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Wilkie, Mrs, of Bonington, 54 India street
Wilkie, Miss M. 1 Morton street i
Wilkinson, James, baker, 103 Grassmarket j
Wilkinson, John, surgeon and druggist, 48
Hanover st. — house, 8 Dundas st.
Wilkinson, John, tailor, 6 James' court
Wilkinson, Wra. F.R.C.S.E. private lecturer
on medicine, 39 South bridge
Wilkinson, Mrs, 20 Elder street
Wilkinson, Misses, dressmakers, 58 Hanover
Will, Alex, late of Customs, 4 Raeburn place
Williams, Henry J. secy. Colonial Life Assur.
Co. 12 Northumberland street
Williams, John, pocket-book and jewel-case
manufacturer, 8 North bridge
Williams, Rich. Willis ^- VV. 62 George st.
Williams, Theodore, B.A. Oxon, Piershill
Williams, William, flesher, 31 Kirkgate, Leith
Williams, Mrs B. milliner and dressmaker to
H.M.'and her Royal Highness theDuchess
of Kent, 4 Elm row
Williamson & Stark, corn factors, 19 Bernard
W^illiamson, Adam, cattle agent, 2 Tollcross
Williamson, Alex, shoem. 403 Lawnmarket
Williamson, A. 16 Grove'street
Williamson, Alex. Elizafiekl, Bonington
Williamson, Arch. Lo7i. Stemn Ship. Offi.ce,
9 Waterloo place
Williamson, Benjamin, cabinetmaker, 233
Williamson, Charles, W. ^ Stark, 9 James'
place, Leith
Williamson, Charles, metal dealer, 79 St An-
drew street, Leith
Williamson, Lieut.- Col. David, Willow brae
Williamson, Captain David, 5 Raeburn place
Williamson, David, grocer and spirit dealer,
1 West Newington place
Williamson, Fr. & A. vellum and parchment
makers, Bonington
Williamson, George, tinsmith and gasfitter,
5 Canongate
Williainson, Geo. bootmaker, 299 High street
Williamson, James, surgeon and druggist,
30 Sc Andrew square
Williamson, James, accountant, 5 Hailes st.
Williamson, James, Albion Loan Co. 98 Rose
AVilliamson, James, tailor, 38 India place
Williamson, James, tailor, 35 Kirkgate
Williamson, J. grocer, 55 Westport
Williamson, John, engineer, 4 Fingal place
Williamson, John, veterinary surgeon, Lo-
thian road
Williamson, Thos.^ victual dealer, 37 Bristo
Williamson, Thomas, IM.D. &c., 35 Charlotte
fitreet, Leith
Williamson, Thomas, flesher, Morningside
Williamson, Mrs, 10 Manor place
Williamson, Mrs J. poulterer, 2 Pitt street
Williamson, Miss, J^orthfield, Bonington
Williamson, Miss J. G.4 Albany street, lieith
Williamson, Miss, 20 StaflFord street
Williamson, Miss, 16 Grove street
AVillis and Williams, clothiers and habit
makers to the Queen, 62 George street
Willis, Charles, lodgings, 2 Mackenzie place
Willis, Misses, 3 Leopold place
Wills, Edward, general mercht. Ronaldson's
Wharf, Upper Drawbridge
Wilshere, Michael, Gutta Percha Depot, and
floor-cloth manufactr. 13 So. St David st.
Wilson & Martin, her Majesty's clothierB, 7
St Andrew square
Wilson & Co. dressing-case, desk, and poc-
ket-book makers, 71 George street. — 'Ae&Adv.
Wilson, A. & G. fishing-tackle makers to
H.R.H. Prince Albert, 34 Princes street
Wilson, A. & W. R. printers, Chessels' court,
Wilson, Adam, surgeon and druggist, 10 Lo-
thian street
Wilson, Alexander, gardener, Easter road
Wilson, Alexander, contractor, Granton pier
Wilson, Alexander, flesher, 51 Nicolson st.
Wilson, Andrew, S.S.C. 21 Bernard street
Wilson, Andrew, agent for Edin/mrfjh and
Glasgow Bank, 19 Charlotte st. Leilh
Wilson, Andrew, 17 Union place
Wilson, Andrew, lodgings, 9 Gardner's cres.
Wilson, Andrew, tailor, 23 Downie place
Wilson, Andrew, dentist, 22 Young street
Wilson, Andrew, wright, 18 Leven street
Wilson, Andrew, bootmaker, 33 Earl Grey at.
Wilson, And. boot and shoema. 24 Giles st.
Wilson, Blair, secretary to the Univeisity, 6
Gloucester place
Wilson, Benjamin D. Excise^ 3 Comely Green
Wilson, C. 100 Princes street
Wilson, Daniel, 17 Archibald place
Wilson, Rev. D. teach, of Hebrew, 17 Elder st.
Wilson, David, teacher. Old Assembly close —
house, 2 St John's street
Wilson, David, cowfeeder, 158 Rose street
Wilson, David, cowfeeder, Jock's lodge
Wilson, David, M.D. 3 W. Claremont street
Wilson, David, slater, 1 Portland place
Wilson, David, provision dealer, 117 Cowgate
Wilson, David, wine and spirit merchant, 6
Rose street
Wilson, David S. agent, 26 Home street
Wilson, Francis, 21 Montagu street
Wilson, Francis W. agent Royal Bank, 30
Bernard street
Wilson, George, City Chambers
Wilson, George, M.D. lecturer on chemistry,
24 Society, Brown square
Wilson, George, Stamp Office, 15 Gardner's
Wilson, George, grocer, 1 Lauriston place
Wilson, George, Customs, Hillhousefield
Wilson, George, W. Sf Martin, 23 Duke street
Wilson, George & Frederick, spirit dealers, 24
Drummond street

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