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M'Intyre, Jolm, & Co., 37 and 39
Nicolson street
M'Kain, Le-svis, 14 Chapel street
M'Kenzie, Alex., 25 North bridge
Mackie, T. & G., 123 Kirkgate
M'Kinley, Wm., 42 Broiighton
*M'Laren, Son, & Co., 329 High
street. See Adv.
M'Laren, C. & H., 46 Eaeburn pi.
M'Laren, J., 1 and 2 ^Y. Tollcro&s
M'Nab k Shepherd, 59 Hanover
street and 111 Princes street
Macpherson, D., k, Co., 76, 77,
and 78 Leith street
Marr, Lanes, 67 Thistle street
Marshall, WilUarn, 108 West port
Martin, G. & J. , 15 L'othian road
Mason, Mrs, 3 Bridge st., Leith
Matheson, A., & Co., 39a George
Mathew, James, 278 Canongate
Matthew, James, & Son, 413 and
421 Lawnmarket
Maule, Robert, & Sou, 74 and 76
Tolbooth wynd
Meldi-um & Allan, 82, S3, and
84 South bridge
Melville, James, 38 Queen street
Mercer & Crombie, 13, 15, and 17
Nicolson street
Mercer, William, 11 Union place
MUlar Brothers, 17a Queen street
Millar, A. R., 55 Bristo street
Millar, J., 1 Forth street
Millar, D., 34 South bridge
Millar, Thos. T., 12 Montrose ter.
Miller, ^Y., 6 and 8 Charlotte
street, Leith
Mitchell, Mrs, 183 Gt. Jimction st.
Mochrie, E., 19 and 21 Dundas
st. and 32 Northumberland st.
Moffat & Co., 43a Earl Grey st.
JNIorrison, Jas., 172 W. Fountain-
Morton, A. , 14 South bridge
Mum-o, Hugh, 48 Earl Grey street
Munro, iMrs M. , 3 Glenorchy place
Nairn, C. D., 37 Earl Grey street
Newlands, Miss, 4 Blackford pi.
Msbet, L., 23 N. Bruntsfield pi.
Oswald, Robert, 170 High street
Ovenstone, G. F., 33 Tolbooth
Phillips, W. B., & Co., 14 Cale-
donian terrace
Phin_, Isabella, 31 Albany street,
Pike, George, 78 Lauriston street
Pillman, Mervyn, 23 Princes st. ;
Purves, Mrs, 23 Broughton street
Eae, H. & J., 7 and 8 Spring
Reid, Donald, 136 Princes street
Eenton, WiUiam, & Co., 12, 13,
and 14 Princes street
Ritchie, Thomas, 58 Albert street
Robertson, D., 24 High street
Romanes & Paterson, 62 Princes st.
Ross, H., & Son, 1 & 3 Nicolson
Ross, Geo., 19 and 21 S. Clerk st.
Ross, Miss E. , 4 Eaeburn place
Rutherford, W., 31 South bridge
Samuel & Torbain, 16, 17, and 18
Tolbooth wynd
Sansome, F. S., 32 Queensf erryr Anderson, Robert, & Co., Jane st.
Scott Brothers, 125 Princes street
Scott, Low, & Co., 4, 5, 6, and 7
South bridge
Scott, James, 272 Canongate
Scott, James, 2 Jeffrey street
Scott, Mrs J. , 5 Greenside street
Scott, Miss A. , 57 Brougliton st.
Shanks, A. , & Son, 2 Lauriston st.
Shaw, Alex., 37 George street
Sinclair, Wm. , 80 Buccleuch st.
Sinclair, Miss, 26 Valleyfield st.
Small, Robert, .55 Clerk street
Smart, Mrs, 7 Blaitland street,
Smith, James, 1 Comely green j^l.
Somerville, Robert, k Co., 58
Bridge street
Stewart, Johnston, 53 and 55
Cockburn street
Stewart, Wm., 12 Johnston ter.
Stirton, John, 290 and 294 Lawn-
Strachan, J., 16 W. Maitland st.
