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Mathewson, Petei-, currier and leather mercliant,
59 Sliore ; house, 18 Eosevale ^Dlace
Matliewson, Mrs, 7 Brougham street
Mathie, Francis, 46 Torphiclien street
Mathie, J. R. {H. M. Customs), 22 Portland
X:)lace, Leith
Mathie, R. B., agent {Bank of Scotland), 22 St
Patrick square ; hoi;se, 8 MoUendo terrace
Mathieson, Alexandei', & Sou, manufacturers of
planes, mechanical, engineering, and edge
tools, 23 Cockburn street
Mathieson, Alexander, 14 Elmwood terrace
Mathieson, Ben., butcher, 11 West Ne\vington
ten-ace ; house, 3 Blackwood crescent
Mathieson, Geo., church officer, St Stephen's,
St Stephen's sti'eet
Mathieson, John, joiner, 46 Thistle st.
Mathie.^on, Joseph, wine, spirit, and wholesale
malt liquor merchant, 25 Water street and 14
and 15 Broad wynd
Mathieson, Murdoch, tobacco pipe cover manu-
facturer, Beaverbank place
Mathieson, Wm. , contractor, Georgefield cottage,
George street, Leith
Mathieson, Mrs, grocer, 7 Beaverbank place
Mathieson, Mrs, Clifton lodge, Boswell road,
Mathieson, Mrs, 2 Elmwood terrace
Mathisen & von Mehren, shipbrokers and com-
mission agents, 54 Bernard street
Mathison, Alex. , spirit dealer, 7 Arthur street ;
house, 5 Salisbury street
Mathison, H. , 43 Primrose street
Mathison, John, S.S.C. {Msbet dj M.), 9 War-
render park road east
Mathison, R., baker, 37 Clerk street ; house, 41
Mathison, Thomas, spirit dealer, 50 Dean street ;
house, 11 Cheyne street
Mathison, Wm., gi'ocer and spirit merchant, 54
Primrose st. ; house, 52
Mathison, Wm., broker, 103 West port
Mathison, Helen, broker, 243 Cowgate ; house,
8 Guthrie street
Mathison, IVIrs, 122 Gilmore place
Mathison, Miss, apartments, 32 Alva street
Matson, James, 30 St Leonard's street
Matson, Miss, apartments, 2 Melville street
Matt, Gregory, 2 Roslin street
Matthew, James, & Son, drapers, linen manu-
facturers, and general warehousemen, 413 and
421 Lawnmarket
Matthew & Co., carpet furnishing and family
linen warehousemen, 371 High street
Matthew, A. , builder and mason, 29 Grove street
Matthew, Charles, L. D.S.Ed., 59 Queen street
Matthew, David, inspector of works, 155 Ferry
Matthew, John Robb, 11 Tantallon place
Matthew, Patrick M. , 32 Coates gardens
Matthew, Robert, wine and spirit merchant, 6
W. Adam street
Matthew, Thomas, 18 Warrender xmrk road
Matthew, W. , cabinetmaker, 36 Ivy terrace
iSiatthew, WiUiam D., writer, 13 Brandon street
Matthew, Miss Christian A., 15 Gardner's cres
Matthew, Miss, 39 N. Bruntsfield place
Matthews, Rev. Clement, O.M.I., 5 Coatfield
Mauchliue, A. , grocer, 6 St James' square
Mauchline, Jas., teacher of music, 6 Montague st.
Mauchliue, Robert, teacher, 6 Montague street
Mauchline, Mrs E., 24 St Vincent street
Maughan, Edward, surveyor of taxes, 14 Water-
loo place
Maughan, Mrs, 11 MoUendo terrace
Maughan, Miss, teacher, 119a George street
Maule, Robert, & Son, merchants and manu-
facturers, 74, 75, and 76 Tolbooth wynd
Maule, John, builder, 19 E. London street ; ho. 21
J\laule, Robert {R. M. dj Son), Charlotte villa,
Summerside place
Mauritius Land Credit and Agency Company
(Limited) ; office, 35 Queen street
Mawer, Geo. , hay and corn merchant, 32 Pitt st.
Maxton & JMurray, wholesale shirt and collar
makers, 25 North Bridge
Maxton, Andrew, wholesale shirt and collar
manufacturer, 51 Cockbum street ; house,
106 West Gilmore place
Maxton, Archibald {M. cO M.), Glenogle house,
Glenogle road
Maxwell, Lieut. -General E. H., C.B., 21 Inver-
leitli row
Maxwell, G. E., watchmaker and jeweller, 75
Hajanarket terrace ; house, 68
Maxwell, James W. A. , 2 Barony street
Maxwell, James, baker, 15 St James' sq. ; house,
12 Meadow place
Maxwell, James, Paragon sawmills, Maxwell
street ; house, 13 Cathcart place
Maxwell, John M., bookseller and .stationer, 39
Tolbooth wynd ; house, 24 Dock street
Maxwell, W. A. , printer, 85 Great King street
Maxwell, Wm. {Charles Jenner <fc Co.), 8 S. St
David street
Maxwell, AVm., coal merchant {Miliar & M.),
12 Murdoch terrace
Maxwell, Wm. , coach painter, 92 Fountainbridge
MaxAvell, Mrs C, lodgings, 10 W. Maitland st.
Maxwell, Mrs William, 43 Brunswick street
Maxwell, Mrs William, dressmaker, 4 Canon st.
Maxwell, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 21 Drumdryan st.
Maxwell, ]Mrs, Bangholm bower, Trinity road
Maxwell, Miss, 1 8 Strathearn road
Maxwell, Misses J. k M., fraiterers, 74 Hay-
market teri'ace
May, Thos., 32 Oxford street
May, Mrs, 12 Panmure place
May, Mrs, 21 Palmerstou place
Maynard, Charles W., ilajor, half pay. Royal
Artillery, and Adjutant M. C. A. V. , 24 Manor pi.
MajTie, JMisses, 3 Merchiston park
bleacher, William, china merchant, 132 Cowgate
Meade, M., 6 Lothian street
Jleagher, Daniel, lodgings, 17 L^nion place
Meagher, Rev. Martin, St Patrick's Chapel,
South Gray's close. High street
Mearns, Geo., bootcloser, 35 Leith street
Mears, W., implement dealer, 24 Buccleuch st.
Mears, George S., 2 Gayfield street
Mechanics' Sitesceiptiox Library, 5 Victoria
ter. ; James Smith, 14 Parkside st., librarian
Medical, Royal, Society, 7 Melbourne place
Medico - Chiruegical Society ; secretaries —
David James Brakenridge, M.D., 10 St Cobne
St., and Francis Cadell,"M. B. , 20 Castle st.
Medical Officer of Health, Police Chambei's, High

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