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Bridges, Alex., 32 Sandport st.
Chalmers, Jn. , 11 Port Hopetoun
Cory, Lohden, & Co., 68 Constitu-
tion street
Gibson, George, & Co., 64 Com
mercial street
Grant, J., & Son, 8 Commercial
Haudyside, A. G., & Co., 8 Com-
mercial street
Handyside, W., 11 Claremont or.
Jameson, George, 2 Shore
Laing, W., & Co. , 24 Constitution
Macgregor, Donald K, & Co., 33
Constitution street
Nicolson, William, 10 Shore
Eeid, Francis F., 2 Baltic street
Seater, "WTiite, & Co., 18 Bernard
Simpson, J. A. , 90 Constitiition st.
Thomson, William, & Co., 63
Constitution street
TurnbuU, Geo. V. , 44 Constitution
Warrack, John, & Co., 43 Con-
stitution street
Younger, J. , 5 Bonnington place
Shipping Agents and
Insurance Brokers.
Abrahamsen, J. , 2 Dock place
Alexander, H. , Dock place
Archibald, William, 1 Victoria pi.
Armit, Archd. M. , 6 Bayton ter.
Becker, J. W., & Co., 2 Commer-
cial street
Brichta, Francis, k Co., 2 Com-
mercial street
Bromley, J., 53 Bernard street
Buchanan, E. G., Bell's court,
Quality lane
Cairns, R. & D. , 8 Commercial st.
Campbell, J. N., & Co., 9 Dock pi.
Campbell, Jas. E. , 10 Bernard st.
Couper, H. K., 2 Commercial 'st.
Currie, James, & Co. , 16 Bernard
Ellingsen, M. J. , 2 Commercial st.
Ewart, E. C, 22 Bernard street
Fedden, C, & Co., 36 Commercial
Gabrielsen, P. W., & Co., 38
Commercial street
GifEord, Wm., & Co., 2 Dock pi.
Gledhill & Dishart, 10 Bernard st.
Grant, J., & Son, 8 Commercial
Grant, Wm., 36 Constitution st.
Gunn, William, & Co., Granton
Hansen, H. P., 2 Dock place
Henderson, John, 1 Frederick st.
Hill, Charles E., k Co., 41 Con-
stitution street
Hill, James C. , 32 Bernard street
Hvistendahl, P. , 41 Bernard st.
La Cour & Watson, 14 Com-
mercial street
Laing, Wm., k Co., 24 Constitu-
tion street
Laird, Alex. A., & Co., 7 North
St Andrew street
Langlands, M., & Son, Wet docks
Leask, J. B., 10 and 11 Tolbooth
Linklater, J. S., k Co., 1 Wet
MacGoun, Archibald, 35 Consti-
tution street ■
Macgregor, Donald R., & Co., 33
Constitution street
Mackie, Koth, & Co., 54 Bernard
Mathisen k Von Mehren, 54 Ber-
nard street
Miller, Wm. C, & Co., 41 Bernard
Oliver, J. P., 13a Hanover street
Ottywell, A. O., 2a Shandwick pi.
Patterson, W. A., 7 N. St Andrew
Reid, Francis F., 2 Baltic street
Eessich, M'Laren, k Co., 53 Ber-
nard street
Roland, H., & Co., 36 Quality st.
Salvesen, C, & Co., 29 Bernard
street and Granton
Schiaffino, Caffarena, k Co., 14
Commercial street
Selletin, E., k Co., 21 Bernard st
Smith, A. H., & Co., 1 India
buildings, 90 Constitution st.,
and Leven
Stafford k Co., 13 Frederick st.
Stenhouse, A. & G., Wet docks
Stevenson, D. M., 54 Bernard st.
Turnbull, Geo. V., k Co., 44 Con-
stitution street
Thomson, WiUiam, k Co., 63 Con-
stitution street
Waddie, A., & Co., 41 Bernard st
Ward & Tupman, 2 Dock place
Warrack, John, & Co., 43 Consti-
tution street
Wotherspoon & Son, Wet docks
Shipping Companies.
Adria Steamship Company, 21
Constitution street
Allan Line of Steamers to Canada,
11 South St David street
Anchor Line of American Mail
Steamers, 1.3a Hanover street
Anstruther & Leith Steam Ship-
ping Coy. (Limited), Custom
House slip, Leith
Ardrossan Shipping Company, 22
Bernard street
Arrow Line, Leith and New York,
89 Constitution street
Bremen, 16 Bernard street
Danzig, 16 Bernard street
Forth and Clyde Shipping Co.'s
office, 16 Bernard street
General Steam Navigation Co.
(London & Granton Steamers),
48 Bernard street, 16 AVater-
loo place, and Granton harbour
Inman Line of Steamers, 1 Frede-
rick street
Leith and Amsterdam, 64 Com-
mercial street
Leith and Antwerp Steamship Co. ,
64 Commercial street
Leith k Bordeaux, 16 Bernard st.
Leith and Bremerhaven, 16 Ber-
nard street
Leith, Copenhagen, and Clxristian-
sand, 16 Bernard street
Leith and Ghent Shipping Co.,
64 Commercial street
Leith, Ghent, Bruges, and Ostend
Steam Shipping Co. , 2 Dock pi.
Leith, Hull, and Hamburg Steam
Packet Co., 16 Bernard street
Leith and Kirkcaldy, Foot of Shore
Leith and Newcastle Steamer, 16
Bernard street
Leith and Peterhead (A. & G.
Stenhouse), Wet docks
Leith, Pillau, and Konigsberg,
16 Bernard street
Leith and Stettin, 16 Bernard st.
London and Edinburgh Co. , 8 and
9 Commercial street. See Adv.
Londonderry Steam Packet Co.,
7 North St Andrew street
North British Steam Packet Co.,
4 Princes st. ; R. Darling, secy.
North of Scotland and Orkney
and Shetland Steam Navigation
Co. , 64 Constitution street and
18 Waterloo place
OttyweU, Albert O., 2a Shand-
wick place
Riga Steamship OflBce, 4 Bernard
Sligo, Ballina, & Westport Steam
Packet OiBce, 7N. St Andrew st.
Smith, A. H. . & Co. , 1 India bdgs. ,
and 90 Constitution st. , agents
for the following lines of steam-
ships : ' Orient,' to Australia
and New Zealand ; ' Colonial '
(D. Currie's) , to Africa ; ' British
India,' ' Star and Hall,' to East
Indies; 'Royal Mail Packet,' to
AYest Indies ; 'Cunard,' 'AYhite
Star,' 'National,' 'Dominion,'
'State,' etc., to America and
Zetland New Shipping Co., 10
and 11 Tolbooth wynd, Leith
Ship Surveyors, Steam.
Marshall, David, 20 PiMg street.
See Adv.
Marshall, Wm., 22 Madeira street
Shoe-Heel & Toe-Plate
Bryden, G. & A., 281 Canongate
Keating, Edward, 233 High street
Fountain, Thos., 34 Haddington
Fraser, H., & Co., 9 Elder street
Silk Mercers.
See Drapers and Silk Mercers.
Brown, Robert, 5 Victoria teiTace
Crichton, John, Edina pi., Easter
Goskii-k, A., Norton park. See
Newlands, Wm. , 8 Victoria tei-race
Thomson, Alexander, & Co., 33
Thomson, James, 160 and 168
High street

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