grocer
7 Brunton, James, tailor
t 7 Doull, David
; 7 ]\['Kay, Airs Andrew
j 7 Cochrane, R. & J.
j 7 Henderson, G. coach pro.
I 7 Hunter, Mrs John
: 8 Gibb, Thomas & Son
^ 9 M'Intosh, D. shoemaker
; 1 1 Stodart, Mrs, lodgings
: 11 Murray, Miss E. lodgings
II Eraser, MrsE.
II Sanderson, Miss Jane
12 Blyth & Murray
Roxburgh Place intervenes.
14 Dickinson, G. clothier
16 Alexander, John, S.S.C.
18 Kerr, Mrs W, lodgings
18 Gorrie, Mrs D.
20 Dick, William
f^' Roxburgh Street intersects.
^ 20 Aikcnhead, R. cowfeed.
^ 23 M'Kav, Mrs
S 24 WiIsoi"i, G. & F.
Q l>i-iiin.shcus'li;
Lynedoch Place.
Walker, Miss
Richardson, Mrs
Menelaws, W. merchant
l>ul>Iiii Street,
Duke Street.
1 Mitchell, David, baker
5 Buchan, Mrs, green-grocer
7 Campbell, Jamas, draper
II Cockburn, Miss Agnes
15 Clark, Miss E. and Jane
15 Douglas, James, teacher
15 Lawson, AVilliam
15 Mitchell, David, baker
15 Smyles, Mrs, lodgings
17 Roland, G.
1 9 M'Dougall, James, grocer
21 Wylie, David
21 Wylie, H. J. civil engineer
23 Murray, R. cabinetmaker
23 Carmichael, Wm. flesher
23 Calder, Thos. ironmonger
23 Smith, Geo. S.S.C.
25 Brown, William, surgeon
27 ]\Iurray, Richard
31 Campbell, John, W.S
31 Sharp, G. spirit dealer
33 Macandrew, J.& J.,S.S.C.
33 Landale, Robert, S.S.C.
33 Chalmers, Miss Mary
33 Hobday, Thos. junior

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