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Fenton, John, & Co. ship-store dealers anti
grocers, 13 Dock place
Fenton, Thomas, bird-stufFer, 66 George street
Fenton, Mrs, 1 1 Albany street, Leith
Fenton, Mrs G., 1 East Newington place
Fen wick, Andrew, cow feeder, 4 Pitt street
Fenwick, George, assay master, 333 High st.
Fenwick, Thos. spirit merchant, 1 1 High st.
Ferenbach, Dominic & Co. butchers and sau-
sage-makers, 73 Hanover street
Ferenbach, D. F. and Co. clock makers, 10
Nicolson street
Fergus, Wm. wood merchant. Great Junction
street — ho. 19 Duke st. Leith
Ferguson, Sir Adam, 27 George square
Ferguson, Alex, spirit dealer, 283 Canongate
Ferguson, Alexander, purveyor of confec-
tionary to the Queen, 1 Melbourne pi.
Ferguson, Archibald, Ship Hotel and Tavern,
7 East Register street
Ferguson, Archibald, letterfounder, 1 Salis-
bury place
Ferguson, Brothers, typefounders, Callender
Ferguson, C. builder andpavementmerchant,
St Stephen st. — ho. 67 Cumberland st.
Ferguson, Daniel, wholesale and retail sta-
tioner, 30 Victoria street
Ferguson, Davidson, & Co. merchants, and
agents for Myers and Co. Peruvian guano !
importers, Saw mills, Leith
Ferguson, Fergus, accountant and J.P.O. 5
North bridge
Ferguson, Geo. sherifl officer, 7 Nicolson sq.
Ferguson, Jas. pawnbroker, 312 Lawnmarket
— house, 5 Arniston place
Ferguson, James, tailor, 16 Brunswick street
Ferguson, Lieut. -col. James, 6 Dundas st.
Ferguson, Rev. J. W. 21 George square
Ferguson John, jun. broker, 47 St Mary's
Ferguson, John, rag merchant, 73 Canongate
Ferguson, John, coach-hirer, 54 Rose street
Ferguson, Ninian, currier and leather mer-
chant. World's end close
Ferguson, Peter, printer, 19 Salisbury street
Ferguson, Peter, chimney-sweep, 12 E. Cum-
berland lane
Ferguson, Feter, victual dealer, 137 Grassm.
Ferguson, Rev. Robert, 6 Lynedoch place
Ferguson, R. G. of Isle, 3 Bellevue crescent
Ferguson, Smith, assist, inspec. Paroch. Board
office, Forrest road — 1 St James' square
Ferguson, Thos. grocer and wine merchant, 2
Market place — house, 8 Hamilton place,
Ferguson, Thos. & Co., china, glass, and stone
warehouse, 11 Commercial pi. — ho. 43
Bridge street
Ferguson, Walter, drawing master, 36 George
street — house, 9 Graham street
FergusoDj William, barm brewer, 4 Spence's
place, Leith
Ferguson, William, 40 Charlotte square
Ferguson, William, flesher, 60 Charlotte st.
Ferguson, Wm. merchant, 31 Drummond pi.
Ferguson, William, bookseller, 7 Bank street
Ferguson, Mrs, lodgings, 41 Lothian street
Ferguson, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 53 India place
Ferguson, Mrs, spirit dealer, 2 Bernard st.
Ferguson, Mrs Christian, confect. 6 Clyde st.
Ferguson, Mrs C. embroidr. transfr. and repr.
of veils and laces, 67 Cumberland st.
Ferguson, Mrs Eneas, 106 Lauriston place
Ferguson, Mrs Janet, small ware shop, 15
Citadel street, Leith
Ferguson, Mrs William, 34 London street
Ferguson, Mrs, 3 London row
Ferguson, Mrs John, Jordan, Morningside
Ferguson, Mrs, 42 George square
Ferguson, Miss Agnes, 1 Carlton street
Ferguson, Miss, stay warehouse, 15 Bank st.
Ferguson, Miss .Jane, 1 St James' square
Fergusson, Alexander, accountant, Caledonian
Railway Company, 125 George street
Fergusson, Geo., Cai!//c«?Y, F. 6fCo. 5Athollcr.
Fergusson, Henry D., W.S. 26 Rutland street
Fergusson, James, W.S. 14 Charlotte square
Fergusson, Hon. Lady Henrietta, 5 Charl.sq.
Fergusson, Miss, 30 Heriot row
Fergusson, Miss, 1 Coates crescent
Ferme, Mrs, 11 Gray street
Ferney, .James, tailor, clothier, and oil-cloth
manufacturer, 8 Dock place
Fernie, James, wright and undertaker, 22
Greenside place — house, 17 Calton Hill
Fernie, William, solicitor, 16 South bridge
Ferrell, Henry, linen draper, 33 George Bt. —
house, 45
Ferrick, Richard, spirit dealer, 16 St Andrew
street, Leith
Ferrie, JIrs, ladies' nurse, 43 Broughton st.
Ferrier and Murray, W.S. 7 Nelson street
Ferrier, Chas. accountant, 45 Northumbd. st.
Ferrier, Charles, grocer and spirit dealer, 10
St Leonard street
Ferrier, David, Bible depository, 17 Leith
street — house, Mary Cottage, Trinity
Ferrier, Jno. spirit merchant, 167 Canongate
Ferrier, Walter, F. §• Murray, 38 Albany st.
Ferrier, Mrs John, 1 Erskine place
Ferrier, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 4 Little King st.
Ferrier, Mrs, 44 Ilankeillor street
Ferrier, Miss, 1 Manor place
Ferrier, Miss, 10 Nelson street
Ferris, Andrew, house carpenter, 179 Canon-
Fever Board, 13 George street — Wm. Whyte,
Fiddes, William, spirit dealer, 4 Cowgate-head
Field & Allan, slaters & glaz. 27 Frederick st.
Field, Rev. Edward B. 6 Dean terrace
Field, Mrs J. milliner and stamper, 7 North
St David street
Fielding, Misses, seminary, 8 Cumberland st.
Fife, Alex, spirit merchant and ginger beer
brewer, 46 Charlotte street ^

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