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Maconochie & Davis, com. merchts., 5 Elder st.
Maconochie, Duncan, & Hare, W.S., 10 Hill st.
Maconochie, Clias. C, advocate, 46 Heriot row
Maconochie, John, accountant, 31 Bernard street
Maconochie, Mrs James, 22 India street
M'Conochie, Mrs John, apartments, 11 Melville pi.
M'Cormack, George, 8 Kirk street
M'Cormack, Robert, slater and smoke curer, 236
Canongate ; house, 2 Chessels court
M'Cormack, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 10 Gilmorc street
M'Cormack, Mrs Mary, fish merchant, 268
M'Cormick, James, boot maker, 41 Sandport st.
M'Cormick, James, coal and coke merchant,
29 Hercules street
M'Court, Mrs A., china merchant, 29 Canongate
M 'Cowan, J., artists' colourman, 45 Cockburn st.
M 'Cowan, "William, F.C.S., etc. [Wni. Younger
d: Co. 's Breweries) Abbey brewery
M'Cracken, A., & Co. (and at Glasgow), whole-
sale warehousemen, 3 Waterloo place ; P.
Donaldson, agent ; ho. 5 Brighton terrace,
M'Crae, George, hatter and hosier, 42 Grass-
market ; house, 1 Rankeillor place
M'Craw, Alexander, 10 Gilmore street
M'Craw, John, grocer and spirit merchant, 6
Eomilly place
M'Craw, R., tobacconist, 165Highst. ; ho. 2]Sr. br.
M'Craw, "William, photographer, 6 Carberry pi.
M'Craw, Mrs, 18 Buccleuch place
M'Cree, G. "W., china merchant, 3 "V\^est Toll-
cross ; house, 6 "Valleyfield street
M'Cree, Mrs Andrew, toy warehouse, and register
for servants, 17 Leven st. ; ho. 6 "V" alley field st.
M'Crie, "William, & Co., paperstainers to the
Queen, 22 Leith walk
M'Crie, John ( Wm. M'C. d: Co.), 25 Lutton pi.
M'Crie, Mrs Dallas, 25 Pitt street
M'Crindle, J., 22 South Clerk street
M'Cririe, Thomas, 27 Bowling-green street
M'Criric, "V\'^m. D., com. trav., 16 Waverley pi.
M'Cuaig, Colin, C. A. and actuary, 5 Ravelstonter.
M'Cubbin, Mrs, 5 Salisbury road
M'Culloch, T. T., & Co., chemists and druggists,
61 South bridge and 20 W. Jlaitland st.
M'Culloch, Alex., tinsmith, 46 St Patrick sq.
M'Culloch, Rev. A. B., chaplain to the Royal
Edinburj;h Asylum, Morningsidej house, 6
Woodburn terrace
Macculloch, Gilbert, supt. of Royal Edinburgh
Blind Asylum and School, "West Craigmillar
M'Culloch, John, banker, agent of the Phcenix
Fire Office and Pelican Life Ofiice, 11 Duke st.
M'Culloch, John M. {B. L. Co. Bank), 2 Alfi-ed
place, Newington
M'Culloch, John, grocer and wine merchant, 5
Melville terrace
M'Culloch, John, bootmaker, 16 Bristo place
M'Culloch, John, coal merchant, 4 Melville
place and Morrison street depot
M'Culloch, John, joiner and cabinetmaker, 34
St Mary street ; house, 32
M'Culloch, Thomas T. (T. T. M'G. <£• Co.), 21
"W. Maitland street
M'Culloch, "Wm. T., 7 Caledonian crescent
M'Culloch, Mrs, 30 Lutton place
M'Culloch, Mrs, 16 Findhorn place
M'Culloch, Mrs, 15 South College street
M'Culloch, Mrs, 15 Montague street
M'Culloch, Mrs, ladies' nurse, 42a Morrison st.
Macculloch, Mrs, matron. Royal Blind Asylum
and School, "West Craigmillar
MacCuUoch, ^Miss, dressmaker, 24 Broiigham st.
M 'Cullough, D. , manager Trading Co. , 20 Nicol-
son street ; house, 3 Brougham street
M'Currich, David, teacher (Duncan St. school),
1 Duncan place
Macdermid, Edward, 13 West End place
M'Dermott, James, pawnbroker, 8 Kirkgate,
1 Coatfield lane, and 10 Riddle's close; sale-
room, 14 Kirkgate
M'Dermott, Jas., bedding manuf , feather mer.,
bedding purifier, and upholsterer, 61, 6-3, and
65 Hanover street; factory, North Pitt street;
house, 12 I^elson street
M'Dermott, M., insp. of police, 11 Roxburgh st.
M'Dermott, Mi's James, 153 Constitution street
M'Diarmid, Daniel, agent, 11 Portland pi., Leith
M'Diarmid, J., tailor and clothier, 13 North
M'Diarmid, John, drysalter, 62 Albert street
M'Diarmid, John, 22 Dundas street
M'Diarmid, John, 14a Fettes row
M'Diarmid, W^illiam R., 8 Palmerston place
M'Diarmid, Mrs, 4 Danube street
M'Diarmid, Mrs, 27 Nelson street
Macdonald & Deveneau, general drapers, 4
Shandwick place
M 'Donald & Kettle, joiners and house carpenters.
Angle park terrace
clothiers, robemakers, & outfitters, 31 Hanover
street. i^See Adv. in front
M 'Donald, D. S., & Co., outfitters, 23 and 25
Nicolson street
Macdonald, Alex., 29 Frederick street
M'Donald, Alex., com. trav., 14 Rosehall ter,
M 'Donald, Alex., siieriff officer and justice of
peace constable, 5 Hill square
M'Donald, Alex., 22 Brougham street
M 'Donald, Alexander, wine and spirit merchant,
44 Clerk street ; liouse, 18 St John street
M'Donald, Alex., 12 Admiralty street
Macdonald, Alex. , spirit merchant, 9 Kerr street
Macdonald, A. G., 7 Marchmont crescent
M'Donald, Alex., wine and spirit merchant, &
Clyde street ; house, 23 Dublin street
M'Donald, Alexander, 26 St James' square
M'Donald, Alex., 15 Ferrier street
M'Donald, Alex., upholsterer, 6 Summer place
M'DONALD, ANDREW, clothier and outfitter,
39 and 40 South bridge ; house, 40 North
Lauder road. JfcSee Bill in front
M'Donald, Andrew, spirit merchant, 27 Queen
street, Leith
M'Donald, Angus, confectioner, 52 West Rich-
mond street
Macdonald, Angus, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P., 2^
Charlotte square
M 'Donald, Angus, officer and collector of market
dues, Waverley market ; house, 5 Leith street
Macdonald, Major-General A., commander of
the Forces, N. B. , 29 Drumsheugh gardens
M'Donald, A., 5 Cannon street, Leith
M'Donald, Angus, saddler, 60 Grassmarket ;
house, 1 Nelson street

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