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Insurance Companies. 58
€(onomicEift Assurance ^orietg,
34, Bridge Street, Blackfriaes, London."^
Directors : —
Deputy Chairman.
Lancelot Baugh Allen, Esij. William Grant, Esq
Stephen Nicolion Barber, Esq. John Knowles, Esq F RS
Robert Biddulph, Esq. Thomas Meox, Esq
Robert Davies, Esq. Henry Fred. Stephenson, Esq
Adam Gordon, Esq. Capt. Andrew A. Vincent, RN.
Auditors : —
M. W. aifton, Esq. F.R9. I Charles Morris, Esq.
Edward Knowles, Esq. I J. Whishaw, Esq. F.R.S.
Physician — John A. Paris, M.D. F.R.S.
5Mr^(?on— Benjamin Travers, Esq. F.RS.
Solicitor — Henry Young, Esq.
This Society is so constituted as to present the means of
effecting Assurances on Lires with the greatest possible ad-
vantage to the public.
Three-fourths of the present profits, and eventually the
whole profits, will be divided among the Policy-holders.
Every person Assured to the extent of L. jOO for the
whole term of life, will, after four years, be entitled to par-
ticipate in the profits, and to attend" and vote at all General
INIeetings, the Members of which have absolute coDtrol over
the affairs of the Society.
No claim can be litigated or disputed without the sanction
of a General Meeting of Policy-holders specially coDTcned
on the occasion.
The Directors, having availed themselvesof all the import-
ant information relative to the decrements of human life,
whicKhas recently been communicated to the public, have
been enabled to (Tonstruct a set of Tables in which the rates
of Assurance are considerably lower than those of any other
Office in which the Assured participate in the profits.
They have also been enabled, from the extent and variety
of the computations, to adapt the mode of payment in each
case to the accommodation of the party assured. An in-
stance of such accommodation may be seen in the annexed
extract from the increasins: rates of Premium, which have
been calculated expressly for the use of this Institution.
Females, and others, who are unable to attend personally
at the Office, may appear before one of the Medical Officers,
in town or country ; and proposals may be completed with-
out delay, where the documents relative to the health of the
parties are satisfiictory.
Prospectuses, and every requisite information, may be ob-
tained by application to the Agent.
Annual Premiums, increasing every Fifth Year until the
Twentieth, inclusive, after whiih a fixed Annual Premium
will be payable during the remainder of life.
Premium p^r Cciit per Annum payable flaring
First Fire iSecond Firei Third Five iFonrth Fire Remiinder
iears. j Years. , Years. Years. , of Lite
I L. s. d.
20 16
80 1 I IS 3
40 8 II
60 2 19 10
By order of the Directors,
L. s. d. I L. s. d
I 17 10 2 2 11
i 10 ( 8 18 3
3 12 8 14 5 6
5 17 3 6 !6 I
52, Albany Street, Edinburgh.
Edinr. Dr J. Thomson. j Aberdeen, Dr C Skene
Glasgoic, Dr R. Miller. Dumfries, Dr W. Maxwell.
Dundee, Dr A. Ramsay. |

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