Stuart. John, 38 Morrison street
Swirles, James, 4 Nicolson street
Tait, Miss, 8 Teviot place
Taylor, Angelo, 76 and 78 Nicol-
son street
Telford, Alison, 107 Causewayside
Thomson, T., 135 Princes street
Thyne & Tait, 37 Lothian road
Tod, Eichard, 21 Tolbooth wynd
Turnbull & Wilson, 60 S. bridge
Tweedie, Thomas, & Son, 22 Clerk
AValker, G. & J., 2 Kirkgate
Walker, J. , & Sons, 134 and 135
Walker, James, 35 George street
Wallace, Wm., 11 Crighton pi.
Walton, R. K., 35 and 36 Tol-
booth wynd
Watt, Robert, 381 High street
Weir, Miss C. , 1 E. London st.
"Wliigham, Miss E., 12 Howe st.
Wight, Geo., k Co., 26 Howe st.
Wilkie, Mrs, 6 Gibson terrace
AVilliamson, J.. 43a So. Clerk st.
Wills, Sons, &'Co., 241 High st.
WUson, Alex., & Co., 427 and 431
Wilson, Mrs H., 17 Riddle's close,
Wilson, Misses J. & J. , 30 IMelville
Wishart, T., 43 Forrest road
Wright, P. & R., 16 George street
Dressing Case Makers,
See Pochetbook Makers.
See Milliners and Dressmakers.
See Chemists and Druggists.
Drysalters, etc.
Ahlbottn, H., 77 Shore
See Adv.
Blair, James, 40 Leith street
Blair, IMiss A. , 9 ^Y. Adarn street
Brown, Mrs John, 194 Canongate
Clark & Pinkerton, 17 Greenside
Craig k Rose, 172 Leith walk
Dane, J., k Co., 3 East Register
Dick, James, 16 Laurie street
Douglas, Stott, k Co., Shrub hill
works, Leith walk
Finlayson & Stuart (late Liddlu
& Wood), 47 Regent arch
Hall, Dunbar, & Co., Old Church
Hamilton, Robert, 29 St James'
Honeyman & Wilson, 11 and 12
Meuse lane
Lees, John, & Co. , 5 Johnston ter.
M'Diarmid, J., 62 Albert street
M'Kinlay, J., 6 S. Richmond st.
Manson, M., 17 N. Richmond st.
Mason, M. , 47 N. Richmond street
Miller, James, Son, k Co., 27
Quality street
Raimes, Blanshards, k Co.,
Smith's place
Richardson, Francis, k Co., 1
Sang & Barker, Barony street
Sinclair k Co. , Shrub place
Taylor, Rt., 3 and 4 Johnston st.
Thomson, Wm., &Co., 4 Mill lane
Todd, John, 13a Picardy place
Traill k Fletcher, 17 Clyde st.
Warden, W., k Co., 163 Leith
walk, Leith
Wood & Co., 1 and 2 Calton st.
Dyers and Scourers.
Anderson, Jas., 74 Causewayside
Anderson, William, Janefield pi.
and 115 Kirkgate. See Adv.
Campbell, A., k Co., 30 Momson
Campbell, P. & P., 31 Cockbum
Cassie, J. & A. , 5 Infirmary street
Easton, James, Beaverbank
Fairbairn, M. & J. , 1 Coburg st.
Hay, Peter & Robert, 291 Leith
walk and 46 George street
M'Kechnie, James, k Sons, 41 W.
Nicolson street ; works, Bell's
M'Nab, A. & J., 39 Queen street
Pullar, J. , k Sons, 23 Waterloo pL
and 85 Clerk street
Shortridge, T. , k Son, 4a Forrest
Stanley Dye Works : offices, 1
Lynedoch place and 2 Arniston
Weddell, J., 47a Morrison street
Wliite, Mrs, 4 N. St Andi-ew st.
Egg Merchants.
Calder, John, 6 Murray street
Carmichael, R. , Broughton mrkt. ,
10 Maitland street, and Stock-
bridge market. See Adv.

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